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Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: basti ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:26

Düsseldorf is great.

The Lanxess Arena or Cologne Arena have a veryyyyyyy stupid Sound.
On some Concerts I go after few Songs, so the Arena in Düsseldorf is OK.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Program ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:32


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-17 17:41 by Program.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: satisfaction2 ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:39

The last time they played in Düsseldorf the arena was names LTU arena:

I think for this show the ticket selling was very slow and the put the stage on the long side. Was there a seating or standing area in FOS?

Nochmals! Again!
düsseldorf arena has 2 capacities for concerts.

- Stage on "longways soccerfield side" , capacity ca. 50 - 60.000. This can be seating. But is not a must.

- Stage on "shortways soccerfield side" where the football tor is, capacitiy ca. 35 - 40.000 ( like 2007 concert). This can be seating (like 2007). But is not a must.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:44

The dates so far are really bad for me. Hamburg and Munich off,
no Saturdays (except for the festivals) yet. I can´t make it
in the week. So thats a really bad schedule so far.

Let's face it .................what's a bad schedule for some of us is gonna be nice to fit in for others.
You can't please all of the people all of the time.

It's like a Stones setlist. No matter how good it is,there will always be complaints.

Thanks, you forgot "Simple as that"

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Merlin ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:44

If the order of shows in the list is correct, then they would only have one day of rest before the Stockholm show. Hopefully, that won't affect the show.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:47


those agencies making their living out of it...what is the reason they are allowed to do it?

I hate to make it sound as if I'm supporting scalpers, but with regard to agencies like Stubhub, I have to confess there have been times I've been glad of their existence as they were the only way I could get (or upgrade) a ticket, and I've also used them to sell tickets--and I always sell for just under face value, since I have to pay the agency's commission and so does the person who buys the ticket. At least I get some money back, and somebody gets a reasonably priced ticket. I guess the agencies are allowed to do it because it's all legal--they're just asking people to pay whatever the market will bear. The downside of all this is obvious, but the upside is that they occasionally provide an alternative option for people who couldn't get tickets through Ticketmaster (which owns a lot of these agencies anyway).

Having said all which, nobody is happier than me when somebody selling tickets outside the venue for a ridiculously inflated price gets stuck with them.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:49

If the order of shows in the list is correct, then they would only have one day of rest before the Stockholm show. Hopefully, that won't affect the show.

Not if they play June 31


Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: satisfaction2 ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:49

Düsseldorf is great.

The Lanxess Arena or Cologne Arena have a veryyyyyyy stupid Sound.
On some Concerts I go after few Songs, so the Arena in Düsseldorf is OK.

Düsseldorf is great. That`s right!

My sound experience/meaning (roger waters / stones 2007 etc.):
The Esprit Arena sounds only in the inner places, I mean the soccer field (Innenraum), good.

If you buy golden circle or FOS it will be a nice event for you - I think!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-16 21:50 by satisfaction2.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Program ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:52


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-17 17:41 by Program.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: March 16, 2014 21:59

Will Germany get a third show? Because they wanted to play 15 cities so one is left.
Hamburg would be a good choice. smiling bouncing smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Program ()
Date: March 16, 2014 22:13


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-17 17:42 by Program.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: March 16, 2014 22:55


Because they wanted to play 15 cities so one is left.

It's the 14 on Fire Tour ..... winking smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Merlin ()
Date: March 16, 2014 23:27

BV made it clear today that the Stockholm date is not fixed in any way. Stockholm will not necessarily be the concert before Roskilde. Besides there's only 30 days in month of June.

If the order of shows in the list is correct, then they would only have one day of rest before the Stockholm show. Hopefully, that won't affect the show.

Not if they play June 31


Well, do you think they would be able to change over the stage from One Direction to the Stones if they play on the 16th? Is that even possible? One Direction has a show at Friends arena on the 14th.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:11


Because they wanted to play 15 cities so one is left.

It's the 14 on Fire Tour ..... winking smiley

It's the (20)14 on Fire Tour ..... winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-17 00:12 by BowieStone.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:22

Wonder what will happen with Hamburg and Cologne.

Well, Cologne was changed for Dusseldorf, but it can change back, like Rome / Milan I guess.

This is a nightmare for me :-) I already have concerts on June the 18th and July the 2nd. I would love to see Clapton on June the 26th. I have a wedding to attednd as a best man on June the 21. My wife wants to plan the holiday. If we don't know the dates by Friday, something will happen :-) I guess there are plenty of people experiencing the same here.

And now Berlin, which is kind of close (just some 500 km) has been changed to a "club show" for 18 000 people, where it would be impossible to get good tickets. I have never been to Waldbuhne, but what I have seen from photos, there is a small "floor" area, which would be great, but then there are thousads of seats on a slope, the largest circle (most seats) being pretty much the same distance from the stage as the top-most circle at the Olympia Stadium, which is really far away. Or can someone who has been to the Waldbuhne prove me wrong? What is it like, really?

