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Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 15, 2013 02:36

lem motlow
this thread is so great you guys have helped me so much.i just saved a fortune on my next vacation,i'm gonna just go on google images instead of going to hawaii.i cant wait to tell the wife.i have great speakers on my desk,i just have to download the sound of waves crashing on the beach and i'm there.

Glad to be of service. You can travel further in your mind. Oh, and don't forget to pick up a pineapple at the supermarket.

Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
With out looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Without going out of your door
You can know all things on earth
With out looking out of your window
You can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Arrive without traveling
See all without looking
Do all without doing

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 15, 2013 02:43

lem motlow

also,i now know what it was like to be at altamont because i sat in my living room eating popcorn looking at my tv,and the sound is the exact same because i have a replica of the stones 1969 tour p.a. next to my tv.takes up a bit of room though.

Hang on...I smell a rat...they DID NOT serve popcorn at Altamont...damn Lem, you almost had me... Good work!

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: May 15, 2013 02:59

oh lord,..the beatles.....let me guess,mom and dad knew owsley?

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 15, 2013 03:32

lem motlow
oh lord,..the beatles.....let me guess,mom and dad knew owsley?

Er, uh, no.... had to look that one up to see who you meant, actually.

But I have read a copy of

Wait a moment, though. By the rules outlined in this thread you can't have an opinion on The Beatles unless you were around back in the day to have been in the studio audience of the Ed Sullivan Show when they were performing. Also, you can't comment on their practices of meditation (hence, the song, The Inner Light) unless you accompanied them on their retreat to India to study with the Maharishi.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: May 15, 2013 03:33

If recordings of any kind (much less youtube cellphone videos) were comparable to being at a live performance, there would be nobody lining up to see the Stones, the Playboy Jazz Festival, the Boston Symphony Orchestra or the NY Metropolitan Opera. For those who have not experienced it, I highly recommend going out of your way to see a live show. It's a wonderful experience.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 15, 2013 03:39

If recordings of any kind (much less youtube cellphone videos) were comparable to being at a live performance, there would be nobody lining up to see the Stones, the Playboy Jazz Festival, the Boston Symphony Orchestra or the NY Metropolitan Opera. For those who have not experienced it, I highly recommend going out of your way to see a live show. It's a wonderful experience.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that friends on Fakebook aren't like real friends at all.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: angee ()
Date: May 15, 2013 03:41

Are any of the nay-sayers planning to go to a show this year or have you given up on
seeing the band live?

I know some have said as much.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: it too workman-like?
Date: May 15, 2013 03:52

I saw them for the first time live in Las Vegas and I thought the energy was awesome. The lady next to me had been to 26 stones concerts and, at the end of L.V. she said it was the best one yet, " even better than Newark".

I'm a huge life long fan, they've been my # 1 group since the 60's. Saw Ron Woods in Southern California about 72 when he was with Faces and Stewart, just ripped the place apart. At Las Vegas, no one sat down the whole time, 'cept my wife, who's short and was pissed about all the standing. (Told her they'd all be standing the whole concert, she just didn't believe me!). Mick was just as energetic on the last song as he was on the first, and the crowd was roaring right along. I loved it!! Had $85 seats, saw the band from the side and was very happy not to see all of the video screens for a first time concert with them. I just wanted to see the band play, see the group as musicians just rockin out, not all the video, so I was quite fine with my seats!

I guess there is an element of "workman like" in that they're following a format each concert, 19/3 and a guest, but "workman like" implying it was subdued, stoic or somehow not energetic would to me be way, way off the mark!! They were excellent! I see them on Saturday in Anaheim, $85 tics again, so we'll see how it goes.

When I was a kid in the navy, Chuck Berry played for me and maybe, maybe 40 other kids / sailors at a bowling alley in Idaho Falls, Idaho for a good 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I was 6 feet away from the guy that started it, sitting on a bowling alley floor!!! So amazing, and I knew at the time just how privledged I was that night!! That was a moment in history, my best rock and roll ever. I would definitely rate Saturday in Vegas as # 2, nothing close to it when I look back on other stuff I've seen

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 15, 2013 04:31

This thread reminds me of RUSH

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 15, 2013 04:48

The mix you get on your cell phone recording can be so bad that a good rendition becomes a bad one.

