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Children at Stones gigs
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: May 17, 2005 14:57

What age would you take your kid to a stones gig?
Anybody had an experiences good or bad?
Are there any age restrictions?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-08 21:15 by bv.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: RnT ()
Date: May 17, 2005 15:23

The first time I went I was 14, but I went by myself without company of parents. I would say it's all right to take them when they are about 11/12 years old, if:
1. you've got tickets for seats (it's terrible if they have to stand up for hours and don't get to see much);
2. they really like the Stones (then they won't mind the waiting);

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: May 17, 2005 15:43

I was 11 the first time, and alone, at a Sweet concert, the Give Us A Wink tour. My kids are that age today, but I would go with them, too many psychos out there.

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: nashville ()
Date: May 17, 2005 15:44

Detest kids at gigs if they are very young - teenagers are ok but really young kids are a pain in the arse especially if you have to sit next to them. Keep em out!


Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: bombayturner ()
Date: May 17, 2005 15:49

got my first spliff at a stones show (no parents), therefore bring them all can't harm.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: KeithRichards ()
Date: May 17, 2005 15:53

I was 14 at the first concert, we had seats. It was no problem at all - next time I'll take my little brother, he will be 12 then. I don't see any problems, and he's really crazy for the Stones!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: May 17, 2005 15:58

Took my kids to see the Stones in 2002. They were 8 and 12. They really enjoyed the show and knew almost all of the songs. My oldest son said his friends didn't know who the Stones were, but couldn't beleive he saw No Doubt!!! I think it is important for kids to be exposed to good music as much as possible as there is so much junk out there. It all depends on how well-behaved (not bothering others) your kids are.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: May 17, 2005 16:11

I have a buddy, who was 11 at the time, that saw the Stones in Mobile, Alabama with his father. During the Licks show in Atlanta my buddy continued the family tradition and took his son who was 14. It all depends. No need to waste tickets on kids who are indifferent.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Oveinvain ()
Date: May 17, 2005 16:23

I have brought my daughter to Stones concerts twice. She was 6 years old the first time and 11 the second time. She loved it, especially the second time (at Stockholm Stadion 2003). No problems as long as they have seats.


Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: percystokes ()
Date: May 17, 2005 16:25

Hi everybody,Its my first time posting a messsage on this site, but I have been reading them for quite a while....this question spurred me on to register. I took my 2 little boys to twickenham then aged 2 and 4 and they loved it, danced in the aisles and sang along to most of the songs...the only downer was having to pay £150 each for a ticket for them, but they were quite good tickets, half way between the a and b stage. Honestly man, I had no problems at all...and it was a good education for them, now they know all the songs and the names of all the band. It will be real handy when they do their A-level on the rolling stones.


Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: mudbone ()
Date: May 17, 2005 17:09

Detest kids at gigs if they are very young - teenagers are ok but really young kids are a pain in the arse especially if you have to sit next to them. Keep em out!

Andy, what's your last name ?


I detest people who cant relate to kids anymore, keep em out!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 17, 2005 17:20

a friend of mine in LA took her son to see the Stones at Memorial Coliseum in October 1981.

She thought of it as a sort of 'bonding' thing, I suppose.

He was ten days old.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 17, 2005 17:23

percystokes Wrote:
> Hi everybody,Its my first time posting a messsage
> on this site, but I have been reading them for
> quite a while....this question spurred me on to
> register. I took my 2 little boys to twickenham
> then aged 2 and 4 and they loved it, danced in the
> aisles and sang along to most of the songs...the
> only downer was having to pay £150 each for a
> ticket for them, but they were quite good tickets,
> half way between the a and b stage. Honestly man,
> I had no problems at all...and it was a good
> education for them, now they know all the songs
> and the names of all the band. It will be real
> handy when they do their A-level on the rolling
> stones.
> percystokes

One thing I always remember from that show (the 24th August one) was the audible gasp from the crowd after the band had left the stage (before the encores) as the cameras panned around the stadium and focussed in on this little girl who must have been all of about 3 or 4 and who was obviously having the time of her life. It was what Keith would call a "passing the torch" moment, I suppose!

I think you can actually see her on the Four Flicks DVD

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: percystokes ()
Date: May 17, 2005 17:44

Yeah Gazza, I saw that on the dvd and that was the concert I was at......I am still studying the footage of that gig in slo mo to see if I can spot my boys?!!.....I couldn't believe the heat that was generated from the flames that came up when they started start me very nearly fried everyone in the first 80 rows.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 17, 2005 18:03

I was in the 9th or 10th row near the catwalk (I can briefly see myself on the DVD taking a close up photo of Keith just after he tries to kick Ronnie's arse as theyre going back to the main stage at the start of Gimme Shelter) and yes, it was bloody hot!

