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Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: May 24, 2013 10:49

The Stones to play Hyde Park 6 2013, 44 years after Brian Jones Tribute.
It would be great to see Bill playing and a hologram for Brian...

if it's a really sunny day won't it be hard to actually see the Brian hologram?

just sayin'...

Let's not get carried away. winking smiley

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: May 24, 2013 12:02

I think he's a bit misunderstood. The "mentally ill" or "too drugged out to play" bits seems more like passive aggressive behaviour after Anita left him. He could not be with both Mick and Keith in the same band, simple as that. A power struggle that ended with his death. And dont forget, they were in their 20s.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: May 24, 2013 12:03

Besides Keith hated him for many reasons. And not the right ones.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 24, 2013 12:15


Drug addiction can turn decent people into monsters. I have seen this first hand within my own family. Fortunately those days are behind us (my remaining family) now.

All of the Stones are flawed as human beings, just like the rest of us. Drug addiction enhances those flaws - most often brings out the worst in people.

I think you are right, we need to cut Brian a little slack. He probably would have gotten it together at some point in his life if he had managed to live long enough. His story is tragic. But life is full of tragic stories. There is always another one lurking around the bend for each of us. It's just part of the human experience.

Each morning that I walk in my neighborhood I am haunted by ghosts. It's like walking through a cemetery. I walk by homes where friends and family once lived. Many of them are deceased. Some have been gone for decades. It is quite sobering.

At the core I think each and every one of the Stones are decent people. If I thought otherwise I wouldn't be a fan. That doesn't mean that they haven't disappointed me at times. Ronnie's antics (while on the booze) can't be condoned. And why Keith said what he said about Mick in his book I will never understand.

smileys with beer

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: May 24, 2013 19:09

Hey, watch WHO you call OLD, MAJESTY! And I am not a Keith defender typically but I'd say his reasons for hating Brian were pretty solid! Redhot, you may be suggesting jealousy over Brians' talent? I think Keith's love for Anita and his need to rescue a woman from horrible abuse are pretty good reasons.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 25, 2013 16:27

Hey, watch WHO you call OLD, MAJESTY!

All your bile about Brian should be going towards Ronnie too.

Your posts show that you have double standards as far as all that stuff is concerned. winking smiley

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: SilverBlanket ()
Date: May 25, 2013 17:12

It gets so boring reading yet more negativity concerning Brian. Of course the man had issues but who doesnt? I certainly dont condone some of his behaviour but who on this planet has the right to judge another? It makes it all the more irksome that its people who never met and didnt know the guy.

Its all about the music he created and helped to create. At least it should be.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: May 26, 2013 10:48

Brian Jones, the genius who created the Rolling Stones. And so incredibly early on. We can argue forever about Taylor and Wood, but only one man held the Natural Magic.
thumbs upsmileys with beer amen

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: May 26, 2013 11:10

Having had a long relationship with someone who is a borderline personality and after having read the descriptions of Brian's behaviour he had to be a BPD, it's all there. Today there is very limited understanding of this disorder so understanding it 44 years ago I am sure was even more of a mystery. I find it all very sad. We will never know for sure.

I'm married 25 years in June (if we get there, it's day-by-day on eggshells with these people) to somebody with BPD and could tell stories that'd curl your hair. Yes, think it's all there in Brian's MO. From what we've been thru, only heard the term BPO around 2007 or so, back in the 90s drs. were calling & treating it Adult ADHD. Prior to that who knows. But today understanding of this disorder & treatment of it is much more fine-tuned & they can actually help those who want help.
Good luck to you, my friend! eye rolling smiley

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: May 27, 2013 13:14

His Majesty
The Stones to play Hyde Park 6 2013, 44 years after Brian Jones Tribute.
It would be great to see Bill playing and a hologram for Brian...

Barf at hologram idea, a simple photo or footage appearing on screen is more than enough and they've done that.

Majesty, do you do sketches of Brin also? Tried to find it on different thread with no luck. smoking smiley

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 27, 2013 22:31

His Majesty
The Stones to play Hyde Park 6 2013, 44 years after Brian Jones Tribute.
It would be great to see Bill playing and a hologram for Brian...

Barf at hologram idea, a simple photo or footage appearing on screen is more than enough and they've done that.

Majesty, do you do sketches of Brin also? Tried to find it on different thread with no luck. smoking smiley

I don't and can't do sketches.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: May 28, 2013 00:34

....I think he means comedy sketches Phil ...huhhuh


Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 28, 2013 00:50

I was able to watch the Crossfire DVD last night for the first time. There's a very telling closeup of Brian's fingers. They're trembling. He appears to be in far worse shape than realized by the public at the time. It was way beyond the 'he's a passive aggressive' jerk phase. It looks like he was truly cracking up. All that gobbling of pills and alcohol swilling only disguised a person in serious danger. It appears that yes, he was an a-hole to those around him, but it couldn't have been pleasant to be Brian himself.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 28, 2013 01:32

....I think he means comedy sketches Phil ...huhhuh

grinning smiley

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 28, 2013 01:36

I was able to watch the Crossfire DVD last night for the first time. There's a very telling closeup of Brian's fingers. They're trembling. He appears to be in far worse shape than realized by the public at the time. It was way beyond the 'he's a passive aggressive' jerk phase. It looks like he was truly cracking up. All that gobbling of pills and alcohol swilling only disguised a person in serious danger. It appears that yes, he was an a-hole to those around him, but it couldn't have been pleasant to be Brian himself.