There's lots of talks about youtube recordings here, something I rarely bother to watch. I listen to the recent RS concerts in much better quality thanks to the DIME torrents....plenty of us have heard these recent gigs in really fine quality, fine enough to hear how the band plays.
What is a DIME torrents? How can I get it??

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: May 15, 2013 05:06

I've never attended a Stones show and not had fun. I've thought the band has been better at certain shows, Oddly enough of the 16 shows that I have been to I thought the last show I went to which was Brooklyn in December was better than the first show I saw in Hartfod in 1981. Most would disagree and I think the band is more professional now and not as loose. I have heard a recording of the boys at the Fox Teatre in Atlanta in 1981 and that looseness led to a better played show they fired on all cylinders that night in Atlanta. The shows now are slick,entertaining and there are very few if any chances taken. Very good if you are there but not so great to listen to at home. The show I saw in Hartford in 1981 was not that great a show they were sloppy and did not pull it together.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 15, 2013 05:43

Are any of the nay-sayers planning to go to a show this year or have you given up on
seeing the band live?

I know some have said as much.

I'm not a nay-sayer myself. In my town, I showed up at the box office of the venue--the old fashioned way--4 hours after tickets went on sale, but all the $150 tickets were gone by this time. I just checked online and they are presently offering $178 dollar deals for the balcony, so perhaps I'll go back to the box office and check into this tomorrow. If not, I'll have to pass, in which case I'll be perfectly happy with a DVD and not feel as though I've missed anything. I can always catch a show next tour, when there are no specially annoying guests to bugger the momentum of the show. It's not a real Stones show unless it's just The Stones.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: May 15, 2013 05:50

the band sounds great, the songs are great, and it's one of the last time you'll see them. seems like the only reasons not to go are the ticket prices and/or burn-out from having seen the same songs play over and over again.
i went and loved it. but it was my first stones show in over 20 years.

Re: it too workman-like?
Date: May 15, 2013 05:53

the band sounds great, the songs are great, and it's one of the last time you'll see them. seems like the only reasons not to go are the ticket prices and/or burn-out from having seen the same songs play over and over again.
i went and loved it. but it was my first stones show in over 20 years.

So how did they compare to 20 years ago?

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: May 15, 2013 05:57

the band sounds great, the songs are great, and it's one of the last time you'll see them. seems like the only reasons not to go are the ticket prices and/or burn-out from having seen the same songs play over and over again.
i went and loved it. but it was my first stones show in over 20 years.

So how did they compare to 20 years ago?

i thought they were better than in 89! less campiness, more taking the songs seriously. MJ's performance in particular.

Re: it too workman-like?
Date: May 15, 2013 06:16

the band sounds great, the songs are great, and it's one of the last time you'll see them. seems like the only reasons not to go are the ticket prices and/or burn-out from having seen the same songs play over and over again.
i went and loved it. but it was my first stones show in over 20 years.

So how did they compare to 20 years ago?

i thought they were better than in 89! less campiness, more taking the songs seriously. MJ's performance in particular.

Thanks for sharing, mate. I am thrilled to hear this. They really do mean business this time around, that is obvious. Now, if we can just get them into the studio and begin to get them to take their song writing more seriously. Like Steven Van Zandt said, "how amazing would that be".

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: May 15, 2013 06:21

the band sounds great, the songs are great, and it's one of the last time you'll see them. seems like the only reasons not to go are the ticket prices and/or burn-out from having seen the same songs play over and over again.
i went and loved it. but it was my first stones show in over 20 years.

So how did they compare to 20 years ago?

i thought they were better than in 89! less campiness, more taking the songs seriously. MJ's performance in particular.

Thanks for sharing, mate. I am thrilled to hear this. They really do mean business this time around, that is obvious. Now, if we can just get them into the studio and begin to get them to take their song writing more seriously. Like Steven Van Zandt said, "how amazing would that be".

Yes, all this business of age-diminished faculties is rubbish. Warren Zevon knew he was dying, and even with cancer he pulled one last solid album out in the limited time he had left.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: MizzAmandaJonez ()
Date: May 15, 2013 06:35

Mick Taylor's passionate fist pump at the end of Satisfaction in San Jose summed up how he feels.

Mick J is the consummate pro frontman, I've never seen him more focused, and yes, workmanlike.

Charlie is Charlie, the rock behind the roll.

Ron is still out to the jury for me. Kind of a non factor from the two shows I've seen.

