Buddy Young Wrote:
> He guys,
> Thanks a lot for the reactions! I didn't expect
> everyone to be so positive as some people on this
> board tend to be quite critical sometimes. To
> respond to some of the remarks:
> Teclats.nl has nothing to do with me, I made the
> site for a dutch keyboard player from Youp van 't
> Hek..I just use the webspace to host songs
> sometimes. My site is www.buddymusic.tk but it's
> in dutch and there are only some crappy older
> tracks of mine to download.
> The recording has got no base, it's just me on
> vocals and a friend on guitar. Normally we play
> together live with 2 guitars and vocals. The other
> guy (sadly enough!!) does not really like the
> Stones :-( but I sometimes fool him with the less
> known songs, saying that someone else wrote them.
> And of course. We are mixing our demo right now
> and then we'll try to book some ome live dates in
> The Netherlands...so if you know something!!??
> We're always happy to play anywhere and not very
> expensive..
> We also did a simular thing with honky tonk, so if
> anybody would like it, I'll be glad to put it on
> the site and post it here...
> A man of wealth and taste....
Yeah put Honky Tonk up aswell - go for it!
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