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Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: May 12, 2014 21:57

I only want to know if they rehearse "We Love You" nothing more........


Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: steini ()
Date: May 12, 2014 22:05

BV wrote: "There are so many reasons why I will remove any details about rehearsals locations and where they stay. Any sober and intelligent person will understand"

What?? I understand that, i guess i´m at least always sober. But what i don´t understand is: Why on earth i seems to remember on iorr many threads, reviews photos and etc. that must people who were able to read could find out the spot(if not mention in details) where the Stones rehearsed at that time? ...and guess from which person among others those information came from?

Ps. Maby i could understand that unsober.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Date: May 12, 2014 22:14

I don't care where they rehearse, I just want to know if they rehearse to be sure the tour is on

Relax, health permitting, they are going to be touring for many years to come. If their/our luck holds out we should see a 55th anniversary tour and maybe even a 60th anniversary tour. And maybe at least one or two more albums before the curtain comes down. Great time to be a Stones fan, just sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 12, 2014 22:16

BV wrote: "There are so many reasons why I will remove any details about rehearsals locations and where they stay. Any sober and intelligent person will understand"

What?? I understand that, i guess i´m at least always sober. But what i don´t understand is: Why on earth i seems to remember on iorr many threads, reviews photos and etc. that must people who were able to read could find out the spot(if not mention in details) where the Stones rehearsed at that time? ...and guess from which person among others those information came from?

Ps. Maby i could understand that unsober.

I will explain.

People talk. People live local where they rehearse. Then people talk, not in public but like you talk to your very best friend, someone you trust. First there is only one person there, then this person have a friend, and this person do trust the friend. So they are two. The next day. Then the friend do know another friend, and they are three next day. Then they are a dozen after a week, and after two weeks they are 50 or 100, and the Stones have to leave due to security, and the local area hate everyone there because they fill up with rubbish and beer cans and banana trash etc and they block the streets and they do not move an inch in the street when Mick or Keith is due soon, so it is pretty simple and still pretty weired unless you are totally into being there and not at work or with your family, where most sane people spend most their time.

There is not much the Rolling Stones can do these days, without info about it on IORR. Rest assured there will be info here when there is something important to tell. Right now it is exactly 14 days until they are on stage in Oslo, 45 minutes biking from my home. Before that, I would be happy to tell when there is something important to tell.


Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Kaisan ()
Date: May 12, 2014 22:18

I don't care where they rehearse, I just want to know if they rehearse to be sure the tour is on

Relax, health permitting, they are going to be touring for many years to come. If their/our luck holds out we should see a 55th anniversary tour and maybe even a 60th anniversary tour. And maybe at least one or two more albums before the curtain comes down. Great time to be a Stones fan, just sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Yes, I think we will get at least one more album and some tours. The Rolling Stones will exists for at least four more years, I think. ;-)

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Date: May 12, 2014 22:23

I don't care where they rehearse, I just want to know if they rehearse to be sure the tour is on

Relax, health permitting, they are going to be touring for many years to come. If their/our luck holds out we should see a 55th anniversary tour and maybe even a 60th anniversary tour. And maybe at least one or two more albums before the curtain comes down. Great time to be a Stones fan, just sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Yes, I think we will get at least one more album and some tours. The Rolling Stones will exists for at least four more years, I think. ;-)

thumbs upthumbs up

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: May 12, 2014 22:55

Never understood why so much mystery about the places for rehearsals these last couple of tours. The Stones are always well guarded by their bodyguards, etc. so there should not be any trouble in that matter.
On the other hand, i think it is always good to have fans, press, etc talking about the band. Publicity. What´s so wrong with that? A couple of photos won´t hurt and they´ll build up interest and so on...

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 12, 2014 23:46

If the Stones wanted the rehearsals to be public they would have publish details on Just like their home addresses. There is a line between private and public. Most people understand that but some don't and that is fine with me, as long as they understand why I do my job as a moderator.


Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: steini ()
Date: May 13, 2014 00:24

I am not against that rehearsals are kept secret but i do not get this discrepancy of our´s truly.

The following thread is on the frontpage/mainpage on this website (

Paris rehearsals Feb 2014

when clicking on this thread a web page appear and there is written (at the time of those fragile rehearsals) the following:

"The rehearsals for the upcoming Rolling Stones "14 on Fire" tour of Asia & The Pacific are done in Paris. These pages will keep you updated with rehearsals informations, and will be updated often. If you have reports or comments please send email to "

Say no more.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Date: May 13, 2014 00:41

I'd enjoy some video or audio (LONGER than that 1:44 YouTube vid they uploaded a while back) of a rehearsal, maybe like the 1997 tour rehearsal tapes...?