Keith, of course, is completely straight.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 15, 2013 07:04

Comparing it to other tours I would say it's better than Licks, at least the one concert I saw. It's musically better ABB because the ABB tour, at least the stadium version, seemed more about mind blowing effects than musicality. It is better than Steel Wheels, which was overblown. Voodoo Lounge was pretty good, but both it, and BTB were highlighted by the B-stage. No Security is the best tour post-Wyman. I'd say what has been surprising is that as the rest of the band slowly declines, Jagger has really risen. The past couple tours I have been more amazed by him than anyone in the group. I used to go for Charlie and Keith. Now it's Mick.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: May 15, 2013 08:39

lem motlow
this thread is so great you guys have helped me so much.i just saved a fortune on my next vacation,i'm gonna just go on google images instead of going to hawaii.i cant wait to tell the wife.i have great speakers on my desk,i just have to download the sound of waves crashing on the beach and i'm there.

also,i now know what it was like to be at altamont because i sat in my living room eating popcorn looking at my tv,and the sound is the exact same because i have a replica of the stones 1969 tour p.a. next to my tv.takes up a bit of room though.

You mix up 2 different things, the "feeling/experience" of attending a show and "being able to listen" on how the band plays. Why would anybody pretend to imagine "how it felt like to be at Altamont" ? I'm sure everybody at Altamont had a different impression of the evening, depending on many things. Going by your standards, only the people right in front of the stage at MSG 1969 are able to have an opinion on Get Yer Ya Yas Out.

It's the music being played that everybody can judge....and they played terrific at Altamont and MSG 1969. The music sounds the same nomatter if you're in Hawaii or Africa, as long as the speakers are OK.

This is really easy, actually, strange that you are unable to grasp it

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: May 15, 2013 08:49

lem motlow
this thread is so great you guys have helped me so much.i just saved a fortune on my next vacation,i'm gonna just go on google images instead of going to hawaii.i cant wait to tell the wife.i have great speakers on my desk,i just have to download the sound of waves crashing on the beach and i'm there.

also,i now know what it was like to be at altamont because i sat in my living room eating popcorn looking at my tv,and the sound is the exact same because i have a replica of the stones 1969 tour p.a. next to my tv.takes up a bit of room though.

You mix up 2 different things, the "feeling/experience" of attending a show and "being able to listen" on how the band plays. Why would anybody pretend to imagine "how it felt like to be at Altamont" ? I'm sure everybody at Altamont had a different impression of the evening, depending on many things. Going by your standards, only the people right in front of the stage at MSG 1969 are able to have an opinion on Get Yer Ya Yas Out.

It's the music being played that everybody can judge....and they played terrific at Altamont and MSG 1969. The music sounds the same nomatter if you're in Hawaii or Africa, as long as the speakers are OK.

This is really easy, actually, strange that you are unable to grasp it

I don't totally agree. Ask anyone who attended a concert and they will tell you it sounded way different from the soundboard recording of that show. For the most part, performers aren't performing for the soundboard, they are performing for the sound and experience they get in the venue they are in - more so for the stones than almost anyone else, since they have so much experience playing live.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: May 15, 2013 08:55

The mix you get on your cell phone recording can be so bad that a good rendition becomes a bad one.

There's lots of talks about youtube recordings here, something I rarely bother to watch. I listen to the recent RS concerts in much better quality thanks to the DIME torrents....plenty of us have heard these recent gigs in really fine quality, fine enough to hear how the band plays.

and how are they playing, erik?

Well..I'm not $600 impressed....maybe about $25 impressed. Much better than 2007, to say something positive. But there's nothing new here, not much sparks, and everything is going in a slower pace than previously.
Didn't think I'd ever get to hear a decline even in Charlie's drumming, but I do now. But of course there's some nice moments, like in any RS tour. For instance Rambler with Taylor is exciting...brings out something in the whole band, well at least in both Micks, same goes for a couple of other tunes that worked OK, like I Wanna Be Your Man in London, No Expectations recently, etc.
But big parts of the shows seems like a degraded B/W re-run, at best. Version number 2000 of Brown Sugar wasn't a "terrific version" one has to admit

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-15 11:38 by Erik_Snow.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: May 15, 2013 09:00

Ask anyone who attended a concert and they will tell you it sounded way different from the soundboard recording of that show. For the most part, performers aren't performing for the soundboard, they are performing for the sound and experience they get in the venue they are in - more so for the stones than almost anyone else, since they have so much experience playing live.

