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Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: July 12, 2014 21:52

Wonder if some of us here had the luck to meet and talk to one of the Stones personally.
If so - and many of us being a fan for 3, 4 or even 5 decades now the chance is high - please tell your story.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: July 12, 2014 21:59

And may be I make a start:

My story is with Mick, to whom I talked two times:
First time:
16 December 1996, when I was in London at "Harrod´s", just walking in to him in the Sport section on 6th floor. He was with darryl. Trying on some reebock stuff.
I was not hesitating a second before shyness could came up and walked directly to him. Saying hello, and saying the last time I saw him was live at the Olympia in Paris 1995. He told me that he is here in London for christmas and working a bit with Darryl in the studio on some stuff. Very open, Very friendly. A chat for may be 2 or 3 minutes which seems to me like 2 hours :-).
Then I we shaked hands and he wished "A very good christmas and happy new year" and kept on looking for reebock stuff.
A minute later I Called my wife:
"You cannot believe what just happened to me....."
Sooooo happy.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Rollin92 ()
Date: July 12, 2014 22:18

Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie aren't the only Stones. Everyone forgets Bill!

I met Bill after a RKS gig in Swansea 2011. I was 17 and just starting out on the bass, I had a chat to him about bass playing and told him that I was having difficulty with it. He told that I had bigger hands than him so that was instantly an advantage, and to keep trying with it. He signed my ticket 'Keep at it, best of luck'. He was a very charming man and it was great having my bass hero offer encouragement. Absolute gent!!

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: July 12, 2014 22:51

Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie aren't the only Stones. Everyone forgets Bill!

I met Bill after a RKS gig in Swansea 2011. I was 17 and just starting out on the bass, I had a chat to him about bass playing and told him that I was having difficulty with it. He told that I had bigger hands than him so that was instantly an advantage, and to keep trying with it. He signed my ticket 'Keep at it, best of luck'. He was a very charming man and it was great having my bass hero offer encouragement. Absolute gent!!

This is funny as I was just thinking I have not met and chatted to any of the stones then I saw this post and remembered yes I have met Bill Wyman and had a brief chat as he signed my tshirt.
In Rome three weeks ago Jagger came out of his hotel and across the street to say hello to a bunch of us just before he left for the gig,didn't get to chat with him but was still great to see him up so close.


Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: July 12, 2014 23:22

My Mick Story Nr 2 is a bit longer:

Circus Krone June 2003.
Before the band came on Pierre de Beaufort was handing out a few handwritten papers to some girls and women in at the side of the stage. (In front just men :-)
My wife got one of these papers. She was at the side of stage with another girl.
I was in the section direct front of stage.
The temperature was melting all of us.
After that fantastic gig my wife showed me the sheet of paper.
"Aftershow party Lenbach" in a bad handwriting.
I thought this was a joke.
Then I asked the German concert promoter I knew.
"You better go to Lenbach.", he said.
So we went.
At the door those handwritten sheets by Pierre where the entrance tickets.
He personally waited the dorr with 2 or 3 security guys.
Inside was music and finger food and drinks.
And then just 30 minutes later Jagger came in.
It was his own aftershowparty given for his friend Gloria von Thurn und Taxis,
a German Princess and long time friend of Mick.
My wife and others were invited to fill the spontaneous party up with people.
And suddenly the girl my wit was with took me by the hand and stopped Mick,
introducing me to him as the biggest fan in the world :-)
And we talked.
And suddenly he sad: "Aren´t you the slip guy?"
Background: My wife and me got a wedding present in 1991: A framed leopard slip worn by Mick at La Coloseum 1989. (which was written in a document :-))
Me with this slip in the frame was the opening photo of a article in a german
magazine about me a "The biggest Stones fan in Germany" (which was just a headline, as there are many many biggest Stones fans in my country not just me of course :-)
"Yes I", answered Mick, "I´m the guy from the article."
"Well, I saw that," he said, "and I wondered: You got 4 double pages in a magazine. The max we got, was 3 - the fans are getting bigger than us!"
He laughed.
"And second," he continued, "just let me know: Are you selecting underwear from old men?" And he smiled all over and walked on.
A great night.
And Mick even with the 2 hours gig at 50 Grad Celsius in his bones was on the dance floor dancing to 80% of the music until 4 o'clock.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: July 12, 2014 23:37

What a great memory to look back on.