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Date: May 13, 2014 01:31

I can live without knowing any details about rehearsals. It's May 26 that matters. Who knows, maybe we are in for a surprise. Maybe they have recorded a new song or two (in secret) and are going to introduce it/them for the Euro leg of the tour? I like the mystery of not knowing until showtime rather than beforehand.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 13, 2014 02:03

They are rehearsing In Another Land as we speak. Guess who is the guest. By the way this is a joke in case you believe it.

Why is info about rehearsals limited? Because of security. I have said it 1,000 times. There are a zillion professional autograph hunters who sell autographs on eBay. They would like to get info about where the Stones are for sure. Then they will elbow their way through fans and ruin the day of anyone. Then there are press who need to scoop a story, the real paparazzis, coming from Perth, coming from what used to be News of The World, I am sure there is a new one around, so that their hotel and the rehearsals location and streets will be blocked, they would need an army to get transportation safely. Then there are the real psychos, the ones who want fame by doing something seriously wrong. Like they did Boston Marathon, John Lennon, I just heared they placed a bomb by Giro d'Italia and they found it by luck and rem oved it last minute.

There are so many reasons why I will remove any details about rehearsals locations and where they stay. Any sober and intelligent person will understand. We want to see the band on stage and not have anything happening.

Well, great. But this is certainly at odds with last Paris rehearsals where people were reporting from outside every day, and they literally invited people in to see them. Maybe they weren't worried about a John Lennon incident a few months ago.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: May 13, 2014 02:35

I think its more to let Mick get back into his groove without
everyone trying to read into all and every action he takes.

Its going to be hard on him. I bet it will take a little time for him to
get back to his old self.

Sometimes its hard to be happy when you're still SAD.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 13, 2014 03:06

Is this the speculation on rehearsals wishful thinking on set lists I wish they would do something different thread part ?

Great to see this thread again!

As for changes, I'm sure there will be lots of those--chord changes, that is.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Vwoods747 ()
Date: May 13, 2014 03:19

Thanks BV for keeping it real! Hope to see your familiar face, as well, around Europe.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: angee ()
Date: May 13, 2014 03:49


There is not much the Rolling Stones can do these days, without info about it on IORR. Rest assured there will be info here when there is something important to tell. Right now it is exactly 14 days until they are on stage in Oslo, 45 minutes biking from my home. Before that, I would be happy to tell when there is something important to tell.

Thank you for this, Bjornulf, much appreciated.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: May 13, 2014 08:26

there wont be any changes, although David Bowie made a great song about it.


Hi: Nice one! Do you know Rockman?

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: May 13, 2014 08:41 know nuffin'........


Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 13, 2014 09:54

Anyone in security do know that there is a BIG difference in a crowd of 5, 10, 25, 50, 250 and 500. In Paris there were hardly more than 10-15 people, except for the very few last days, where there were 100 at the most. The Stones do love the fans and the publicity, while security have their job to do. I have seen nasty episods where more than 50 people are on site, pushing hard in front of cars, then security are simply outnumbered. Even how much Ronnie do want to stop the car and sign stuff, it will make an unsafe situation. So he is the boss but security is hired by him to take care of his own business.

The fact that they Rolling Stones do rehearse and what they rehearse is not very secret or in violation with their security. Every little detail like the fact that they rehearse Time Waits For No One and that Mick Taylor is there is great to know for the fans. But there is a fine line there, some people just ignore it, they are not in charge. I am in charge. If I was in charge of Boston Marathon then I would not have much sleep, same now.

I learn from experience. In 1999, two weeks before the No Security tour, the Stones rehearsed in San Francisco. I published all details day by day, including where they did rehearse. See the details here, January 1999:


The problem was the streets filled up, there were 100's all over, it was a complete chaos, and after that I have avoided publishing exact locations, simply to make it safer for the Stones. It is my choice. I am not in charge of their security, but I want to see them on stage. Year after year. That is how it will be here. And it will not change.


Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: saltoftheearth ()
Date: May 13, 2014 10:08

....That is how it will be here. And it will not change.