Yes the sound is different, and I'm sure it's also very different on stage for RS themselves than it is for the audience. And it's more enjoyable with a good sounding recording than a so-so one. But one can still hear how the band actually plays which is what is important. I enjoy lots of "poor sounding" recordings from let's say....1969; because they're still good enough for me to value great musicianship and energy.

I'm not able to enjoy a bad concert though, nomatter how good the quality is. A lousy guitar player might have a great amp....but it can't take him very far

Re: it too workman-like?
Date: May 15, 2013 10:20

The mix you get on your cell phone recording can be so bad that a good rendition becomes a bad one.

There's lots of talks about youtube recordings here, something I rarely bother to watch. I listen to the recent RS concerts in much better quality thanks to the DIME torrents....plenty of us have heard these recent gigs in really fine quality, fine enough to hear how the band plays.
What is a DIME torrents? How can I get it??

You download a torrent software (for instance Transmission) and visit a torrent website (like Pirate Bay, Bit Lord or Dime) and you're good to go downloading.

It's not legal, though...

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: May 15, 2013 16:59

lem motlow
this thread is so great you guys have helped me so much.i just saved a fortune on my next vacation,i'm gonna just go on google images instead of going to hawaii.i cant wait to tell the wife.i have great speakers on my desk,i just have to download the sound of waves crashing on the beach and i'm there.

also,i now know what it was like to be at altamont because i sat in my living room eating popcorn looking at my tv,and the sound is the exact same because i have a replica of the stones 1969 tour p.a. next to my tv.takes up a bit of room though.

You mix up 2 different things, the "feeling/experience" of attending a show and "being able to listen" on how the band plays. Why would anybody pretend to imagine "how it felt like to be at Altamont" ? I'm sure everybody at Altamont had a different impression of the evening, depending on many things. Going by your standards, only the people right in front of the stage at MSG 1969 are able to have an opinion on Get Yer Ya Yas Out.

It's the music being played that everybody can judge....and they played terrific at Altamont and MSG 1969. The music sounds the same nomatter if you're in Hawaii or Africa, as long as the speakers are OK.

This is really easy, actually, strange that you are unable to grasp it

sooo you actually believe that i'm gonna look at google images instead of going on vacation and i have a replica of the stones 69 p.a in my living room??.ok,great

and that little thing at the end there...classic.yeah,i just cant seem to figure things out.
gotta go catch my flight to l.a in an hour kids...see ya on youtube.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: May 15, 2013 17:06

lem motlow
and that little thing at the end there...classic.yeah,i just cant seem to figure things out.

Obviously not, as you continue with that looking at google pictures/going on vacation-thingy, which has nothing to do with listening to music or have an opinion on the musicianship

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 15, 2013 17:12

lem motlow
and that little thing at the end there...classic.yeah,i just cant seem to figure things out.

Obviously not, as you continue with that looking at google pictures/going on vacation-thingy, which has nothing to do with listening to music or have an opinion on the musicianship

Go easy Erik...its scary flying without a parent...

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: GRNRBITW ()
Date: May 15, 2013 17:34

The mix you get on your cell phone recording can be so bad that a good rendition becomes a bad one.

There's lots of talks about youtube recordings here, something I rarely bother to watch. I listen to the recent RS concerts in much better quality thanks to the DIME torrents....plenty of us have heard these recent gigs in really fine quality, fine enough to hear how the band plays.

and how are they playing, erik?

Well..I'm not $600 impressed....maybe about $25 impressed. Much better than 2007, to say something positive. But there's nothing new here, not much sparks, and everything is going in a slower pace than previously.
Didn't think I'd ever get to hear a decline even in Charlie's drumming, but I do now. But of course there's some nice moments, like in any RS tour. For instance Rambler with Taylor is exciting...brings out something in the whole band, well at least in both Micks, same goes for a couple of other tunes that worked OK, like I Wanna Be Your Man in London, No Expectations recently, etc.
But big parts of the shows seems like a degraded B/W re-run, at best. Version number 2000 of Brown Sugar wasn't a "terrific version" one has to admit

what has become apparent to those in-the-know (and of course i count myself in that very exclusive club), is that the "engine room" is running on fumes now. keith and charlie, who drove the band for decades, are the weak-links (weaklings?) now, which renders the rockers all but unlistenable in most instances. what does still work quite well on occasion are the "softer" tunes. I'd prolly pay to see a show that had a significant segment of it devoted to the "no expectations" or "lady janes" or "dead flowerses." And you know what? I think most longtime fans would relish such a show. Jagger's inept insistence that the audience needs 2 hours of high-energy rock is the problem. They're old, we're old there's no reason at this very late stage why we all need to pretend otherwise.

