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New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 10, 2005 21:15

From: Sticky Fingers Journal <[email protected]>

Here some info on the new Stones L.P. Some of the tracks are "Oh
No! Not You again"/ "Under The Radar"// "Back Of My Hand"/ "Look What
The Cat Dragged In"/ "She Saw Me Coming"/....and "Neocon". "Neocon" will
be an out take and won't make the L.P. unless some words are changed
it mentions Condoleezza Rice . It's unflattering for USA National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice [] and will go by the way of Claudine.

The track 'Under The Radar' is very Child of The Moon like. Back
Of My Hand is a Great Blues track in the vain of "Ventilator Blues" and "You Got to Move"
with a nice Ron slide guitar and some great Mick harp. Keith also does a nice ballad on the
L.P. There are 16 tracks total from these sessions. 11 tracks have
been slated for release but that could change. Except for a few tracks, all songs are up/medium tempo tracks.

The upcoming new Rolling Stones album is hard hitting and back to the basics. Ron doesn't play much on the album as he wasn't available when most of the recording was taking place.


Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: straycatuk ()
Date: July 10, 2005 21:19

Thanks for the news !

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Rik ()
Date: July 10, 2005 21:25

"Ron doesn't play much on the album as he wasn't available when most of the recording was taking place."

That's very strange

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 10, 2005 21:28

Yeah, I wondered about too - where the hell was Ronnie?
To me it seems more like the didn't wanted him much on the record!


Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: July 10, 2005 21:32

He was in clinic because of his alcoholism. Got loads of rehab the last year, so Mick and Keith did most the album by themselves.
For me it sounds promising. The last European tour Ronnie was out of order most of the time. In Circus Krone in 2003 he played only on the second half of the songs....

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: john r ()
Date: July 10, 2005 22:18

I didnt know he was back in clinic during December thru April, or whenever, as he was quite active on stage, notably the Drury show. It reeks of the usual (cf Brian, Mick T, tho there are varying circustances) marginalization, especially when Mick & Keith are getting along, & that is sad - Hell he'd been in pretty bad shape w/ freebase when he got writing credits on all the 80s albums til Steel Wheels.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: July 10, 2005 23:37

Yes I love Ronnie too. A lot. But when I think fo some truly great Stones albums like LIB and BB, I remember they were also done mainly by Jagger and Keith on top of each other and Charlie in the back pounding the beat. That is what we call the Rolling Stones there.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Pserchia ()
Date: July 10, 2005 23:44

Let's not forget Bill, Chelsea . . .

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 10, 2005 23:47

i guess i'm in the minority here - I don't regard a bunch of new "rockers" as necessarily a good thing. I was holding out some faint hope that the Stones (re: Keith) would dust off the acoustic guitar. Beggar's Banquet is arguably their best LP and it's almost entirely acoustic-guitar driven. I also happen to think that the Stones sound dumb and dumber as the years go on with an almost insane refusal to accept their age in both lyrical content and musical presentation. I know...I know...."rock'n'roll, dude."

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: bassplayer617 ()
Date: July 10, 2005 23:48

If Ronnie was marginalized on the album, then this is a serious wake-up call to my favorite Stone to be IN shape for the new tour. Much is riding on this tour, and I hope Mr. Wood gets his act together--- I love ya, Ronnie, so don't let me down.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: July 11, 2005 01:35

Ron is on the album.He linked up from his studio for most of the tracks.Its 2005 for @#$%& sake people dont have to be shoulder to shoulder.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: July 11, 2005 01:43

How do you know that Ron linked up from home?
Oh teah I don't forget Bill Wyman. Although it seems like the original writing was done pretty well without him. Don't get me wrong. I think the loss of Wymman is the one loss the band has never been able to absorb. But I don't know too many parts by Bill that made a certain studio track.
I agree with you stonestod. I hope the news about the uptwmpo fast hitting tunes means it in the sense of "Wandering Spirit" or "Show me" or "Runnin too Deep". Again - those solotunes all rock in the right way. It's on the damn Stones albums that they haven't delivered consistently. "Sparks will Fly" and "Rock in a hard Place" were terrible IMO. "Can't be Seen" - I can't imagine Keith throwing such a disaster on his solo record.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: July 11, 2005 01:49

I'm sure you're not able to know that. It's your dream, so keep it to yourself. If Ronnie is playin as much as on the last European tour, there's not much to be heared of him...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-07-11 01:50 by micawber.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: drake ()
Date: July 11, 2005 06:07

I understand the desire for acoustic guitar but I'm thrilled to hear it'll be a rocking album. In my mind I picture this one as a cross between Some Girls, Dirty Work and Voodoo Lounge.

Mick n Keith writing/recording most of the material sounds great to me. Ronnie gets my vote but a return to the Glimmer Twins writing style is very appealing.

And to all those who would thrash it... Charlie Watts is on the record. It cant suck.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: MisterD ()
Date: July 11, 2005 06:59

If Ronnie couldn't record on this album b/c of rehabbing, then that goes to show the absolute longevity of Mick and Keith. Hell, they were in the band over 10 years before Ronnie was even considered.
You're either tough enough or you can't hang. Being the second guitar player in the Stones is kind of like being the keyboard player in the Grateful Dead.
Good luck Ronnie, you've had a lucky ride and should be grateful and pull you shit together for the fans that worship this band. There is only so many "last tours". This looks like it could be it with the guys pushing 70!
If not, bring back Taylor for a tour. He looked fine last time I saw him play. He obviously got out early enough before it ruined him. It's only Rock and Roll but it can kill you.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: July 11, 2005 18:33

This info sounds great. smiling smiley
Me like....


Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: July 11, 2005 19:51

drake Wrote:
> >
> And to all those who would thrash it... Charlie
> Watts is on the record. It cant suck.

By that logic, DW and SW wouldn't suck. But they do.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: drake ()
Date: July 11, 2005 20:49

There isnt a single "bad" Stones album out there. Steel Wheels is my least favorite but I still throw it on the turntable every once in a while. Dirty Work isnt horrible either. Sleep Tonight is a true gem on that album. Had It With You, One Hit, Dirty Work, Too Rude... good times.

DW or SW could be any unknown band's great break into the music world. The Stones amazed us all over the years so its a given that some albums just wont catch us like say Let It Bleed.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 11, 2005 23:18

T&A Wrote:
> drake Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > And to all those who would thrash it...
> Charlie
> > Watts is on the record. It cant suck.
> By that logic, DW and SW wouldn't suck. But they
> do.

Now you come to mention it - wasnt Charlie missing on several tracks on Dirty Work?

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: erikjjf ()
Date: July 11, 2005 23:23


Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: July 12, 2005 01:38

i recall that Ronnie plays drums on Sleep Tonight....

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: LISMM63 ()
Date: July 12, 2005 01:44

Ronnie was more active than any Stone in the last couple years, he could not have done all those shows, and PAINT too, make appearances, etc, if he was in Rehab, where's the time for Rehab? Geez Louise, getta grip!

"Fuc the Rock babe, I want the Roll." (KR)

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 12, 2005 01:47

yeah, Charlie broke his leg in his cellar around that time, didnt he?

Theres quite a few other drummers listed on the credits, such as Anton Fig, Steve Jordan and Charley Drayton although its not clear on the sleeve who plays on what. Maybe they're on early takes or backing tracks in some cases.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Potted Shrimp ()
Date: July 12, 2005 11:43

Yes, and his addiction didn't help either.............

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: July 12, 2005 14:37

I heard Steve Jordan played on "Too Rude" and Anton Fig on "Zero" and maybe even "Winning Uglyz"

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: July 12, 2005 17:15

A french friend told me in february that he heard that at that time Ron was back on the boose and that Mick made him "persona non grata" at "La fouchette"
Just a nasty rumour, maybe.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 12, 2005 18:46

well, considering the fact that Mick played onstage with him in London on 13th March, I find it hard to believe Mick would have been that harsh on him. Mick more than anyone has done a lot to help Ronnie get his act together in recent years (if anyone has shunned the guy and been unsupportive as he's tried to get rid of his demons, its been his fellow guitarist)

Ronnie has been in rehab on and off earlier in the year, so I guess that would have coincided with some of the 'cosmetic' work that was done on the album around that time (overdubs etc), although obviously he was there for some of it.

As it appears to be a 'back to the roots' minimalist sound on this record (going by the lack of much additional personnel reported to be playing on it) I guess they got a lot of work done late last year when it was just Mick, Keith and Charlie

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: July 13, 2005 11:02

"well, considering the fact that Mick played onstage with him in London on 13th March, I find it hard to believe Mick would have been that harsh on him"

Perhaps Mick's ways to help are quite harsh sometimes; he seems to give some ultimatums here and then (there was the rumour before Licks Tour, that if Ronnie would not go to rehab, he will not play on the tour). Perhaps that is the way to handle Woody, after all. Mick is a hard and strict father figure, it seems smiling smiley

- Doxa

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: July 13, 2005 14:11

Well I know this from personal eperience: sometimes it is these supposed strict ultimatums; and only these ultimatums that finally get through to a person on the downslide. There are all kinds of names for this: tough love, drawing the final battle lines in the sand etc. Jagger strikesd me as a no nonsense person and also as a loving person. Kind of loyal. Like gazza says. Keith has been the one who has been so obviously un supportive to Ron. But who can blame him? Keith is busy with entertaining his own demons. The last thing he wants to be reminded of is of the existence of said demons. It must be alittle difficult for Ron at this point. as kind hearted and jolly as he comes off, by his own admission he has not had a history of being real forthcoming and supportive of others who are trying to abandon the r&r lifestyle of dope and booze. And here he is himself now: talking in AA slogans. trying to reconcile living the image of the ultimate rock'nroller in the ultimate bad boy band but also trying to stay alive.

Re: New Album info - source: Stickyfingers Journal
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: July 13, 2005 14:52

About these ultimatums. A sort of ultimatum was also handed to Keith in the late-seventies to quit Heroin, not by Mick, but by doctors and the sentence he was facing in Toronto. Well, he quit Anita also in the process. Perhaps it was his common sense who woke up in the last minute to make the decision.

Funny (or not) though, Mick has never talk about Keith's problems in public, and as far as I know, he has never give much effort to help him (like he seems to help Ron). Perhaps Mick knows Keith so well that he will not bother (or that Keith does not need any help). Famous is his remark about almost hoping Keith to have remained a junkie for not disturbing Stones (Mick's) business. Don't get me wrong: I have always have high respect for Mick of not making any moralizing remarks, teachings, etc., even though Keith have behaved like a spoiled little kid along the years.

But what goes for moralizing for using drugs: the common target of the Stones and many of their fans is Brian Jones. That's hypocratic sometimes.

Jeez, I seem to go off the topic, better stop now..

- Doxa

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