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Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 23, 2005 18:25

Hello friends of heavy, semi-complex & smart rock in Janis Joplin-school

Listen to Danish rock
- THE SAVAGE ROSE, veterans on the scene since 1968,
now living in LA, US (scoring a new career while in their sixties... ).
Song "Oh Happy Day" recorded Oct 2004. - Earlier on they recorded in Mick Jagger´s L.A.-mansion with JIMMY MILLER as producer... !!
...So they started out in the US in the 60´s, were based in Denmark in 70´s-80´s-90´s... And now they are back in L.A again.

"Oh Happy Day" :

R e c o m m e n d e d t r a c k s

Samples (e.g.; you can listen to some of the songs from every album) :
From the latest ALBUM Are YOu Ready LIVE
[] "Howling" (reggae tune)
[] "Wild Child"
...Always click on "play"-symbol, if it doesnt start automatically.

Album & title track Black Angel (1995) straight to: []
or [] & choose song.

Album & title track Moon Child - Månebarn (1992) :

Album Gadens dronning (1990),
song Solen var også din LIVE []

Album Sangen for livet (1988)
[]; song "Afrika" (sheer groooove,
but it stop before the goin gets tough).
Sadly you cant listen to "Ryesgade"; but you can always buy the album. This is a good one!

Album Kejserens nye klaede (the Emperor´s New Clothes, 1986)
song "Endnu dofter jasminen" []

Or Solen var også din (my own favorite, 1976),
song You´ll Know In The Morning (jeeeez!!! Recommended!!)
Unfortunately isnt "De vilde blomster gror" available

Album Babylon (1972)
The Messenger Speaks (gospel)
Ticket To Paradise []
(far out, lost in Nina Simone-land, if you ask me... )

Album Dödens Triumf (1972),
song Byen vågner (The City Awakes), groooove...

R e f u g e e , 1 9 7 1 i n S t o n e s l a n d

Album REFUGEE, recorded at Jagger´s, produced by Jimmy Miller: They have not made these songs available as samples! It was recorded in 1971.
(you can buy it for 13.99$)
Cover & titles at [].
--- Short lyrics-sample from REFUGEE (Granny´s Grave first verse)
"Well Granny's Grave
Is a small café
Home of the night man
Until break of day
Forgets his coat
And his dusty boots
Sits at the table
With a jug of booze"
- - -
Album In The Plain (1968), song "Evenings Child "[]

The Debut-LP SAVAGE ROSE (1968), click on cover, choose e.g. "A Girl I knew"

- .......Site is in English, you can navigate for yourself. Click "Works" for the audio samples by albums.

M i c k J a g g e r ´s m a n s i o n & P r o d u c e r M i l l e r

(from an interview, at the site: "2. What was it like recording in Mick Jagger's mansion? What is he like?

Mick was on tour while we were recording there. Chris, his brother, started to play electric guitar solos in the hall every morning around 2 when we stopped recording. Absolutely unbearable. Still we made one of our strongest albums of the first years there: REFUGEE, produced by late Jimmy Miller, who did several of the early Stones albums. We have fans for whom recordings like DREAMLAND, or GRANNY'S GRAVE, still are a question of life and death.")

B o n u s

Jungle Child/Junglebarn at support album for free zone Christiania in Cop.hagen
[] or click yourself to it from the first - main - page at the site. Recorded in 2003-04. This band has a story of more than thirty years of supporting Christiania (in 1976 they recorded "De vilde blomster gror" for the first support-album).

You can also listen to their classic song "Wild Child" (starts when entering the site) from the early 70´s.

A M o v i e

There´s a 7 minutes movie with a nutshell-story of Savage Rose.
I couldnt make it work; but once its soundtrack seemed to start.

R o l l i n g S t o n e - j o u r n a l i s t D. F r i c k e o n
t h e S a v a g e R o s e :

David Fricke:

