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Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 9, 2013 15:58

My thoughts are the same..

I think they will stop, when they themselves get the same thoughts, and when Jagger can lo longer act as if he is 35. He still believes he is Peter Pan, but one day his body will give him signals and aches.

That day, they will stop touring. I hope can see them , maybe 3 or 4 times, before that happens.


I am looking forward to the 2 shows in London !!!

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: March 9, 2013 16:17

Cocaine Eyes
With further thoughts, I still say the tour will end prior to Jagger's 70th birthday. Oh sure, those parties and cakes and all were great when he was 34, 45,50, 59 and even 65. But, as I see it, this is a whole different ball game.

My predictions: Tour starts early May and ends mid-July.

smoking smiley

As far a "huge announcement"'ll be a small announcement. Gone are the days of flat-bed trucks, red Cadillacs and blimps.

They're gonna keep it sleek and simple this time. assured.....this will not be the last time. Just a winding down. That's their style; they're not gonna change their style at this point.

All four of them!
smoking smiley

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: wineaux ()
Date: March 9, 2013 16:24

Was in London in August of 2007.... saw 2 of the 3 O2 shows, as well as both of the Rolling Stones Project shows. Spent a lot of $$ that we really didn't have and I don't regret one bit of it.

Glad I live in Chicago... would be happy to get at least 1 show this next tour. Have seen them every tour since '81. Was lucky enough to see all 3 shows in 2004 (United Center, US Cellular Field and the Aragon). They've done Soldier Field numerous times. A lot of acts have been performing @ Wrigley Field, which might be a great location for the Stones. Wherever they decide to play, we'll be there!!

You were also at the Ronnie Wood and Stu concerts? There was a fan from Chicago there

We were at the Vortex and Mean Fiddler on the 20th & 22nd for Tim Ries' Rolling Stones Project gigs ... Bernard, Lisa, Darryl, Michael and others were on hand to do their renditions of jazzed-up Stones songs. These shows were scheduled on the off-nights of the O2 Stones shows. Have seen them in Chicago a couple of times also... they put on a great show!

Curious to know what you thought of these Tim Ries Stones Project shows. I saw several of them, Barcelona, Lisbon, Vortex in London spring to mind. In the end they bored me senseless, because I fundamentally do not like jazz anyway, but also some of the renditions bore not even the slightest resemblance to the original songs. They were totally unrecognisable - in the fullest sense of the word. I ended up just seeing these gigs as largely Tim Ries merely capitalising on the Stones connection, and not particularly well or interestingly so at that. I personally would certainly never need to attend another one, that's for sure. But I'm sure some folks liked them. I did get the impression though that a fair number of people attended these shows predominantly because of the hope that one or two of the band might make an impromptu appearance, but of course it never happened.
We never went to these shows expecting any surprise guests. I look at their performances as way of honoring the Stones and their music through another channel (jazz). Keith, Charlie & Ron have all made contributions to the recordings. This shows me that they also appreciate Tim's efforts. I'm definitely much more of a blues fan, but try to widen my musical horizons by venturing out into other areas.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 9, 2013 18:23

Paulywaul, I saw the Tim Ries group once in London on ABB and then later once in NYC for an even better show.
I can assure you that some of us appreciate the versions of the songs and were not there in hope of others showing up. cool smiley

I understand if you don't like that type of music. I don't care for some interpretations, such as a few of those by artists at the Carnegie Hall tribute.

Angee, I well believe you, and good for you. I was lukewarm even before the first Tim Ries show I attended, because as I say ... jazz really ain't my thing. Quite to what extent it's not my thing only became apparent to me by the time I'd seen the third one such show, that's all I'm saying. Personally, I WAS hoping either MJ or KR or RW or CW would turn up to one or the other, the possibility of THAT happening was part of the limited attraction of attending these shows. But once it became obvious that there would never be a sighting of any of them at a Tim Ries Stones project thing, that was it for me. Thrice was more than enough.

