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Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:32

I've been saying it for years, "only Mick Taylor can save this band". And I've finally been proven correct. Like Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save mankind from the burning fires of Hell Mick Taylor's soaring guitar work has saved The Rolling Stones from desecrating their legacy with interminable versions of some of the greatest songs ever recorded. Mick's God-given talent sends their music into the stratosphere on the wings of Angels. The Lord Almighty has indeed heard our prayers and has sent us a redeemer from above. ( I'm actually crying tears of joy as I write this ) The Rolling Stones are reborn! God bless The Rolling Stones and God bless Mick Taylor.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: vermontoffender ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:37

I think the Stones saved Mick Taylor.

So, your post is incorrect.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:42

Whoa....let's not jump the gun yet. Let's see what Mick can do with Streets Of Love or Back To Zero before we crown him...

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: WindyHorses ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:43

I think the Stones saved Mick Taylor.

So, your post is incorrect.

thumbs up

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:44

I think vermontoffender's closer to the truth here and although the Talorites may love this thread, I can hardly imagine what will happen when the atheists get ahold of it. Heck, it's boarderline offensive to Christians for that matter. Good job Bungo. If you were hoping to make a splash with your first post, you probably have. However, if people (other than vermontoffender & myself) are smart enough to ignore you, will you go away or should we expect more inflamitory posts from you going forward?


Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:45

The Lord Almighty has indeed heard our prayers and has sent us a redeemer from above.

You mean the prayers of the money kind?

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:48

Try not to take this to heart.. Tomorrow they could be playing You Got Me Rockin' with Celine Dion...

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:50

I've been saying it for years, "only Mick Taylor can save this band". And I've finally been proven correct. Like Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save mankind from the burning fires of Hell Mick Taylor's soaring guitar work has saved The Rolling Stones from desecrating their legacy with interminable versions of some of the greatest songs ever recorded. Mick's God-given talent sends their music into the stratosphere on the wings of Angels. The Lord Almighty has indeed heard our prayers and has sent us a redeemer from above. ( I'm actually crying tears of joy as I write this ) The Rolling Stones are reborn! God bless The Rolling Stones and God bless Mick Taylor.

You actually registered to post this ???????

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: uhbuhgullayew ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:52

I think vermontoffender's closer to the truth here and although the Talorites may love this thread, I can hardly imagine what will happen when the atheists get ahold of it. Heck, it's boarderline offensive to Christians for that matter. Good job Bungo. If you were hoping to make a splash with your first post, you probably have. However, if people (other than vermontoffender & myself) are smart enough to ignore you, will you go away or should we expect more inflamitory posts from you going forward?


What do the Richardites have to say?

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:56

Try not to take this to heart.. Tomorrow they could be playing You Got Me Rockin' with Celine Dion...

Damn D&G you've got guts! I've been biting my tongue (filled with guarded optimism) since Saturday as to avoid being a buzz kill to the general euphoria after Saturday's show but you are 100% correct. There's no guarantee that we'll ever see a repeat of Saturday night. If MJ isn't 100% convinced that Sway & CYHMK worked from HIS perspective, THIS Sundays posts could be a whole lot different than last Sundays. Let's hope that MJ enjoyed the showcase of KR/RW/MT as much as we (and they apparently) did!


Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Date: May 23, 2013 23:57

Richardites say: the Rolling Stones proved they are still the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world. And they did so even before MT came on stage with them for MR on November 25 last year.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: straycatuk ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:57

Try not to take this to heart.. Tomorrow they could be playing You Got Me Rockin' with Celine Dion...

Don't say that ,even in jest ! I'll have nightmareseye popping smiley

sc uk

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:58

I think vermontoffender's closer to the truth here and although the Talorites may love this thread, I can hardly imagine what will happen when the atheists get ahold of it. Heck, it's boarderline offensive to Christians for that matter. Good job Bungo. If you were hoping to make a splash with your first post, you probably have. However, if people (other than vermontoffender & myself) are smart enough to ignore you, will you go away or should we expect more inflamitory posts from you going forward?


What do the Richardites have to say?

Not sure but it would probably be something incoherant and boarderline apathetic... They're just pretty glad to be here, there or anywhere most of the time!


Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Date: May 23, 2013 23:59

They all work together.

This is the challenge to face: let the energy flow.

The 50th anniversary celebration has surprisingly turned into a musical gold mine to exploit.

They began the tour as a celebration, as a way of having fun (and a business...ok).

But now....they know this moment is something different. They have a lot of work left to do...a goldsmtith one. If they want to make the most of this new situation...

