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It all has to do with our familiarity with the songs. Again, at most shows, 99%in attendance are casual classic rock fans who want to hear the hits and this is how Mick and Keith have incredibly kept this cash register rolling along despite not having a #1 hit in US since 78.
It all has to do with our familiarity with the songs. Again, at most shows, 99%in attendance are casual classic rock fans who want to hear the hits and this is how Mick and Keith have incredibly kept this cash register rolling along despite not having a #1 hit in US since 78.
My problem is not the war horses , but as you state how they are played. These songs are meant to be played fast with guitar driven riffs. Unfortunately, they can no longer keep that pace and the songs sound flat at times.
Repetition makes perfection. I would assume trying to remember the hundreds of songs they have written would be difficult at their ages. It would appear there is a method for the repetition of the same songs. No doubt they are easy to remember. IF it is the same songs at every concert, with maybe one different song thrown in each concert is enough for them.