If I'd been in the first couple of rows I'd have ended up like Michael Jackson did when filming that Pepsi commercial a few years ago

BTW - some of the audience shots on that DVD are actually from Amsterdam, so it might be harder than you think to see your kids!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: percystokes ()
Date: May 17, 2005 18:32

I am gonna give up looking now you have said couldn't have been far away from me then, I was about 15 rows back on Keiths side a block in from the catwalk.........great gig eh.....on my way to the bog I bumped into Keith and Ronnies daughters....wot a nice looking couple of chicks they have turned out to be!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: mark ()
Date: May 17, 2005 18:51

Elmo said it best.....I too like to expose my kids to all kinds of experiences from Monster Trucks (daughter loves them) to concerts. Took my 8 year old son to BtoB, fell asleep for the last three songs, but then again I passed out for three songs in 72...different story. Best part was my Ex had to take my daughter to Britney Spears to make up for us going to the Stones.

If you want the kids to have a chance to see some of their parents passions try including them in your activities. I do agree with some of the problems noted though. Floor seats would suck, think as if you were Mini-Me.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: mg72 ()
Date: February 8, 2019 04:26

I know this thread is 14 years ago.
Someone asked me if I'd go with when I was 12 but I had to decline. Maybe middle school is the right age.
Instead of them I saw Bryan Adams 3 months after I'd have seen them.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 8, 2019 04:38

Great! Bring earplugs for them.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: TKinOH ()
Date: February 8, 2019 04:50

I took my 2 daughters to Columbus in 2015, had floor seats, but on the aisle near the VIP bunker it was no problem for them to dance in the walkways... where they spent most of their time shooting pix and video, of course!

Just today my youngest turned Sweet Little 16, and she'll be with me in Philadelphia... my 17 year old is goin' to Landover with me right before that. I played it selfish, so Dad gets 2 gigs and some quality time with each of my girls!

They're easier to divide and conquer these days, with different interests and all... We will have a great time!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 8, 2019 04:55

Once in a Stones concert we are all kids ….


Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: TumblinDice76 ()
Date: February 8, 2019 05:10

At the 2015 Indianapolis Motor Speedway show there were quite a few kids. I'd say fans were very gracious. I think fans get it. There is no set date for the Stones to retire so if your kids like the music and can handle crowds why not!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Date: February 8, 2019 05:18

I'm 17 and i'll be seeing my first 'Stones gig in April. It's gonna be the first concert I've ever attended by myself. I Bought my own ticket as well.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: February 8, 2019 05:19

I took my kids to Twickenham last year, aged 5,8 and 8 - they had a blast! Singing and dancing and thrilled to be there. They were Stones fans before, now they absolutely love them. The gig was one of their highlights of last year (a year that included riding camels in the Sahara and camping on the Isle of Skye).

I would say that it does depend on how confident, outgoing etc your children are. Some kids are freaked out by noise and huge crowds, so that would obviously not be a good idea.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: DREAMTIME ()
Date: February 8, 2019 06:12

My first concert was at 15 with friends only. Too many parents today want to be friends with their children. The Rolling Stones is a satanic show with much sexual content. Drugs. Lyrics about alternative lifestyles and mostly adult content. Parents should not be taking their kids where adults are using recreational alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs in excess. There is a range of entertainment out there and parents need not rush their children into adult events, which also makes other adults unable to enjoy themselves with children around. Your child should go to a concert when they can go without you

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: February 8, 2019 06:34

I'm 17 and i'll be seeing my first 'Stones gig in April. It's gonna be the first concert I've ever attended by myself. I Bought my own ticket as well.

Well done! I hope you have a great time!

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: z ()
Date: February 8, 2019 07:21

What age would you take your kid to a stones gig?
The age they are.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: SKILLS ()
Date: February 8, 2019 09:10

Well i say if they like it, take em. I was with a group who went to Michael Jackson in 1996 an it was a free for all standing event, we encountered a couple of mum's with there small children, probably 8 and 10, when me and my buddy realised that these kid's couldn't see a lot, we offered to put them up on our shoulders, the Mum's were so happy about that, so we had them up for 20 minutes or so, and the smiles on their faces when their Mum's said do you want to jump up on these Men's shoulders was just magic, plus got me mega brownie points with my wife.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: February 8, 2019 09:23

I was going to pull a joke on Bill's behalf. But sanity saved me from it.

Re: views on children at a stones gig
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: February 8, 2019 09:50

My father took me to the first concert when I was eleven- it was great. As a teenager I was obsessed with the Stones, I probably was getting on his nerves with all the Stones books I read. By now I sense a lot of distance to the band, yet I listen to some albums (as my father does), and I regularly visit a certain website dedicated to the Stones.

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