Heck, you have a tough schedule ahead.

anyway here's a clip to get you an idea of what "Waldbühne" is about.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:25


It's the (20)14 on Fire Tour ..... winking smiley

There was already a discussion: [] . smiling smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: OnlyKeef ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:27

according to this site The Stones are playing Rock in Rio Lisboa on Friday 23 May 2014.

They have a plane going from show to show. It takes 4 hours from Oslo to Lisbon. Less than the distances they have between Macau, Shanghai, Singapore etc.

The tour start will be LAST week of May and Oslo is the tour start city. The given month info in my list should be accurate, but I think there is a bit much space between Lisbon and Tel Aviv, don't know why.

BV today told us: "...The tour start will be LAST week of May and Oslo is the tour start city. The given month info in my list should be accurate, but I think there is a bit much space between Lisbon and Tel Aviv, don't know why."

If it's true (and for me it's true) 23 MAY sure is not correct ! And Lisbon is the 2nd city after Oslo.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:32

Anyone know if a Dublin show is likely? And how much tickets will be?

Hyde Park #1 was my only show; and getting FOS for £95 was brilliant. I'm desperate to see them again, and Dublin is my only possibility.

But to be honest, if I can't get close to the stage or FOS, I may not even bother. I'm not sure if anything will beat that lush summer day in London.

But first of all, is a Dublin show likely?

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:32

Tour start in Oslo , May 26

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:33

Oh, and anyone know roughly when an announcement will be made?

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:45


Oh, and anyone know roughly when an announcement will be made?

From [] on 15th March:

"The Rolling Stones will be playing more major shows in Europe in May and June, and these will be announced over the next week."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-20 11:20 by Irix.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: March 17, 2014 00:53

Thanks Irix thumbs up

What about ticket prices (roughly)?

I'm hoping I can get pretty close with a budget of £150 a ticket...? confused smileyeye rolling smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: maradona ()
Date: March 17, 2014 01:06

DATES FOR GERMANY ARE FIXED: June 10th (Berlin) + June 19th (Düsseldorf)

Pre-sale for BILD readers in Germany starts Thursday, 9 AM. Regular ticket sale on Friday.


Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: March 17, 2014 01:30

DATES FOR GERMANY ARE FIXED: June 10th (Berlin) + June 19th (Düsseldorf)

Pre-sale for BILD readers in Germany starts Thursday, 9 AM. Regular ticket sale on Friday.


Now it´s out...but do we really want to know what P. Schwenkow, the
promoter, will charge for Waldbühne? In 1998 he took 200 DM (100€),
while the stadium shows were mainly 100 DM (50€) which was already very
expensive for a field/stadium show at that time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-17 01:33 by TooTough.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: jazzbass ()
Date: March 17, 2014 02:48

What about Tel Aviv? What's it like to travel to this city? Are there terrorism concerns? I'd really like to go as I've never traveled to the middle east. Is alcohol legal there? I'd like to party a bit. Sorry I just know nothing about Israel when it comes to tourism.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Karlos123 ()
Date: March 17, 2014 03:20

DATES FOR GERMANY ARE FIXED: June 10th (Berlin) + June 19th (Düsseldorf)

Pre-sale for BILD readers in Germany starts Thursday, 9 AM. Regular ticket sale on Friday.


Do you think this is the only presale? Might the Stones have one too? I don't want to buy a f***ing BILD just to get tickets.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 17, 2014 04:06

This is from the local paper Asker & Bærums Budstikke i.e. just outside Oslo, location of the tour start:

Hevder Rolling Stones åpner europaturnéen på Fornebu
Ifølge godt informerte kilder, spiller Rolling Stones på Telenor Arena 26. mai.



Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: March 17, 2014 05:46

Germany concerts confirmed:


Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: z ()
Date: March 17, 2014 06:13

What about Tel Aviv? What's it like to travel to this city? Are there terrorism concerns? I'd really like to go as I've never traveled to the middle east. Is alcohol legal there? I'd like to party a bit. Sorry I just know nothing about Israel when it comes to tourism.

You will love Tel Aviv jazzbass. No terrorism concerns. Alcohol is legal of course. Very active nightlife, great weather, beautiful womem, rolling stones (hopefully)... One big party. Seeya there.

Re: The Rolling Stones World Tour 2014 - dates and more
Posted by: Merlin ()
Date: March 17, 2014 07:24

Well, I hope we get that Stockholm date soon. But I don't really see how they will be able to play Friends arena in june. Would be a shame if they tried to manage it on the 16th or 30th. One day to build the stage AND try to set the sound in what must be one of the worst sounding arenas in the world. I think the Globe arena has better acoustics and that is completely round.

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