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 23, 2013 23:59

Richardites say: the Rolling Stones proved they are still the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world. And they did so even before MT came on stage with them for MR on November 25 last year.

And here I thought I was just a Stones fan... Turns out I may be a Richardite after all!

smileys with beer Here's to ya' DP!


Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Date: May 24, 2013 00:08

smileys with beer

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:16

"And The Lord shall smite all non-believers and nay-sayers" Leviticus 7:11

Just to be honest I was the poster formerly known as "Duane in Houston", but since I was having technical problems logging on here plus the fact that I haven't lived in Houston for about 6 years now ( I now live in Austin ) I'm going with the new moniker of "Bungo" for reasons that are to mundane to go in to. Peace, Out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-24 00:27 by Bungo.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: spsimmons ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:17

Sweet! Way to go Mick Taylor!

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:23

I've been saying it for years, "only Mick Taylor can save this band". And I've finally been proven correct. Like Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save mankind from the burning fires of Hell Mick Taylor's soaring guitar work has saved The Rolling Stones from desecrating their legacy with interminable versions of some of the greatest songs ever recorded. Mick's God-given talent sends their music into the stratosphere on the wings of Angels. The Lord Almighty has indeed heard our prayers and has sent us a redeemer from above. ( I'm actually crying tears of joy as I write this ) The Rolling Stones are reborn! God bless The Rolling Stones and God bless Mick Taylor.

Steady on now with the metaphors...

I'm as pleased as anyone else that Mick Taylor's having this great run with them, but let's not get carried away.

DandelionPowderman is the one who's correct.

And so is rambler44 in the post below.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-24 00:29 by Beast.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: rambler44 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:24

I've been saying it for years, "only Mick Taylor can save this band". And I've finally been proven correct. Like Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save mankind from the burning fires of Hell Mick Taylor's soaring guitar work has saved The Rolling Stones from desecrating their legacy with interminable versions of some of the greatest songs ever recorded. Mick's God-given talent sends their music into the stratosphere on the wings of Angels. The Lord Almighty has indeed heard our prayers and has sent us a redeemer from above. ( I'm actually crying tears of joy as I write this ) The Rolling Stones are reborn! God bless The Rolling Stones and God bless Mick Taylor.

Mick Taylor saved the World's Greatest Rock and Roll band? Gee they seemed to be doing quite alright without him. I think they werre kind enough to throw him a bone and make sure he had some retirement money. Yes he has made the best of his opportunity but if anyone was saved it was him. From obscurity and poverty.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: uhbuhgullayew ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:27

They all work together.

This is the challenge to face: let the energy flow.

The 50th anniversary celebration has surprisingly turned into a musical gold mine to exploit.

They began the tour as a celebration, as a way of having fun (and a business...ok).

But now....they know this moment is something different. They have a lot of work left to do...a goldsmtith one. If they want to make the most of this new situation...

Very well put......sort of reminds me of what The Traveling Wilburys did in the studio.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:28

It is mutual. They saved each other. It is a beautiful thing to see MT playing with them again. Long over due.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: rambler44 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:34

How does one get initiated into the Richardites? I want in smileys with beer

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:35

Midnight Toker
It is mutual. They saved each other. It is a beautiful thing to see MT playing with them again. Long over due.

Yes, exactly. It doesn't matter if they never play another note together, what happened happened, and nobody can take it away from us. To see Mick Jagger and Keith Richards exchange those smiles that said "can you believe this?" was worth all the years of waiting. At least to this Stones fan.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: mighty stork ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:37

I didn't realize that The Rolling Stones were in need of being "saved". Yes it's great to have Mick Taylor back with the band for ever many songs they have him onstage, but I would have been going either way. Save me some $$$$ is all I ask.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:38

A symbiosis?

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: rambler44 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:40

A symbiosis?

a Melding??

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:44

I think this may be more a case of mutual redemption. All parties are benefitting from this rekindled relationship bringing it all full circle. It's quite lovely.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: Carnaby ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:45

I think the Stones saved Mick Taylor.

So, your post is incorrect.

Good response. While I don't think anyone "saved" the RS, it was Ronnie, not Taylor, that got the Stones back to the original Brian Jones double rhythm. The Stones understood that, that is why Ronnie has been around 30 years while Taylor was there four. But Taylor was chosen at the time because it was fashionable to have the hotshot lead guitarist.

Re: Mick Taylor has saved The Rolling Stones
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: May 24, 2013 00:48

A former member returns and makes the greatest band ever even greater.

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