"It was the late, great rock critic Lester Bangs who made me a lifelong fan of the Savage Rose. He did it with a review of In the Plain, that ran in the October 18, 1969 issue of Rolling Stone. On page 42, to be exact.
"This is a rather peculiar album," Bangs said before rolling out a set of juicy metaphors in praise of the singular electricity of the band's powerhouse singer Anisette: "Grace Slick at 78 RPM"; "Minnie Mouse on a belladonna jag." He also wrote about organ notes "pouring like star drifts down from vast black skies" and made flattering comparisons to old Bela Lugosi movie scores and the 1960s doo-wop exotica of Rosie and the Originals. "This group isn't coming on in a blaze of glory," Bangs signed off. "They are working very hard at the incredibly difficult process of learning to sing their own song."
I knew what he meant when I heard In the Plain. The Savage Rose were a band of rare beauty and courage ­ formed in Denmark, singing in English but rapidly inventing their own rock & roll tongue, a new soul born of psychedelia, Beatlemania, Harlem gospel and European art song. In Anisette, the Savage Rose possessed an extraordinary instrument of confession and jubilation, a mighty R&B angel packed into a slender stick of hellfire. There was rich drama, too, in the group's exquisite keyboard interplay, the avant-garage tension of their riffs and rhythms and the dynamic songwriting of Thomas and Anders Koppel.
I still shake with awe and relish when I listen to In the Plain ­ to the exuberant salvation song "Ride My Mountain" or the bittersweet gypsy dance "Evening's Child." I also think about what might have been. The Savage Rose seemed ripe for big things in America then. They shared the stage with Jethro
Tull and James Brown at the 1969 Newport Jazz Festival; the albums Your Daily Gift and Refugee were underground sensations here. In his 1971 Rolling Stone review of Refugee, Lester Bangs cited it, alongside Who's Next, as a reason to keep believing in the magic and life force of rock & roll.
I feel the same way about the Savage Rose music that has followed: the bluesy 1972 diamond, Babylon; the explosive title song of 1973's Wild Child; the band's powerful Danish-language reading of Thomas Koppel's ballet score, Dødens Triumf (Triumph of Death); the 1984 set of acoustic political-action songs, Vi Kæmper For at Sejre (We Struggle For Victory). And I find sweet irony in the fact that while the Savage Rose are now remembered in America mostly as an acid-rock curio, a colorful echo of Europe's hippie renaissance, Thomas and Anisette currently live in Los Angeles, where they are writing and recording some of the finest music of their lives. The Savage Rose are not prisoners of history ­ because they never stopped making it.
Lester Bangs died in 1982. I never got to thank him for turning me on to the Savage Rose. But a few years after his death, I found a worn, apparently well-loved first edition of The Savage Rose, the band's Danish 1968 debut, in a used-record store in Greenwich Village. On the back cover, written in blue ink, was the name of the original owner: "Bangs". That album now sits on my record shelf, right next to my original 1969 copy of In the Plain. I think he would appreciate that. "

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 2005-04-23 23:22 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: April 24, 2005 12:35

Still in precious hidden gems, brother Baboo...

I would appreciate you send me an email to say hello at

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Stranger ()
Date: April 24, 2005 16:08

Brother Baboon,
Did you know there's another Stones connection? On Savage Rose's album Black Angel it is Mick Taylor who plays lead guitar on two songs, Black Angel and Early Morning Blues (both tracks produced by Thomas Koppel/Annisette).
This CD was released by Savage Rose in '95 (on Mega Records MRCD3294 -Denmark) and went platinum in Feb '96.
So at least their Black Angel record is not as much of a "hidden gem" as it may seem at first sight.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-04-24 16:12 by Stranger.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 24, 2005 18:13

Stranger & Joker, nice with some response.
I´ll get in touch with you, Joker, soon.
In fact Savage Rose has a world famous status somewhere around 1968-70, and maybe one or a couple of years more... People in Keiths, Micks or Rons age speak of them still.
Myself I clung to them in the late 70´s and some year on, rediscovered them in 1988-90; and then now: a 2nd rediscovery. Didnt now about the Taylor-connection.
Savage Rose have a peculiar passion & pathos in wanting to save the world, even more than Sting or Bono does. This is people that never rest. But it doesnt always affect their music, mostly not even their lyrics. Thomas Koppel I find as one of the best songwriters & keyboardists in the world; and Annissette has been beyond competition since Janis´ passed away in Best Female Vocalist In The World.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 25, 2005 12:04

Just wanna make sure all of you that are curious of hidden gems
by legendary artists noted what Stranger above wrote;
on Black Angel by Savage Rose, Mick Taylor is playing;
go to [] and click "play"-symbol, for a minute-long streaming audio sample.
...It sure aint there best song; but there are a tiny notion of a Taylor in the inside the soundwall (maybe also a vague Stone-ish choir´s "huh-huuuh").
...Much more above. Several of the older songs* (esp. 1968-76, but also from the 80´s & m,ore recent) are a lot better than Black Angel. Taylor also plays at Early Morning Blues from the same Album Black Angel, but we see no samples from it. Even if you´re Stones fan or even devoted Taylor freak, I´d still recommend you to to buy some of the other Savage Rose album before. Maybe the choice of this 'session musician' was a gimmick to rise the sale of Black Angel.

