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Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: MJRocksoff ()
Date: April 2, 2013 05:37

One of Mick's greatest solo songs, almost like an autobiography!

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 2, 2013 05:39


Here comes proudmary.....

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 2, 2013 06:13

Respect for Too Far Gone...

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: April 2, 2013 06:31

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: April 2, 2013 08:11

Yes, almost like an autobiography--because there are almost as many words. Song lyrics work best when they are.... lyrical. Say a lot with a little, like in Jack Flash or Street Fighting Man, or Ruby Tuesday, but wind up saying nothing with 1,000 words a minute as in the Goddess album songs. Furthermore, the song has no dynamics--it just crashes in and remains overly loud and overly compressed, when it should be reflective, and the melody, such that it is, is flat and repetitive, no catchy hooks, no lines of verse that stay in your head....

Sorry I just can't show respect for this, because he just goes too far.

It occurs to me that Don't Stop was an outtake from this album.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: walkingthedog ()
Date: April 2, 2013 10:58

Was on my Mick Jagger compilation 7.5 years ago!


Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Date: April 2, 2013 12:19

Jagger goes Aerosmith, or Aerosmith goes Jagger? confused smiley

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: BILLPERKS ()
Date: April 2, 2013 14:33


Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: NedKelly ()
Date: April 2, 2013 15:23

I always loved it.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: April 2, 2013 17:14

A great song by ................ Bobby Bland.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: April 2, 2013 23:53

I recently took all Mick's solo stuff off my iPod cause I ran out of room. Not too difficult of a decision, really.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: April 3, 2013 01:06

This is really a great song. I immediately thought it was a shame it didn't come out on a Stones release because so many Stones are going to resist it as a Mick Jagger Solo Release.
Their loss - it's one of his best, with or without the Stones.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: kish_stoned ()
Date: April 3, 2013 01:19

stones fans do not like jagger doing solo music in the last few years lot of the songs on stones cds are jagger songs so cut out the crap and enjoy the music.i love jagger music more music for jaggers fans.yea,yea,yea.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 3, 2013 01:26

stones fans do not like jagger doing solo music

I wouldn't limit this to Stones fans...expand it to include music fans

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Marhsall ()
Date: April 3, 2013 03:22

One of my fav. Jagger solo songs! Love it!

"Well my heavy throbbers itchin' just to lay a solid rhythm down"

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: April 3, 2013 03:40

...Furthermore, the song has no dynamics--it just crashes in and remains overly loud and overly compressed, when it should be reflective, and the melody, such that it is, is flat and repetitive, no catchy hooks, no lines of verse that stay in your head....

Sorry I just can't show respect for this, because he just goes too far.

It occurs to me that Don't Stop was an outtake from this album.

Have to agree, one of the many horrible songs on Goddess!

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: April 3, 2013 03:57


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="[]; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Date: April 4, 2013 22:47

This is really a great song. I immediately thought it was a shame it didn't come out on a Stones release because so many Stones are going to resist it as a Mick Jagger Solo Release.
Their loss - it's one of his best, with or without the Stones.

Great song along with a few other great ones from the same album. It is the criticism (of this song among others on this album) that is dull and flat- no dynamics to the thinking or the appreciation of a Jagger solo release. Just parroting of oft repeated cliches

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: April 4, 2013 22:54

Good song, but produced too slick.
I think there are actually quite a few good songs on Goddess, but it was recorded with the wrong people.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: April 5, 2013 01:21

This is really a great song. I immediately thought it was a shame it didn't come out on a Stones release because so many Stones are going to resist it as a Mick Jagger Solo Release.
Their loss - it's one of his best, with or without the Stones.

Great song along with a few other great ones from the same album. It is the criticism (of this song among others on this album) that is dull and flat- no dynamics to the thinking or the appreciation of a Jagger solo release. Just parroting of oft repeated cliches

It's like a knee-jerk reaction. I'm not the biggest fan of his solo work overall...but I can admit when something is off-the-hook good - like this one, Don't Call me Up etc....
I still believe Wandering Spirit was better than Steel Wheels, Voodoo etc.....

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: MJRocksoff ()
Date: April 5, 2013 07:21

Goddess is right up there with Wandering Spirt. Just a differant sound as it's 8 yrs after Wandering Spirt. May be more "produced" but IMHO all the sonds are strong. God Gave Me Everything one of his best rockers Stones or Solo

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: April 5, 2013 14:02

Yes I think the production let it down, with Rubin at the helm this would have been more pleasant to go back to, it lacks WS's "earthiness/graininess". Mick should have known better...

Good comments on "Too Far Gone", always liked it but felt it lacked a little something, a hook I guess!

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: micwer ()
Date: August 7, 2018 00:41

I've been re-listening to it after reading the Mick Jagger's 75th Anniversary Special from Rolling Stone magazine and I forgot how much I loved that song (and that whole album actually).

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Date: August 7, 2018 16:45

I can not even tell anymore; because all I can think of when hearing the song is Marti Fredriksen telling Jagger to draw out the word "too-uo" to make it sound, uh what? street wise?? LOL And Jagger taking the advice, re-singing the part with as ?-mark on his face.
But IMO really good comments by stonehearted about dynamics etc.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: August 7, 2018 18:15

One of a few songs on the album I really like. This and "Hideaway" are my favorites.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: August 7, 2018 18:18

This is really a great song. I immediately thought it was a shame it didn't come out on a Stones release because so many Stones are going to resist it as a Mick Jagger Solo Release.
Their loss - it's one of his best, with or without the Stones.

Great song along with a few other great ones from the same album. It is the criticism (of this song among others on this album) that is dull and flat- no dynamics to the thinking or the appreciation of a Jagger solo release. Just parroting of oft repeated cliches

Fair enough but what do you expect? Your typical Stones fan will lavish praise on Wandering Spirit and pan the rest. It's not hard to understand why.

Personally, I think She's the Boss is far and away his best solo release but I never listen to it cuz I'm a hard Stones fan to please...

Too Far Gone, the title, pretty much sums up Jagger's solo career (the Stones' too, for that matter). He's no longer original and lyrics-wise his Muse left him decades ago. Having said that though I do like the 'Watching girls in cotton dresses diving off the bridge' line.

Re: Let's show some respect for Too Far Gone
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: August 7, 2018 19:15

Well, the song "Goddess in the Doorway," if you can get past the dreadful sub-Cher/Madonna techno dance music that Matt Clifford crafted, has an interesting lyric about the pursuit of a Muse and how it relates to Jagger's womanizing.

Listening to Mick's rhythm guitar on the track also convinces me there might have been something much more interesting made of the tune. However, I respect Mick's artistic right to break away from the conventions of the Stones with a solo recording or side project.

Keith solo recordings will always feel interchangeable with a latter-day Keith lead vocals on a Stones album whereas (WANDERING SPIRIT excepted) Mick solo recordings usually come off as the unpleasant juxtaposition of an instantly recognizable voice with the wrong backing track. He and Keith's musical DNA is so intertwined that separating them sounds wrong. Consequently, Mick suffers more in that comparison while Keith continues to just be a cult figure carving his own rootsy niche. Unlike "Memo From Turner" or "Too Many Cooks," once Mick truly went solo he usually sounds like he's trying hard not to be himself. The problem of decades of musical identity being time-stamped into popular consciousness.

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