That's fine, and every fan must understand that. But if you are watching the rehearsals what prevents you from telling us which Songs they rehearse. Is this also a secret nowadays?

No criticism here, you are doing a terrific job which we all appreciate very much. As the Americans say: You know who you are...

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: brianjonestone ()
Date: May 13, 2014 11:11

Anyway I do prefer to go to the show and be surprised about something that I really don't expect!
Just as in the good old days!
Do you remember that days?
- A new album coming and no samples, no pre-release, the only choice was stay tuned on your favourite radio and wait they pass the new record until the album goes out on sale.
- A new tour, well if you were lucky you could read about the first date in some newspapers and in it maybe a little information about a piece of set list.
Our fantasy was running wild.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I love that days and the emotions about wait and see (listen)!


Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: May 13, 2014 11:25


But if you are watching the rehearsals what prevents you from telling us which Songs they rehearse. Is this also a secret nowadays?

There were always reports about the rehearsed songs - 2014: [] , 2013: [] , 2012: [] , 2007: [] , 2005: [] .....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-05-13 12:00 by Irix.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: May 13, 2014 11:30

Anyway I do prefer to go to the show and be surprised about something that I really don't expect!
Just as in the good old days!
Do you remember that days?
- A new album coming and no samples, no pre-release, the only choice was stay tuned on your favourite radio and wait they pass the new record until the album goes out on sale.
- A new tour, well if you were lucky you could read about the first date in some newspapers and in it maybe a little information about a piece of set list.
Our fantasy was running wild.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I love that days and the emotions about wait and see (listen)!


I do prefer to go to the show and be surprised about something that I really don't expect!
Just as in the good old days!

the emotions about wait and see
Easy: just don't read IORR and forget the internet & modern news gathering.
Or ask Scotty to beam you back.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-05-13 11:32 by Dreamer.

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: brianjonestone ()
Date: May 13, 2014 11:58

Easy: just don't read IORR and forget the internet & modern news gathering.
Or ask Scotty to beam you back.[/quote]

Exactly, I was just thinking to take the Back to the Future car and jump back just in time to see some shows of the 1964 Tour; some Theater shows in 1965/66 and some secret gigs in the '80, 90' and 2000's!

smiling smiley

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: May 13, 2014 13:40

They are rehearsing In Another Land as we speak. Guess who is the guest. By the way this is a joke in case you believe it.

Why is info about rehearsals limited? Because of security. I have said it 1,000 times. There are a zillion professional autograph hunters who sell autographs on eBay. They would like to get info about where the Stones are for sure. Then they will elbow their way through fans and ruin the day of anyone. Then there are press who need to scoop a story, the real paparazzis, coming from Perth, coming from what used to be News of The World, I am sure there is a new one around, so that their hotel and the rehearsals location and streets will be blocked, they would need an army to get transportation safely. Then there are the real psychos, the ones who want fame by doing something seriously wrong. Like they did Boston Marathon, John Lennon, I just heared they placed a bomb by Giro d'Italia and they found it by luck and rem oved it last minute.

There are so many reasons why I will remove any details about rehearsals locations and where they stay. Any sober and intelligent person will understand. We want to see the band on stage and not have anything happening.

Well, great. But this is certainly at odds with last Paris rehearsals where people were reporting from outside every day, and they literally invited people in to see them. Maybe they weren't worried about a John Lennon incident a few months ago.

BV is bluffing. Jagger wants privacy, which is more than understable. Not even stalking fans is wanted this time.

- Doxa

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Date: May 13, 2014 13:43

I don't think "stalking" fans is wanted anyhow smiling smiley

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: May 13, 2014 18:06

I guess they are rehearsing in Amsterdam, right NOW !!!!

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: May 13, 2014 19:46

Chuck Leavell has a gig in Alabama on May 17th - no rehearsals until then, unless they are in the Deep South...

So it's likely they'll just get together on location the week before the first show for some quick/production/dress rehearsals and "wing it", as usual ;-)

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Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: ErwinH ()
Date: May 13, 2014 23:16

I guess they are rehearsing in Amsterdam, right NOW !!!!

I'll be in Amsterdam next week.... I'll check it out :-)

Re: Rehearsals for European Tour
Posted by: Jon Lasaa ()
Date: May 13, 2014 23:33

Hi all.

Bjornulf wrote: There is a line between private and public.

That´s the point.
Completely agree.

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