* Just one example; Go to [] -
Scrol down to no.6 Click on (1972) album Dödens Triumf (Triumph of Death),
then song Dear Little Mother... Here you can very clear where Björk picked up much of her singing mode.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Matt ()
Date: April 27, 2005 09:44

I can only agree with you. Please listen to Savage Rose. Not only the album "Refugee" recorded at Mick Jaggers mansion, but to all their recordings. They have been one of my favourites since their first album in 1968. I must admit that I lost them a little during the 80's, most because they sang in danish, but when they returned with recordings in english I found them again. They keep on getting better and better, just like a good wine. I saw them live in concert in Oslo last september and that was a wonderful experience. I just can't stop listening to the voice of Annisette. Lend an ear to the Savage Rose - they won't let you down.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 27, 2005 17:18

Never liked it much. Too boring. But our (Denmark) best bet (along with Aqua and the Raveonettes) for a international breakthrough for sure.

Should have been Gasolin' though. grinning smiley


Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 27, 2005 20:44

Gasolin´is a bit sharper.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 28, 2005 18:39

Gasolin' is just way better.


Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Date: April 28, 2005 20:09

I watched both groups live before hardly anyone had heard of them even in Denmark. Gasolin were an amazing group, but failed completely outside Scandinavia because their great lyrics just couldn't be "translated" ( and because vocalist Kim Larsen sang English with a Copenhagen-accent ). Most people here wouldn't understand why some of us regard this old band as one the greatest.
BUT Savage Rose were far better musicians and composers. I agree completely that Annisette is one of the greatest female voices ever. "Wild Child" imo is one of the most outstanding songs ever.
"Funny" that Savage Rose at one stage in the 80s went completely bananas and became supporters of Albanian communism. They even went there to perform and support that country's claim against any electric intruments ( : probably because the Albanians in those days couldn't afford to import any ). But even in this period they created great albums. And rock journalists from right-wing newspapers in Denmark couldn't help but praising them.
On their homepage is btw a very nice tribute to another great Danish musician that sadly passed away last week at 58 : Niels Henning Ørsted Pedersen aka NHØP.
He was perhaps the best bass-player ever. He did 18 records on his own and performed on more than a hundred records with the big stars of jazz for four decades.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 28, 2005 23:35

no nervous breakdowns: Did you happen to see them at this little square towards Nörrebro to which they pulled their gear on a wagon (or is it just a myth?)... ?

A real orthodox rock fan (I just used the word in another thread) like myself - at least I am that at times - would maybe find more homelands chords in Gasolin´where influences easily can be traced from Hendrix, and maybe also not so little from the Stones. Savage Rose is more original.

I may be an idealist, but I think Gasserne (Danish nick name for the group Gasolin´) could have a retroactive career abroad. I refuse to accept that the lyrics or the accent should be that important. ABBA also sang with an accent; ok not as distinct as Kim did (does), but anyway: that was their charm. As well as the dartfordaccent (mixed with mock cockney & mock southern talk) is Jagger´s charm... Gasserne was one of greatest rock 'n' roll band in the world (take songs like Lady Rain, Langebro, Balladen om Provo Knud, Smukke Linda, Rabalder, Det var Inga..., Kap Farvel Til Ümanarssuaq..., Pilli Villi...
Savage Rose is, on the other hand, one of the best rock band in the world.

Gasolin´ 1969-1978: Denmarks rockiest rock'n'roll band

As a Swede I have to say that Kabnekaise is qualified for similar titles too; and that tsool is on their good way to it. Hives is nothing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-04-29 00:16 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 29, 2005 11:37

Funny thing: Kim Larsen had a band called @#$%&. grinning smiley
In the seventies Gasolin' hosted a radio show (One time only) and they played their fave tracks. All of them had a Stones track picked. grinning smiley

NNB: Sad about NHØP.........Btw: They didn't fail everywhere. Sweden was crazy for them. Towards the end the northern part of Germany also opened up for them. They did Musikladen one time.

PS: Go see "Der Untergang" (Aka "Downfall"). Great flick.


Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 29, 2005 11:46

(Kent: ) "In the seventies Gasolin' hosted a radio show (One time only) and they played their fave tracks. All of them had a Stones track picked grinning smiley"
- Yes, Kent. Now your mission is to contact the Danish radio archive, and tell us all what songs they chose.