Charlie's ABCD of Boogie Woogie shows are a different kettle of fish, because to my ears ......... boogie woogie is of infinitely greater appeal than jazz, so I do enjoy those shows. Seen several of them, they blow the TRSP out of the water, but that's just a reflection of my personal taste and hence my opinion.

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 9, 2013 19:39

See y'all twice in Vegas, once in Seattle, once in Vancouver, twice in Toronto and twice in NY! I'm in for eight!!!!!

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 9, 2013 20:27

'Rolling Stones gaan weer toeren'
The Rolling Stones gaan naar verluidt weer toeren. Een bron uit de concertwereld laat aan muziektijdschrift Rolling Stone weten dat de band achttien concerten in Noord-Amerika aan het plannen is.

Foto: Getty Images De toer zou 2 mei van start gaan. Volgens een ingewijde staan vooral steden aan de Amerikaanse westkust op het programma, maar de Stones gaan mogelijk ook naar de oostkust.

The Rolling Stones reisden tussen 2005 en 2007 voor het laatst de wereld rond met de Bigger Bang-toer. De bandleden, die afgelopen zomer hun vijftigjarig jubileum vierden, begonnen eind vorig jaar weer voorzichtig met optreden.

De mannen gaven een paar concerten in onder meer Parijs en Londen. Naar verluidt spelen ze deze zomer ook op Glastonbury.

an article in, a dutch newspaperwebsite. It quotes for the rest, no significant news.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2013-03-09 20:30 by corriecas.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: samunknown ()
Date: March 9, 2013 22:46

i think the tour will be announced end of this month. i just have that feeling

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: triplelicks ()
Date: March 9, 2013 23:08

Unless all these shows will be free, they'll need to start ticket sales real soon.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: phd ()
Date: March 9, 2013 23:36

Unless all these shows will be free, they'll need to start ticket sales real soon.
As far as I have understood for the UK shows, it seems that tickets are already sold out without the Stones.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: March 10, 2013 00:34

Cocaine Eyes
And about Jagger continuing to leap about and run miles on stage at age 70 - I think we have to recall what Charlie said years ago: "I think we'll look silly doing this at 70".

Now, Charlie (I doubt) meant looking silly playing drums or playing guitars or playing pianos. The "silliest" one could be Jagger.

There's a hige risk in leaping about at age matter how wonderfully agile and in perfect body he is.

My thoughts only.......smoking smiley

Jagger himself said, around the time of the ABB tour, that he could easily see himself performing well into his 70s, so I doubt this milestone will mean the end of something. Charlie was in his early 50s when he thought they would look silly playing rock music at 70, but there was a time when the thought of such a band continuing into their 50s would have seemed silly to many. Just take it one year at a time, and if they can still get through a 5-hour rehearsal with no trouble, then they can surely get through a 2-hour show.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: Cocaine Eyes ()
Date: March 10, 2013 00:55

I agree with you Stonehearted. And yes, Charlie said that many, many years ago! I guess what I'm saying (and hoping) is that they'll change the shows as they (and WE!!) age.

I'd love to see them sitting on stools, toning down the "largeness" of the shows and bring it back to where it all began. Simple and music driven only.

Hope that made sense!! And I do know that Jagger will always be the Jagger we know as a frontman!! eye popping smiley

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: March 10, 2013 02:03

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Date: March 10, 2013 05:05

So what exactly is the point of these shows if there are no plans to create new music?

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Date: March 10, 2013 05:10

Paulywaul, I saw the Tim Ries group once in London on ABB and then later once in NYC for an even better show.
I can assure you that some of us appreciate the versions of the songs and were not there in hope of others showing up. cool smiley

I understand if you don't like that type of music. I don't care for some interpretations, such as a few of those by artists at the Carnegie Hall tribute.

Angee, I well believe you, and good for you. I was lukewarm even before the first Tim Ries show I attended, because as I say ... jazz really ain't my thing. Quite to what extent it's not my thing only became apparent to me by the time I'd seen the third one such show, that's all I'm saying. Personally, I WAS hoping either MJ or KR or RW or CW would turn up to one or the other, the possibility of THAT happening was part of the limited attraction of attending these shows. But once it became obvious that there would never be a sighting of any of them at a Tim Ries Stones project thing, that was it for me. Thrice was more than enough.

