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Stones Boots
Posted by: A Stone Alone ()
Date: April 22, 2005 23:34

Being quite a newbie to the world of boot discs, can anybody tell me which ones are the must have.
I have found a seller on Ebay (bigfrankmvp) who is listing loads of different ones for sale at $9.99.
Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 22, 2005 23:38

Do you like your Stones with or without vibrato?


Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: glimmertwin50 ()
Date: April 22, 2005 23:55


some of it depends if you favor one period of the band over another. With that caverat, here are some "must haves":

"Handsome Girls" - 78 King Biscuit Broadcasts

"Brussels Affair" - Brussels 73

"R.S.V.P. - Beggars sessions

"Leeds Guitars and TV Stars" - leeds 71 BBC

"L.A. Friday" - L.A. 75

"Ft. Worth Express" - 1972

"Live'r Than You'll Ever Be" - Oakland 1969

"Get Satisfaction..If You Want" bbc 1963-1965

"Acetates" - GHS IORR outs

"Voodoo Brew"

There are many others, but you can't go wrong with these. Hope this helps.

Re: Stones Boots
Date: April 23, 2005 00:12

Another interesting nugget from Big Franks offerings is Blind Date Revisited. Two CD's. One a set by the New Barbarians and the second a set by the Stones. Soundboard boot but rarely sells at the $9.99 starting bid. By the way these are all CDR'S not original boots however they are nicely packaged if it matters.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: rattler2004 ()
Date: April 23, 2005 00:33

go to one of the torrent sites and get them for free.

the shoot 'em dead, brainbell jangler!

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: KeithRichards ()
Date: April 23, 2005 01:28

Go to and then go to the download section - there are lots of great boots for free downloads!

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: glimmertwin50 ()
Date: April 23, 2005 01:44

I agree with the previous two posters. There are places to get these discs without paying on ebay.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 23, 2005 01:58

So many great download sites where you can build a great, huge collection. There's no reason to buy boots any more.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: bassplayer617 ()
Date: April 23, 2005 02:05

spikey Wrote:
> So many great download sites where you can build a
> great, huge collection. There's no reason to buy
> boots any more.

There never WAS a reason to buy boots--they ALL should be given away.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 23, 2005 19:00

I agree, in theory. Unfortunately, pre-web, it wasn't that easy to find sources, and it was even harder to find people who actually were interested in sharing, rather than hording!

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: eddieginger ()
Date: April 24, 2005 11:10

Nothing wrong with buying boots. Collecting silver CDs is a fine hobby. I can never understand re some of the earlier postings why some people are so proud of getting for free something that shouldn't belong to them anyway. All this stuff about 'sharing''s just like criminals sharing the loot after a heist.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: davido ()
Date: April 24, 2005 18:40

With silver discs, one still has the loot
only yer paying for it, and not to the Stones....

Still I doublt they are out of pocket much, most of us
are hardcore fans who have everything they officially
released, a couple of times over. The boots keep the
buzz alive and give the band a certain street
credibility. It's new business model really.

Good quality cdr's, copied on a freestanding burner
without the digi-noise and skips, and with well done
an annotated artwork and info, are a cheap alternative
to the overpriced silver discs, tho granted
most copies are cheapies and don't
meet this criteria. Most digital
transfers from the net, or low
Kb MP3's, are a sonic step
down from all of the above,
but may be okay in a pinch,
espcially considering the free cost.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 24, 2005 22:42

Isn't this really the pot calling the kettle black? How is collecting silvers a fine hobby when the people who buy them are enabling a profit to be made off the backs of the musicians they admire without compensating those arists? A person who intends to profit from a non-commercial release is taking something that doesn't belong to them, just as much as the music sharing/trading community. The difference is that this community exists with the goal no one making a profit off of music that only the artist should be making a living from. Nothing at all to do with pride in getting something for free.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: glimmertwin50 ()
Date: April 24, 2005 23:13

Well said Spikey.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: deg01 ()
Date: April 24, 2005 23:22

bassplayer617 Wrote:
> spikey Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So many great download sites where you can
> build a
> > great, huge collection.


Can anyone direct me to some of these download sites?


Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 24, 2005 23:29

Contact me offlist.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: thrak ()
Date: April 25, 2005 02:24

so give some links to these boots

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: eddieginger ()
Date: April 25, 2005 02:34


Do you somehow feel morally superior because I choose to buy professionally-produced discs rather than swop home-made CDRs with cheap artwork that more often than not are full of clicks, pops and jumps? I can't even begin to think where your head is at. I mean how much money do the Stones see from the unreleased music you collect? In your own confusing words "The difference is that this community exists with the goal no one making a profit off of music that only the artist should be making a living from."....that the artist SHOULD be making a living from....and do they? I think get off your high horse, please. You're no better than me or anyone else who buys silvers...and as for this mythical er, 'community' don't get me's a meaningless concept....or do I belong to the silver-boot buying 'community'?