The 1967 Olympic Studios footage, he's also shaking when playing No Expectations at Rock & Roll Circus.

Various mentions by various people of his shaking hands from circa 1967 onwards.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Jayce ()
Date: May 28, 2013 05:32

I have read the Mandy Aftel book on Brian, which I don't think is very good. Are there any others about Brian that anyone would recommend?

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 28, 2013 09:03

I have read the Mandy Aftel book on Brian, which I don't think is very good. Are there any others about Brian that anyone would recommend?

Golden Stone isn't bad by Laura Jackson. Just avoid anything that deifies Brian or goes on and on about his 'mysterious death'. I don't think the definitive Brian Jones book has been written, and it may never be written. Some people would have to really open up. And Brian himself wasn't that forthcoming in his lifetime. A very difficult subject to get a handle on. It would help a lot to have his immediate family, what's left of them, to be interviewed but they've avoided it. Anita hasn't opened up and she would be a goldmine.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: May 28, 2013 09:27

I was able to watch the Crossfire DVD last night for the first time. There's a very telling closeup of Brian's fingers. They're trembling. He appears to be in far worse shape than realized by the public at the time. It was way beyond the 'he's a passive aggressive' jerk phase. It looks like he was truly cracking up. All that gobbling of pills and alcohol swilling only disguised a person in serious danger. It appears that yes, he was an a-hole to those around him, but it couldn't have been pleasant to be Brian himself.

Check out "One plus One; Sympathy for the Devil" sometime, Keith lighting his cigarette and handing it to him.........he was already gone.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 28, 2013 09:43

I was able to watch the Crossfire DVD last night for the first time. There's a very telling closeup of Brian's fingers. They're trembling. He appears to be in far worse shape than realized by the public at the time. It was way beyond the 'he's a passive aggressive' jerk phase. It looks like he was truly cracking up. All that gobbling of pills and alcohol swilling only disguised a person in serious danger. It appears that yes, he was an a-hole to those around him, but it couldn't have been pleasant to be Brian himself.

Check out "One plus One; Sympathy for the Devil" sometime, Keith lighting his cigarette and handing it to him.........he was already gone.

Lol, wtf? Sure it's like that in the film? He's not just giving him a ciggy and matches? Is that a sign someone is gone?

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: May 28, 2013 09:46

His Majesty
It's in Life so maybe it's not true and if not he's just as bad for thinking it's something good to make up.

This is a funny thought play. Is he really so jerk as he claims himself to be - or is he just inventing all that because he thinks that's cool? Which is better option, I don't know....

- Doxa

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 28, 2013 11:42

His Majesty
I was able to watch the Crossfire DVD last night for the first time. There's a very telling closeup of Brian's fingers. They're trembling. He appears to be in far worse shape than realized by the public at the time. It was way beyond the 'he's a passive aggressive' jerk phase. It looks like he was truly cracking up. All that gobbling of pills and alcohol swilling only disguised a person in serious danger. It appears that yes, he was an a-hole to those around him, but it couldn't have been pleasant to be Brian himself.

Check out "One plus One; Sympathy for the Devil" sometime, Keith lighting his cigarette and handing it to him.........he was already gone.

Lol, wtf? Sure it's like that in the film? He's not just giving him a ciggy and matches? Is that a sign someone is gone?

I recall from that film Brian being in one cubicle and Keith in the one across and Brian would hold up his hands to signal when Keith would light up a cigarette and Keith would toss him the pack and he would catch it, and the lighter as well, and Brian would light up himself. I mean, if you can tie your own shoelaces, then surely you can light your own ciggies. Other times, though, they all had someone to light ciggies for them, like in that sequence when you can see Tom Keylock strolling by and, where Keith is seated on the floor, leaning forward to light Keith's cigarette for him--what are minders for?

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 28, 2013 12:45

There's the funny scene where the first match snaps, understandible given that he's using the top of the soundscreen to try and get the match going. grinning smiley

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: rael ()
Date: May 29, 2013 02:46

Having had a long relationship with someone who is a borderline personality and after having read the descriptions of Brian's behaviour he had to be a BPD, it's all there. Today there is very limited understanding of this disorder so understanding it 44 years ago I am sure was even more of a mystery. I find it all very sad. We will never know for sure.

I'm married 25 years in June (if we get there, it's day-by-day on eggshells with these people) to somebody with BPD and could tell stories that'd curl your hair. Yes, think it's all there in Brian's MO. From what we've been thru, only heard the term BPO around 2007 or so, back in the 90s drs. were calling & treating it Adult ADHD. Prior to that who knows. But today understanding of this disorder & treatment of it is much more fine-tuned & they can actually help those who want help.
Good luck to you, my friend! eye rolling smiley

owlbynight You are a saint if you have been married to a BPD for 25 yrs. I parted ways with mine 14 yrs ago. I did a little research on BPD and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and low and behold there is a growing case for the two occurring together so I am giving Bill's story about a daughter with epilepsy more credence and thought. Perhaps the Jones family hasn't been more vocal because of the stigma that goes with admitting their son and probably others in their family were sick. I much prefer to think of Brian as very, very sick than a garden variety a'hole but then again we will never know and it was no excuse for violence.

Re: jagger says the stones should have done more in regards to brian jones
Posted by: uhbuhgullayew ()
Date: May 30, 2013 02:24

The Stones to play Hyde Park 6 2013, 44 years after Brian Jones Tribute.
It would be great to see Bill playing and a hologram for Brian...


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