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Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: KeithRichards ()
Date: February 27, 2005 13:41

Demon, what's that now with your picture? The only one we know is still the one from your back...I'm not going to apply oficially if you don't post a proper photo ;-)

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 27, 2005 13:54


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:16 by Demon.

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 27, 2005 13:55


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:17 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 27, 2005 15:29

Ha ha ha!
Go Demon Go!
I'm rooting for you
to pull this off. But
listen: I'd be willing to bet
Keith tells all the girls he loves
them, and can even keep a straight face
while doing it. He ain't the bad boy o' rock
fer nothing! If you can catch him then,
how will you know if his
love is true?

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 27, 2005 17:54

Ha! I ain't pay for squat... You won't see me coming! I descend from pirates as well.

I have no idea what the hell this crazy thread is about in the first place. I just read sex with Rockman and something about the backseat of an RV with Blondie Chaplin... So I then joined in. People should not push my sex in the context of the Stones buttons if they don't want me around. Then I read terry's been excercising and can last a few minutes now (foreplay included) so I got excited...

By the way, terry, I'm looking forward to our interlude in London!

I don't get why Lisa can't come though??

And sure, Davido, why not...

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 27, 2005 18:23

Oooooh GW!
Lemmme pull Senor Banana
outta me pants and and and.....


Nope. Yer my kinda Stones girl!


Go grrrrrrl go!

More more more....................

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 27, 2005 21:21


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:18 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Miss U. ()
Date: February 28, 2005 00:07

No offense, Demon, but I think you've lost touch with reality!!!
Esp #7 "as I'm in love with Keith, so NOTHING can become questionable, rumors etc."
If the stones do you so many such favors, maybe they can take you on the road with them...LoL.


Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 00:12


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:18 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 00:40

Aye -GW's a pirate
alright! Shiver me timber!
I'm gonna bury it in
her treasure chest!!!
Am I polishin' it
up enuff for you
Giant Whore?!?

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 00:46

Ps: Demon's entitled to her
fantasies. As to whether any of
ye lads want to go along for
the ride, it's up to them.
It's alright to have fun
here on the IORR but as
another Stones fan we
should wish her well.................

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 01:06


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:19 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 01:39


Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 03:22

Miss U, you rule!!!

Davido, was it good for you??

Demon: I'm guessing you're of the pirate stock that didn't know how to have fun??

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 03:55

Yes Giant Whore-
was it good for you too?

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 03:56

PS: Thanks!

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 04:10


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:19 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 05:01

Wow! This is exciting!
A real ole fashioned
cat fight could boost the
viewer ratings of this
thread for sure!

Keith and Pirates
beats the boring old
been there/ done that
Woods verses Taylor
verses Jones scrap

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Marianella ()
Date: February 28, 2005 06:56

I'm not a guy, and don't know how to repair vehicles. So what your saying is like you need an escort? It sounds like a good TRIP! GooD Luck!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-02-28 06:58 by Marianella.

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 07:37


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:20 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: February 28, 2005 07:44

Or women the way they used cook me a meal.

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 08:14


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:21 by Demon.

Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 08:15


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-03-01 01:22 by Demon.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 28, 2005 13:45

The question is does anyone actually care about what pirate you're related to, Demon?

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Limbostone ()
Date: February 28, 2005 15:44

Someone called 'Manboobs1971' has recently registerd to this forum.

I suggest you contact him for a comfy Knudel demon... He might be looking too.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Miss U. ()
Date: February 28, 2005 19:35

LoL, GW.
Demon, maybe there's some (straight) women out there who are mechanically inclined who can help you? This idea seems to be a platonic bachelorette with you the prize for some guy. I just hope he at least gets a lap dance out of the deal. LOL. So you're in love with Keith, good luck then. It was the music that drew me in, anything else is just bonus. Now you've given me an idea.... perhaps there's a gentleman out there (35+) with a resemblance to either Brian, Mick, Ronnie, or Mick Taylor who would like to escort me on the next world tour......pot, sex, drinking included....non smokers only of course and he would pay everything for me. Haha!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-02-28 21:08 by Miss U..

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: February 28, 2005 20:04

Actually, that TV dinner idea works long as the guy you are with can just call AAA.

The interesting thing is that Jagger has come off the main stage & talked to me, Keith has handed me pics, Keith has nodded, waved, even talked with me at concerts before, Ronnie & I have had tons of interaction, I tend to get very good seats...and I am not even in love with them. I am a guy so I am certain they are not in love with me. Further, I bet tons of people on this board have talked with the boys, had interaction, etc.

It sounds like you have a fun trip planned though...I hope it all works out. Just don't be TOO fanatical about the whole thing. I think the worst I have seen are those "number nazis" in-line over in Europe. You know...the ones that mark your hand, write it down on paper, flip out if they don't remember you later, running to security...all the while saving spaces for friends asleep in the car/bus. Those people are completely nuts in my book. I understand the concept behind it...I still say they are totally off their rocker.

Lastly, don't worry too much about your travel pal doing a line a gig or smoking a joint. So long as he isn't a crackpot the sauce should be fine too. Don't forget you are seeing rock n' roll...not a damn ballet. I can understand if you don't want the ol' in & out (some gals are fairly uptight about this sort of thing)...but that is a good way to tie the night together after a good gig.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: February 28, 2005 22:37

I'd agree with Stonesguy;
sex and the Stones go together.
Get me all worked up anyway.
After a show (also before? during?)
I'd bet most of the guys here (maybe
the girls too?) love nothing more
than a good screw, blowjob,
whatever, no? Makes the night!

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: February 28, 2005 22:42

Wanted: Rich, good looking babe with low morals to drive/fly me to the Stone shows this fall. Party favors OK by me.

Re: Wanted: Short term Relationship, No SEX, for 2005 Tour - Photos & Changes Added
Posted by: davido ()
Date: March 1, 2005 00:57

That's very nice of you Elmo!
I hope hope of the girls takes
you up on you roffer! ;-)

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