I know that sort of invite has happened before, and great for anyone who has met them. thumbs up

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 12, 2014 23:56

Spoke to Charlie outside Dingwalls nightclub, London, in 78, as he arrived to play a gig with Rocket 88. He posed for photos and was a really nice guy.

Spoke to Keith at a book signing at Waterstones, Piccadilly, London, in Dec 2011.

And spoke to Ronnie backstage while getting his autograph at a party for The Who in Dec 1975.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: July 13, 2014 00:49

At the door to the after party for ABB, with a few friends, I got to say hello to KR, but the majority of the conversation was really with Anita Pallenberg. She and I had shared a ciggie on the street . She was open, polite and funny. I will always remember, I walked up to her and said "Ms. Pallenberg, can I have your autograph."She smiled and replied, " If you had asked if I was Ms. Pallenberg, I'd have said no. But since you know, yes I'll sign" We both laughed and lit a ciggie as a few more friends of mine crossed the street. We all waited on Keith who showed a few minutes later, gave us all a quick nod and hello, and left us there with Anita.

I have met Ronnie face to face three times. The first was at the Four Seasons Shanghai the night before the show in 2006 at the bar. It was before his soberity was 100% , he was there with family. He was a bit lubricated. We had talked on the floor, and later when he came up to the bar I bought his Martini (by all accounts not his usual choice ) for him. He must have apperciated that, he gave me an autograph for the drink.

The second time I met Ronnie was in St Petersburg, Russia. He had a gallery show, and I was one of his guests. He was still married to Jo, and I have a great pic of her and I together. It was just a brief hello and mention that I apprecaited his art . I do have a pic of Beast standing to the side of Ron and his son beaming, and by the tricks of phtography it looks like all three are in a deep witty conversation.

To celebrate the release of " I Feel Like Playing," Ronnie did two solo sets on one night in London, I was up front for both. Through the mechanations of some friends I ended up breifly at the after show party. I had flown there from Micronesia, and got introduced as the guy that came the furthest to Ron . I was totally flabbergasted when he said, "yeah you're that crazy guy from the Pacific..." and though the conversation was brief, just a few minutes. I will always cherish it. What a head trip, to think that a Rolling Stone remembered me!

Along the way I have met Barnard, Tim Reis, Bobby Keys, Lisa, and even Blondie, each a few times, from breif hellos and pictures, to actually sitting and sharing a few drinks and stories. I've had drinks with Jagger's, Richards' and Wood's kids at various after party shows, and once talked for a few minutes to Michaeal Cohl after a show in NYC. All a far cry from defining moments in life , but certainly great memories and in certain circles associated with a bit of bragging rights >grinning smiley< >grinning smiley<

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-13 00:57 by kahoosier.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: July 13, 2014 02:24

Just Keith.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: July 13, 2014 02:28

<<I do have a pic of Beast standing to the side of Ron and his son beaming, and by the tricks of phtography it looks like all three are in a deep witty conversation.>>

That was no trick! We *were* in a deep witty conversation - natch winking smiley Spookily enough, only today I happened across a photo of me and Bernard at that same event.

And I well remember that encounter with Ms Pallenberg. How could one forget, ay Rockman?? eye rolling smiley

The only one I haven't met is Mick.

Another edit to say that one of the classics was banging into Tim Ries at a St. Petersburg brunch place the day after the night Kahoosier had been plying all and sundry with decanters of vodka and he said that he hadn't had a hangover like the one he was nursing since he'd had kids!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-13 02:53 by Beast.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 13, 2014 03:01

And I well remember that encounter with Ms Pallenberg. How could one forget, ay Rockman??

