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Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: JJackFl ()
Date: September 28, 2013 22:37

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: September 28, 2013 22:39

Keith's arms look fantastic.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: JJackFl ()
Date: September 28, 2013 22:55

Keith's arms look fantastic.

Smoking is healthy....

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: September 28, 2013 22:58

Keith's arms look fantastic.

Smoking is healthy....

I love how "Keith" and that older lady are about to beat all the youngsters behind them.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 29, 2013 00:26

I'm more concerned about my internet browser history.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: September 29, 2013 06:39

Quitting smoking by 35 gives you the same risk level as someone who never smoked?

I'll drink to that...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-09-29 06:39 by ryanpow.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: letitloose ()
Date: September 29, 2013 22:31

I'm a weekend smoker, and I can't stand arseholes that hide behind stupid titles and tell the rest of us how to live our lives, whilst making huge sums of money.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: December 13, 2013 19:35

Is it because Keith can afford it that it's called the "Affordable Care Act"?

Obamacare's Surprise for Smokers

"The law bars insurance companies from charging people higher premiums for costly medical conditions, so diabetics or cancer patients pay the same rate as healthy people the same age. But there's no protection for those addicted to cigarettes: States are authorized to let insurers charge smokers as much as 50 percent more than nonsmokers."

Dec. 12—22, Bloomberg Businessweek p. 31

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Bellajane ()
Date: December 13, 2013 20:08

I smoked years ago, mostly just on the weekends when I went out drinking with my friends when I was in college or after work. Never craved it when I wasn't drinking. I remember purchasing in Scotland the half-pack of cigarettes which were perfect for me. Do they still sell them like that? Anyways, I sometimes miss the smell of smoke in certain situations, such as, it's kind of strange going into a bar or club and not seeing the blue haze of smoke, or smelling it for that matter. But I'm glad I quit.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: December 13, 2013 20:16

I remember purchasing in Scotland the half-pack of cigarettes which were perfect for me. Do they still sell them like that?

They'll be outlawed across the U.K. from January 2014. Blimey, that's next month!

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: December 13, 2013 20:20

I'm a weekend smoker

Hmmm...I've never smoked a weekend...any good?
Smoked Gouda is wonderful with smoked salmon and beano...

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Natlanta ()
Date: December 13, 2013 20:57

I'm more concerned about my internet browser history.

i thought that was what he meant - can you selectively erase the smoking parts.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: December 13, 2013 21:02

You can selectively erase the parts.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: December 13, 2013 21:21


Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: December 13, 2013 21:32

No Damage has been done

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: December 13, 2013 22:19

Smoking is such a strange habit. You really have to work at it in the beginning just to not choke and get dizzy! You think your body was trying to tell you something? I smoked for years, and then finally quit after a few tries. Now I can't even stand to walk behind somebody smoking on the street. It seems that smoking numbs you to all that until a month or so after you quit and then suddenly you can smell and breathe correctly again.

I think there should bars and restaurants where smokers can light up if they wish. But that's not really the problem, it's the danger to those who work in that environment.

I don't bother those who still smoke unless they get high and mighty about their rights. Most of them could care less about the rights of non-smokers. I do understand that if you're really hooked it's hard to quit. You've got to be committed and beat the post-quit stress with exercise. I live in a city where they've banned people smoking outside of restaurants and bars. I think that's cruel.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: December 13, 2013 22:40


A good point to consider. Most medical experts claim that if you quit smoking, the lung cells will replace themselves within 7 years unlike liver damage, which is irreversable. However, heavy smoking, regardless of quitting, may have attack other parts of person during tobacco ordeal. Point, smoking may cause or produce cancerous cells in other parts of the body during the process.

Not to be personal, but my Mother who died at age 73 (2008), once a rentless smoker, quit smoking at age 58ish. It was too late and the smoking cancerous producing toxins had already begun to attack her earlier in the pancreas. She didn't know it at the time. Smoking can attack anywhere at any given time.

She grew up in era where smoking was widely accepted, promoted and thunk unharmful (TV Ads, etc..) However, after she realized these facts there was nothing she could do. When someone has pancreatic cancer, time is short with no hope.

Respectfully Chris

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-13 22:49 by Chris Fountain.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: December 13, 2013 23:06

When I was kid (and still) smoking cigarettes our class visited a science place which had a display of real human lungs, non-smokers next to smoker.... that display pretty much told me all I needed to know.

As far as I am concerned, I think people can do what ever they want,
but it is beyond me why anyone smokes cigarettes, esp the brands big tabbaco sells with all the extra chemicals in them, it just makes no sense. Why not roll your own with straight, pure tabacky?

Anyway... why smoke??? Whta do they do for you? Cigarettes dont get you high, they are bad horrible for your health, they are now insanely priced, they stink up the room, stink up other people's clothes, give an other wise beautiful woman nasty smoker's breath... etc etc.

ps- did you ever notice...
One of the dumbest things (business wise) big tabacco ever did was hide/lie about the health issues. They should have just told people the truth when they learned it and people would still smoke, knowing all we now know, people still smoke, just like so many still do today.

But hide the truth they did... and now they pay zillions od Dollars in fines to the feds and states every year, it seems like one of the only reasons cigarettes are still legal is so big tabacco can afford to the fines.... which just extends the insanity of it all.

Did I say they should outlaw cigs? NO, I DID NOT, SO NO ONE BITCH AT ME. I think they should be legal, I vote let people do what they want if it only affects them, who cares? I am just saying tabacco would probably be (stupidly) outlawed if not for the money states/fed makes on sales..... outlawing things has never stopped people from doing anything.

anyway..... smoke em if you got em...