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 25, 2005 03:09

Again, I'm afraid that the pot is not just calling the kettle black, but screaming at it. I claim no moral superiority, but evidently I've struck a nerve with you, since you brought a combative tone to a discussion that previously had none. If anyone is on a high horse it is you my friend. I've bought many a silver boot myself, but point of my post was to direct a fan who had nothing in the way of boots to a way that he or she might aquire a good cross section of material. Additionally, your statement about clicks, pops,jumps and cheap artwork is just untrue. These discs tend to be very well done, as they are done strictly as a labor of love. Finally, do you not consider yourself a member of the community that this board encompasses? I do, just as I consider myself a member of the file sharing community, or any other group that I choose to participate in.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-04-25 04:51 by spikey.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: RankOutsider ()
Date: April 25, 2005 03:32

What is a 'silver disc' boot compared to the other? cd-r? I have no opinions here at all, just reading the thread and know nothing of boots. Thanks.

I ain't stupid, I'm just guitarded.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 25, 2005 04:49

Silver discs are factory made, and therefore of a higher quality. CD-Rs are burned from a computer CD burner. Kind of laughable going on about this sort of a thing when you may well be talking about an audience recording from say, 1969.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: davido ()
Date: April 25, 2005 05:24

CDR's can also be burnt on a free standing
burner that plugs into your stereo, IMHO,
with much better effect.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 25, 2005 06:05

Don't get me wrong, we are all entitled to our preferences, and we all have our reasons for them. But, the earlier tirade against CD-Rs is making less and less sense to me. The sites that take their music seriously insist that certain quality controls are present when files are shared (EAC logs and md5 files). As far as artwork, how do you make a distinction between artwork created for CD-Rs and for silvers? Do you think that the manufacturers of Silvers have artists on staff? They are just as much amateurs as those who create art for CD-Rs. But then again, that's just me on my high horse being morally superior!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-04-25 16:14 by spikey.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: fxc1 ()
Date: April 25, 2005 15:24

Big Frank MVP rules. I have bought about 20 CDs and he delivers and the price is right

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: straycatuk ()
Date: April 25, 2005 23:18

I used to buy Boots from dealers
Vinyl 1981 - 1990
cds 1991 - 2002

I wouldn't like to say how much money I spent over that period , but it runs into £ thousands.None of this money went to the Stones.

I've subsequently started cdr trading and have found the quality to often be superior to the above .

I'll never pay for boots again.

sc uk

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: spikey ()
Date: April 25, 2005 23:28

Here's a good post on this topic that I found from a group that I am a member of:

There's no guarantee that that "silver" CD
you're ripping from isn't several generations down the line from
freely circulating CDRs, or SHN/FLAC files. I can't speak about other
artists, but nearly every Dylan "silver" CD that's been issued inthe
last few years has been sourced from already-circulating fan CDRs.
Some of those "silver" discs have had their sound tampered with,
usually artificially sharpened, so they sound less natural than their
source recordings.
And there was an interesting technical piece linked to the EAC
site a couple years back reporting that the variations between copies
of "silver" CDs from the same issue tended to be greater than the
difference between CDR copies ripped from the same source -- in other
words, that the "stamping" process was more likely to introduce errors
than the ripping/burning process.

I don't see much validity in that "multiple CDR gen" argument,
either, at least as it applies to ripping. Ripping errors are going to
be randomly distributed, and the likelihood of random accumulation of
errors close together enough to overwhelm the limited error correction
involved in digital playback is fairly low -- assuming you're using a
CD/DVD player rather than a CD-ROM for playback. [The reason .cda
files don't have much redundancy/error correction is that the function
is hard-wired into the playback devices; if you go back a few years
into discussion groups and message boards, you can find lots of
comments about CDRs that played in portable devices, which traded off
sound quality for error correction, but not in high-end CD players.]
The strong argument for SHN/FLAC archiving rests on the errors coming
from burning, not ripping, and your CD burner is utterly incapable of
telling whether the digital files it's handling were sourced from a
"silver" disc or a CDR.

Re: Stones Boots
Posted by: davido ()
Date: April 26, 2005 01:59

It's highly unlikely you will get these errors
when you use a freestanding HHB burner plugged
into your stereo and copying in real time.
A much much better alternative!!!!

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