.... OOOwww yeah great memories beast....vats your name is vvvvvwrrrockmon


Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: July 13, 2014 03:11

She was definitely a class act that night and a peach of a lady for you especially winking smiley

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: July 13, 2014 03:30

No, never. Which is probably a good thing, because I bear a resemblance to Brian Jones and I'm sure that would freak them out. Maybe not Ronnie so much, but undoubtedly the others, Keith in particular. That's why I would never purchase a front row or pit ticket, because I wouldn't want for Mick to glance at me and then forget his place in a song and flub a line, and Keith makes enough mistakes on guitar and I wouldn't want to be responsible for another one.

Just kidding! Well, no I'm not actually. Among friends I knew when I was around the age of 20, who were also Stones fans, my nickname was "Brian". So, I've never met and talked with any of the Stones, and I'm sure they would not be delighted to chat with me.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: July 13, 2014 03:42

I have a feeling we will never hear some of the juiciest stories, guarded as they are by some well-deserved discretion. But it is nice to have heard a few choice snippets over the years, and nice to read all of these.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 13, 2014 03:58

.... and a peach of a lady

... Yeah great lady ... funny outside even funnier when I got into the place


Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: July 13, 2014 04:25

It's no big deal if I meet them or not. Yes, I appreciate the music and concerts but I refuse to reach out to them personally unless they reach out to me.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: July 13, 2014 04:41

Chris Fountain
It's no big deal if I meet them or not. Yes, I appreciate the music and concerts but I refuse to reach out to them personally unless they reach out to me.

I'm with you, Chris. In fact, I'm quite annoyed with Keith right now, he was supposed to send me that blue jacket weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it. If he thinks I'm calling first, he is sadly mistaken.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: July 13, 2014 05:20

I was seeing this girl years ago, she knew I was a big Stones fan...........
Anyway after a few months she came out with "Oh, I met Mick Jagger once..."
Me, "you what?"...
She, "yeah, I was working at the Swansea Hilton the night the Stones played Cardiff (1990), a helicopter landed and they all piled in, he was really charming and talked to a group of us for about 20 minutes in the lounge, left good tips too".........other than that, just a day at the 'office' for her....

Me? I did smoke a spliff with Peter Tosh once in 1978, also in Cardiff...........

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-13 05:22 by EddieByword.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: 1967fan ()
Date: July 13, 2014 06:15

Yep, Edmonton 1997. 4 days hanging out this the band, the inner circle like Jim Callaghan. Ate with the band and their families, chatted with Ron a bit while he and Keith played snooker, crazy.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: July 13, 2014 09:23

No. sad smiley

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Raymond82 ()
Date: July 13, 2014 12:51

Managed to amass a few good stories over the years.

Met Charlie in 2006 whilst my arm was broken from a football injury. He signed my program and asked me, "Were you fighting?" To which I replied no, it was injured during a game of football. He then replied, " Scots are always fighting!"

Met Ronnie that same afternoon for the first time. He was in a hurry and signed my program and left. The second time was a couple of years ago in Brussels. He was with the Faces & I managed to get some great photos with him. He was very chatty and we spoke about staying away from alcohol. (I'm 4 years sober) He was really interested in it and said any time I'm in London, look him up! Obviously that's a lot easier said than done.

Met Mick Taylor in Paris a few months ago. He was a lovely guy. Posed for a photograph and was generally really cool, very at ease chatting.

My favourite story is still from last year when I was lucky enough to record one of my songs with Bobby Keys. Bobby to me has always been an integral part of the Stones , so to fly to Nashville and have him play one of his killer solos on one of my tracks was unforgettable. We spent an hour or so together in the studio and he was brilliant. His stories were amazing and he was a lovely guy. I saw hi again recently in Paris and it was the same again. He couldn't have been any nicer. Here's the track for anybody interested.


I love them all. Heroes.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-13 13:02 by Raymond82.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Yazid Manou ()
Date: July 13, 2014 13:18

On October 2nd, 2011, Charlie Watts played the New Morning Club in Paris with his ABC&D Of Boogie Woogie for two shows. As this place is my second home (since 1984), I attended the first set and stayed while the public totally left the club before the next set. I was standing at the bar when Charlie came near me to order a bottle of orange juice. He just saw on the wall the poster of jazz singer Kurt Elling who played on May and asked about the concert. I told him I heard the show was very fine, he liked the singer. The talk lasted about 30 seconds, I did not bother him longer ! That was it, I was quite happy anyway !


Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: July 13, 2014 16:31

This one is with Bill.
1990, 13. August East-Berlin Weissensee.First Gig of the Stones in the reunited Germany.
I had the luck through a friend to attend backstage.AAA-Badge round my neck. Dream come true.
All others of my friends were in the catering tent.
Me was walking around like a child in the toy shop.
Just behind the tent: Bill Wyman playing table tennis with a guy from the stage crew.
I stopped and starred.
Then ran to my wife in the catering tent, stuttering: "There, there, i-i-i-s Bbbbill Wwwyman behind this tent playing table t-t-t-tennis!"
"Oh that´s fine for you darling, just go back and watch," she said, like I was a five year old boy (whom I was in this moment).
So I ran back.
Bill still was playing.
Suddenly the crew-guy had to leave for a pee.
Bill stood alone there, then he saw my.
"You can play?", he ask in his cool temper.
"Y-y-yes", I said.
And played. Table Tennis. With Bill Wyman.
For about 3 minutes, then the crew-guy returned from toilet.
"Thanks for that," Bill said.
And kept on playing with he guy.
I ran back in the tent to my wife:"Ddddarling, you can´t imagine what just...."
Unforgetable. I was 29 years old.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: snorton ()
Date: July 13, 2014 17:51

Snook into a after show party after a San francisco show, Keith was a no show but talked to the rest go the guys, charlie, very few words, Ronnie talked a lot about his demons and brought Mick into the conversation so before I knew it, I was having a discussion about addiction with Mick and Ronnie, surreal to say the least!

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 13, 2014 20:29

Chris Fountain
It's no big deal if I meet them or not. Yes, I appreciate the music and concerts but I refuse to reach out to them personally unless they reach out to me.

I'm with you, Chris. In fact, I'm quite annoyed with Keith right now, he was supposed to send me that blue jacket weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it. If he thinks I'm calling first, he is sadly mistaken.

He's probably going to wear it in Australia.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: July 13, 2014 20:32

Oh Late Bloomer...that Keith. When will you learn that you just can't count on him?

He probably spilled a "health drink" on it and was too mortified to send it on to you.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: July 13, 2014 20:32

I've met and spent time with all The Stones except Bill and Taylor. I was always afraid of Charlie and could not hold a conversation beyond "good morning." If you work with stars sometimes there's some that freeze you up and make you act awkward. Charlie and most of the principles from "The Last Waltz" had that effect on me. Back to point, I had the luxury to hire Nicky Hopkins for a recording session before I had much experience. He was flown in from LA and we recorded him on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. We being kids directed him like crazy. "Play it more like TWFNO" and stuff like that. He obliged, told us an arm full of tales and then announced he had done all he could do for the recording. We then asked him to play B-3 on another tune and he hesitated, saying it's not what he normally does. Still he obliged with a few takes. I doubt this was his last recording session, circa 1986??? but it had to be one of them. Yes, he was way cool, played beautifully and an archetypical pro session man. I am honored to have spent an afternoon with him. RIP.... BTW I had a terrible time understanding Keith's accent and slur back then. "arrrr waaa listin baaak" (I want to listen back). There was a guy on staff with special needs kids at home and he was the best interpreter. These days Keith talks clearer but he'd talk to me and I'd just say yes, nod my head and do nothing.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-13 20:46 by DoomandGloom.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: July 13, 2014 20:42

Keep these great stories coming. I'm living vicariously here.


Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: EJM ()
Date: July 13, 2014 21:43

Green Lady
Chris Fountain
It's no big deal if I meet them or not. Yes, I appreciate the music and concerts but I refuse to reach out to them personally unless they reach out to me.

I'm with you, Chris. In fact, I'm quite annoyed with Keith right now, he was supposed to send me that blue jacket weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it. If he thinks I'm calling first, he is sadly mistaken.

He's probably going to wear it in Australia.

Re: Ever talked with Keith, Mick, Charlie or Ronnie personally?
Posted by: stein ()
Date: July 13, 2014 22:31

Yes, talked with Mick, shake hand with Keith and been in the same room as Ronnie in Toronto oktober 2002

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