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Posted by: The Maverick ()
Date: May 12, 2005 13:54

Having saw Little Richard recently, great band, still got the voice. However it was a bit sad to see him shuffling on stage, he looked like an ultra camp shuffling Liberace. He played great but the fact his body movements seemed to have gone, after seing Jerry Lee Lewis recently to it made me think about the Stones, this could be one of the last oppurtunities to see the band together as they are only about 10 years younger than these rock n roll legends and after this tour most of them will be in there mid 60's and if they did another tour they would almost be 70. Wouldn't like to see the Stones in the same condition as Little Richard, eveing if they could still play and sing.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: May 12, 2005 13:58

Its sad in a way but unavoidable....I'd like this to be the last huge tour then perhaps a few specials then on. Just keep a little dignity perhaps. Will be buying the new JLL album though.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 12, 2005 14:30

Even if Li´l Richard has been Jagger´s performance & vocalist role model for almost half a century our man will never get to that point of camp-ness that the old faggot in question has done.
Let the boys grow old. Were they embarassing at the PC in NYC? Hardly.
They will only become cooler & cooler the older they get. Its like with better wines.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: May 12, 2005 15:06

Mick has more pride and respect for himself to EVER perform less than 100% so don't ever worry about them embarrassing us!

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 12, 2005 15:09

Wasnt LR in a serious car crash a while back, though?

that may account for his lack of mobility.

JLL looked like death warmed up at that Willie Nelson tribute last year. I was shocked as to how downhill he's gone physically, although Ive seen him in variable states of health before over the last few years

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Jackass ()
Date: May 12, 2005 15:11

I agree Debra. And is it just me or did Keith look a lot healthier than he has in the past at the press conference? He wasn't rail thin. They all looked well (other than the wrinkles of course, but that comes with age now doesn't it?). Get the feeling Charlie has almost had enough though.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Fansince1964 ()
Date: May 12, 2005 16:52

I've written it earlier and I'll do it over and over again.
They looked happier and ever so healthy during the PC and
it's a good sign for all of us!


Re: Ageing
Posted by: Tseverin ()
Date: May 12, 2005 17:01

Talking of shuffling I saw Dylan last year in London and he was shuffling about like a stereotype pensioner + his bewildered expressions did make me think of the dreaded Alzheimers. Hard to believe the same man recently wrote such a sharp book & continues to write powerful songs. Mick & the boys resembled teenagers at the pc though in comparison (well perhaps not Charlie).

Re: Ageing
Posted by: The Maverick ()
Date: May 12, 2005 17:23

Your right, Dylan did look in trouble last year, he's about 65 now, isn't he? By contrast I've seen Willie Nelson and Chuck Berry in recent months and they both move well and defy there age, both had the energy of someone about 50, and Chuck Berry is 79.

Little Richard, Bod Dylan and Jerry Lee Lewis though, it's a shame to see these people struggle to move freeley, remember seeing a film of Johnny Cash not long before he died, he looked about 100, could hardly stand, he was playing a village hall type gig (Carter Fold). He had to be led off stage by other pensioners, a bit like watching an OAP Hokey Kokey, very sad.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 12, 2005 17:38

Robbie "Bob Dylan" Zimmerman will be 64 this summer, the 24th of May.

And Maverick; I´m pretty sure buy now that you´re not the best friend with Mother Time & maybe have a hard timme accepting we all gonna age & evetually also die. Face it, man.

Johnny Cash is one of the finest artist the world has seen; and he may have the right to be rusty towards the end. Its hopeful & encouraging that these old geezers want to perform till the very end, the ultimate death is on stage imho... Swedish national bard Evert Taube performed often till he was some 84 years or so. Chuckster is almost there. Cool off, soon, please.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: May 12, 2005 17:43

Debra is 100% right.

"got to be worked on
don't have no bark nor bite..."

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Aucoin ()
Date: May 12, 2005 17:44

Jackass Wrote:
> Get the
> feeling Charlie has almost had enough though.

I´ve got that feeling about Charlie for 25 years. But he can´t stop. Like the others.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 12, 2005 17:45

And when he is treating his skins is feels like its 1962 or something...

Re: Ageing
Posted by: The Maverick ()
Date: May 12, 2005 18:09

Mick Taylor looks not to bad for his age though, a bit bloated but other than than ageing well.

Just an off topic comment, all the Taylor worshippers on the site (I only seen him play in the stones twice) When he played on that tour with Dylan on 84 he was not the super guitar god, you all make him out to be. To be honest he doesn't have the same visual impact of Ronnie and is little more than a backing musician.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: May 12, 2005 18:11

@#$%& me you done it know! Your a marked man....