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: May 15, 2013 17:50

The mix you get on your cell phone recording can be so bad that a good rendition becomes a bad one.

There's lots of talks about youtube recordings here, something I rarely bother to watch. I listen to the recent RS concerts in much better quality thanks to the DIME torrents....plenty of us have heard these recent gigs in really fine quality, fine enough to hear how the band plays.

and how are they playing, erik?

Well..I'm not $600 impressed....maybe about $25 impressed. Much better than 2007, to say something positive. But there's nothing new here, not much sparks, and everything is going in a slower pace than previously.
Didn't think I'd ever get to hear a decline even in Charlie's drumming, but I do now. But of course there's some nice moments, like in any RS tour. For instance Rambler with Taylor is exciting...brings out something in the whole band, well at least in both Micks, same goes for a couple of other tunes that worked OK, like I Wanna Be Your Man in London, No Expectations recently, etc.
But big parts of the shows seems like a degraded B/W re-run, at best. Version number 2000 of Brown Sugar wasn't a "terrific version" one has to admit

what has become apparent to those in-the-know (and of course i count myself in that very exclusive club), is that the "engine room" is running on fumes now. keith and charlie, who drove the band for decades, are the weak-links (weaklings?) now, which renders the rockers all but unlistenable in most instances. what does still work quite well on occasion are the "softer" tunes. I'd prolly pay to see a show that had a significant segment of it devoted to the "no expectations" or "lady janes" or "dead flowerses." And you know what? I think most longtime fans would relish such a show. Jagger's inept insistence that the audience needs 2 hours of high-energy rock is the problem. They're old, we're old there's no reason at this very late stage why we all need to pretend otherwise.

that is an excellent suggestion.

Play With Fire, Lady Jane, Ruby Tuesday maybe..

No Expectations..Parachute Woman..

they still rock, though. Midnight Rambler ..awesome recently..

Re: it too workman-like?
Posted by: GRNRBITW ()
Date: May 15, 2013 18:08

duke richardson
The mix you get on your cell phone recording can be so bad that a good rendition becomes a bad one.

There's lots of talks about youtube recordings here, something I rarely bother to watch. I listen to the recent RS concerts in much better quality thanks to the DIME torrents....plenty of us have heard these recent gigs in really fine quality, fine enough to hear how the band plays.

and how are they playing, erik?

Well..I'm not $600 impressed....maybe about $25 impressed. Much better than 2007, to say something positive. But there's nothing new here, not much sparks, and everything is going in a slower pace than previously.
Didn't think I'd ever get to hear a decline even in Charlie's drumming, but I do now. But of course there's some nice moments, like in any RS tour. For instance Rambler with Taylor is exciting...brings out something in the whole band, well at least in both Micks, same goes for a couple of other tunes that worked OK, like I Wanna Be Your Man in London, No Expectations recently, etc.
But big parts of the shows seems like a degraded B/W re-run, at best. Version number 2000 of Brown Sugar wasn't a "terrific version" one has to admit

what has become apparent to those in-the-know (and of course i count myself in that very exclusive club), is that the "engine room" is running on fumes now. keith and charlie, who drove the band for decades, are the weak-links (weaklings?) now, which renders the rockers all but unlistenable in most instances. what does still work quite well on occasion are the "softer" tunes. I'd prolly pay to see a show that had a significant segment of it devoted to the "no expectations" or "lady janes" or "dead flowerses." And you know what? I think most longtime fans would relish such a show. Jagger's inept insistence that the audience needs 2 hours of high-energy rock is the problem. They're old, we're old there's no reason at this very late stage why we all need to pretend otherwise.

that is an excellent suggestion.

Play With Fire, Lady Jane, Ruby Tuesday maybe..

No Expectations..Parachute Woman..

they still rock, though. Midnight Rambler ..awesome recently..

rambler is the odd anomaly...always has been. nobody knows why.

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