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: December 13, 2013 23:57

I have no problem if other people want to smoke around me, so no soap box for me, just want to let y'all know that I quit smoking almost exactly (Dec. 6th 2003) ten years ago. That's the day I had a brain aneurysm caused largely by smoking, and I now have a serious chronic illness also largely caused by smoking. I enjoyed every cigarette I smoked and I still miss it.

Despite which--don't do it, kidz! But also, don't be an @#$%& to other people who do--unless they're blowing smoke in your face, of course, in which case go ahead and bop 'em.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: December 14, 2013 00:11

I grew up in the country where everyone smoked and many still do. So I was a social smoker when I was young and stupid. Not so young anymore, still somewhat stupid, but at least I don't smoke anymore.

Good for you for quitting, Aquamarine. I wish I could get my sister to quit. Smoking is especially unkind to women, we are even more likely than men who smoke to die of lung cancer and it also raises your risk of other cancers, including breast cancer. If you don't care about all that, smoking also adds years to your looks.

Done now with my soapbox. I don't nag anyone about it, just hope they can quit.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: December 14, 2013 00:17

...I only smoke during intercourse....HHheeHA


Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: letitloose ()
Date: December 14, 2013 00:27

I only smoke after sex.......So I'm a twenty a day man? Boom Boom

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: December 14, 2013 00:29

I'll just leave this here,
anyone can feel free to use it []
the soap box too winking smiley

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: December 14, 2013 08:10

Does weed count? winking smiley

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: December 14, 2013 08:33


When I was kid (and still) smoking cigarettes our class visited a science place which had a display of real human lungs, non-smokers next to smoker.... that display pretty much told me all I needed to know.

As far as I am concerned, I think people can do what ever they want,
but it is beyond me why anyone smokes cigarettes, esp the brands big tabbaco sells with all the extra chemicals in them, it just makes no sense. Why not roll your own with straight, pure tabacky?

Anyway... why smoke??? Whta do they do for you? Cigarettes dont get you high, they are bad horrible for your health, they are now insanely priced, they stink up the room, stink up other people's clothes, give an other wise beautiful woman nasty smoker's breath... etc etc.

ps- did you ever notice...
One of the dumbest things (business wise) big tabacco ever did was hide/lie about the health issues. They should have just told people the truth when they learned it and people would still smoke, knowing all we now know, people still smoke, just like so many still do today.

But hide the truth they did... and now they pay zillions od Dollars in fines to the feds and states every year, it seems like one of the only reasons cigarettes are still legal is so big tabacco can afford to the fines.... which just extends the insanity of it all.

Did I say they should outlaw cigs? NO, I DID NOT, SO NO ONE BITCH AT ME. I think they should be legal, I vote let people do what they want if it only affects them, who cares? I am just saying tabacco would probably be (stupidly) outlawed if not for the money states/fed makes on sales..... outlawing things has never stopped people from doing anything.

anyway..... smoke em if you got em...

my elem. school was shown similar lung pics to scare the hell out of us! eye popping smiley

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: JamesPhelge00 ()
Date: December 14, 2013 16:24

I stopped smoking for just a day - that was about 4 years ago and haven't smoked since. That doesn't mean I won't smoke again if I feel like it.

Hate the the types who say - I only go down the pub twice a year because the bar is full of smoke. What they really mean is - I only go down the pub twice a year because I don't drink.

A lot of the pubs have closed due to lack of trade since the smoking ban - where are all those deprived drinkers who never smoked - who should be filling the pubs?? Probably now busy trying to stop people drinking.

I wonder how many Politically Correct non smokers would be first in line to spend some time with Keith Richards...



Phelge's Stones []

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: December 14, 2013 16:32

I stopped smoking for just a day - that was about 4 years ago and haven't smoked since. That doesn't mean I won't smoke again if I feel like it.

Hate the the types who say - I only go down the pub twice a year because the bar is full of smoke. What they really mean is - I only go down the pub twice a year because I don't drink.

A lot of the pubs have closed due to lack of trade since the smoking ban - where are all those deprived drinkers who never smoked - who should be filling the pubs?? Probably now busy trying to stop people drinking.

I wonder how many Politically Correct non smokers would be first in line to spend some time with Keith Richards...



I think the key in life is to do everything in moderation, which perfectly fits your case and for all. Nice post! Happy Holidays!

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: JamesPhelge00 ()
Date: December 14, 2013 16:44

Chris Fountain

I think the key in life is to do everything in moderation, which perfectly fits your case and for all. Nice post! Happy Holidays!

Yes, moderation - even down to spending time with Keith Richards..grinning smiley

Phelge's Stones []

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 14, 2013 17:26

I stopped smoking for just a day - that was about 4 years ago and haven't smoked since. That doesn't mean I won't smoke again if I feel like it.

Hate the the types who say - I only go down the pub twice a year because the bar is full of smoke. What they really mean is - I only go down the pub twice a year because I don't drink.

A lot of the pubs have closed due to lack of trade since the smoking ban - where are all those deprived drinkers who never smoked - who should be filling the pubs?? Probably now busy trying to stop people drinking.

I wonder how many Politically Correct non smokers would be first in line to spend some time with Keith Richards...



They did this in Vancouver, banning smoking in pubs/restaurants/clubs several years ago. Lots of initial backlash but it's all back to normal now.

I think it's kind of like taking a transatlantic flight. You smoke 3 cigarettes moments before you board, drink heavy on the plane, and the moment you get your baggage on the other side, you head for the outside to light up another 3.

Re: Can you erase your smoking history?
Posted by: Marhsall ()
Date: December 14, 2013 17:31

Interesting post!

Coincidently, this is my 14TH day NOT smoking!! 2 full weeks!
After seeing the above I'm glad I did quit!

"Well my heavy throbbers itchin' just to lay a solid rhythm down"

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