The peculiar about @#$%& is that its the least rocky Kim Larsen done in period 1969-78 (with the wexception of his first solo album Vaersgo [1973], which making by btw was a result of a musical collision in the band).

A very far note is that "Star Star" was covered by the Swedish joker artist Magnus Uggla in 1979:

"Jag mötte dej på ett place som vi hade lirat på
Och du lyckades få mitt nummer
Hur fan du nu gjorde då
Sen gick telefonen, ett i ett
Tills jag sa nu får det va slut

Jag bytte mitt nummer mot ett nytt
men du fick ju ändå tag i det till slut
Du, du, ville ha mej med på stans alla fester
Alla place där tidningarna kommer
Ja stans alla jetset fester

Du ville ha, mej för vad jag va
Ett matchande tyg till dressen
Sluta nu, ge fan i mej
Jag passar inte in i den västen

Du va ett stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
Stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...

Du snacka om, du skröt om
Att vi va ihop med varandra
Du sa att jag älskade dej
Fast du bara va ett ligg som alla andra

Du ville ha, mej för vad jag va
Ett matchande tyg till dressen
Sluta nu, ge fan i mej
Jag passar inte in i den västen

Du va ett stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
Stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...

Du va ett stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
Du va ett stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
Du va ett stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
Du va ett stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, stjärnluder, luder...
Stjärnluder... "

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 29, 2005 11:59

"Værsgo'" is great. Also listen to the super-hard-to-get LP called "5 Eiffel". It is Gasolin' under the name Kim Larsen. They're doing 5 songs by Frank Jæger. Really good stuff. My dad has it.

I think my brother has a MC tape of the radio show by Gasolin'. It's funny to hear.


Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 29, 2005 12:08

Of course I have 5 Eiffel (is it worth some buck?).
My favorite there is the Leiber/Stoller=Elvis-cover "Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello"; but the Jaegersongs are also very good.

I´d kill for a copy of that MC.
Remember I did two programs with Gasolin´ in Radio Guld [] some years ago; I got in touch with the diest-hardest among all fans, people who have visited Franz, Wili, Sören & Kim in their homes etc... Well, I have to admit - I myself sneeked around in the 70´s in shady neighborhoods in Christianshavn to get a peak...

Btw I believe their success was almost as huge in Norway & Finland as in Sweden.
Everybody was buggin me for this weird Danish group back in 1976-77... Then towards the end of 77 & beginning of 78 something happened.

IMHO Gasolin´ and the Stones are two sides of the same coin, at times on that coin is says "Chuck Berry" or "roots blues"... I remember Kim Larsen was very much into Leadbelly.

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 30, 2005 11:21

5 Eiffel is the rarest Gasolin' album. That and the single "Holy Jean" (My dad has that too).


Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: April 30, 2005 23:40

Its like music in my ears, Kent; didnt think I owned anything material or earthly that was worth anything... (Come on: how much, how much... I mean how much is 5 Eiffel worth ?).
And - Kent, your brothers MC; could you copy it for me?

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Date: May 2, 2005 12:40

baboon bro,
- that's your show where Gasserne is playing Stones among others ( I haven't had time to listen to this yet )

The Gas lyrics ? Well, this is actually a very interesting theme to discuss. I don't understand many Greek words, but still I am in complete love with the "Greek blues" - Rembetiko/Rebitiko. So you've got a point. But I'm quite sure most people turn their ears and eyes away when English ( or French and Spanish ) is not the language ( : Rammstein is of course a major exception, but they also have to live with enormous prejudices against them...just because of their native German ).

Savage Rose on a wagon ? Well, I am sure - and so are some of my friends that they have played many times on wagons in the 1980s, but I have a feeling you're looking for something else...

Swedish rock: I agree. Loads of fine music. Kebnekaise just one of many great names. And yet I cannot help loving Philemon Arthur and the Dung. That's just outrageous smiling smiley

Re: Listen to Savage Rose (rec. in Jagger´s mansion, Prod. J.Miller)
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 4, 2005 13:45

nnb; I meant Gasolin´ were pulling their gear on a wagon from Christianhavn to some square at Norrebro... Did I write Savage Rose; I meant Gasolin´.

Yesterday I read that Lone Kellerman is dead. Dark weeks for Danish rock; when NHÖP recently also passed aaway.

Any Dane knows or friend of Danish rock knows if there are some concerts with the vetran rockers of any kind at Midt-Jylland (Mid-Jutland) or Nord-Jylland (Nort-J.) in the middle or end of July... ?

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