Re: Ageing
Posted by: marquess ()
Date: May 12, 2005 18:14

Try a Vintage Port, let´s say a Taylor´s 1963 or a Fonseca of the same year, and you see it HAS really got better... like the Stones....

Re: Ageing
Posted by: The Maverick ()
Date: May 12, 2005 18:48

Bruce Springsteen is ageing well though, I know he's a bit younger but both in his apperance, manner and music is ageing with dignity and style.

Fat's Domino to for a man of about 80 on his occasional gigs and sightings now, looks a bit more mobile than Dylan, Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis put together.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: May 12, 2005 18:53

I'm 45........Jagger resembles his 1975 appearance much more than I do. We should all take care of ourselves as well as Jagger has.

Long live the Rolling Stones.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 12, 2005 19:25

Shawn20, above: "We should all take care of ourselves as well as Jagger has." (too expensive a price for me, pal...).

That could be said about Keef also, at least after ´80.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Miss U. ()
Date: May 12, 2005 21:52

Hedonism is the stones. Being a health fanatic is not. Still gotta admire Mick's youthfulness. The stones are not ageing as normal people do, they are very pampered. Is it just me or did Ronnie look alit bit pale at the press conference? Maybe it's just the coloring on the computer screen.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: davido ()
Date: May 12, 2005 22:54

Old blues guys often perform well
in a seasoned sort of way, late into
life. Younger generation may not find
this so appealling tho. We'll see
how there demographics hold
this tour/ album.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: May 13, 2005 02:02

Jackass, I do think Keith looks alot better with a few pounds on his frame! I'd rather see a little paunce than the sunken cheekbone look. Elegantly wasted is way out of style! I'm just thrilled to see Charlie ALIVE so he's allowed to be cranky! I once had lunch in MOntreal and Mick was dining 3 tables away with a male friend, not someone I was familiar with. Later I was told it was a friend who has know Mick socially for years and was not in the music biz! Anyway, I had a third row seat for that night's show and had just purchased a HUGE UNion Jack to toss up to Mick during the show and I had it with me! I watched what Mick was eating and drinking! A huge platter of pasta with marinara sauce, no meat, french baggettes, and a large bottle of Evian, no wine. He ate ALOT! He did turn around to check me out 3 times, no doubt curious about why I had just sat with Rowan, his bodyguard for a little chat! ( Rowan was seated 2 tables away from Mick) . I had asked permission to present the flag to Mick and he said ok but only after asking me lots of questions...but he was very cool. Mick was absolutely incredible! Flirtatious, atrtentive and ADORABLE, holding my hand and talking, asking my name! He thanked me for the flag, keep holding my hand! Sorry, I digress! The point was eating healthy and Mick certainly does, putting alot of effort into staying fit!

Re: Ageing
Posted by: davido ()
Date: May 13, 2005 04:03

To each their own.....Quite frankly I think one would
be in denial to say Mick and Keith aren't a coupla ugly
f@#$!'s these days. But I really couldn't care
what they look like or how they behave as long
as they can rock on stage. That's what I'll
be looking for on the new album/ tour,
but dunno about everyone else.......?

Re: Ageing
Posted by: bassplayer617 ()
Date: May 13, 2005 04:33

The ultimate joke is the comeuppance for bands half their age (or less), who can't keep such a solid groove going or can command such a presence onstage.

Baby-boomers still rule as the pre-eminent rock n' rollers. It's easy for me to see why our kids are gravitating towards hip-hop and contemporary country. It's an ultimate irony--baby-boomer parents are breeding neo-conservatives.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-05-13 04:39 by bassplayer617.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: May 13, 2005 10:59

I think maverick has hit the nail on the head regarding mick taylor when he mentions mick taylor hasant got the same visual effect as ronnie and i have often wondered if thats why the stones selected him mainly for that reason im not trying to slag anyone off but i do admit that i think the music was better with mick taylor but saying that im no expert.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 13, 2005 11:06

I heard last night Cortisone medication makes the patient swollen. Saw a lady on tv with a real massive face; maybe the reaction comes different for man and women, respectively. Keefs new belly (at least I havent seen it so prominent before) may be a cause of his medication against the arthritis.

If he upon that is qutting smoking its tough shit avoiding a beer belly.
Because I bet he hasnt quit drinking.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: mudbone ()
Date: May 13, 2005 11:18

has keith quit smoking?
get out!

Re: Ageing
Posted by: The Maverick ()
Date: May 13, 2005 11:53

Keith looks better now than he did at the end of the Licks tour, he had loads of slack skin under his neck that appears to have dissapeared?

Re: Ageing
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 13, 2005 12:26

They are all cyborgs.

Re: Ageing
Posted by: davido ()
Date: May 13, 2005 13:39

Ha ha!

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