Charlie's ABCD of Boogie Woogie shows are a different kettle of fish, because to my ears ......... boogie woogie is of infinitely greater appeal than jazz, so I do enjoy those shows. Seen several of them, they blow the TRSP out of the water, but that's just a reflection of my personal taste and hence my opinion.

A little bit Off topic - but I just like to add:

I´ve also attended the Tim Ries Project and enjoyed it VERY MUCH musicwise and as an interesting side affect / counterpoint to the RS shows....great intimate atmosphere, good music and interpretations.

BUT I also found it a little bit ridiculous because one could really FEEL that most of the audience was only there in wishfull thinking that one of the RS band members would show up. Same people that hang around in the hotel lobby (not that there´s something wrong with it - very exciting, I know ) but I prefer the thing for what it is..... and personal taste is individual.......

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: Angus MacBagpipe ()
Date: March 10, 2013 05:12

Cocaine Eyes
And about Jagger continuing to leap about and run miles on stage at age 70 - I think we have to recall what Charlie said years ago: "I think we'll look silly doing this at 70".

Now, Charlie (I doubt) meant looking silly playing drums or playing guitars or playing pianos. The "silliest" one could be Jagger.

There's a hige risk in leaping about at age matter how wonderfully agile and in perfect body he is.

My thoughts only.......smoking smiley

Jagger himself said, around the time of the ABB tour, that he could easily see himself performing well into his 70s, so I doubt this milestone will mean the end of something. Charlie was in his early 50s when he thought they would look silly playing rock music at 70, but there was a time when the thought of such a band continuing into their 50s would have seemed silly to many. Just take it one year at a time, and if they can still get through a 5-hour rehearsal with no trouble, then they can surely get through a 2-hour show.

Good point, Stonehearted. I remember as a kid thinking no rock star could go on past 30 years old. Past 40 was just unimaginable and ridiculous. One year at a time, seeing how far they can take - it's worked so far.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Date: March 10, 2013 05:22

Cocaine Eyes
And about Jagger continuing to leap about and run miles on stage at age 70 - I think we have to recall what Charlie said years ago: "I think we'll look silly doing this at 70".

Now, Charlie (I doubt) meant looking silly playing drums or playing guitars or playing pianos. The "silliest" one could be Jagger.

There's a hige risk in leaping about at age matter how wonderfully agile and in perfect body he is.

My thoughts only.......smoking smiley

Jagger himself said, around the time of the ABB tour, that he could easily see himself performing well into his 70s, so I doubt this milestone will mean the end of something. Charlie was in his early 50s when he thought they would look silly playing rock music at 70, but there was a time when the thought of such a band continuing into their 50s would have seemed silly to many. Just take it one year at a time, and if they can still get through a 5-hour rehearsal with no trouble, then they can surely get through a 2-hour show.

I don't see their endurance suddenly becoming a factor. If anything they will be in even better shape for the coming shows. But, so what? Without new music it's just more of the same.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Date: March 10, 2013 05:31

Angus MacBagpipe
Cocaine Eyes
And about Jagger continuing to leap about and run miles on stage at age 70 - I think we have to recall what Charlie said years ago: "I think we'll look silly doing this at 70".

Now, Charlie (I doubt) meant looking silly playing drums or playing guitars or playing pianos. The "silliest" one could be Jagger.

There's a hige risk in leaping about at age matter how wonderfully agile and in perfect body he is.

My thoughts only.......smoking smiley

Jagger himself said, around the time of the ABB tour, that he could easily see himself performing well into his 70s, so I doubt this milestone will mean the end of something. Charlie was in his early 50s when he thought they would look silly playing rock music at 70, but there was a time when the thought of such a band continuing into their 50s would have seemed silly to many. Just take it one year at a time, and if they can still get through a 5-hour rehearsal with no trouble, then they can surely get through a 2-hour show.

Good point, Stonehearted. I remember as a kid thinking no rock star could go on past 30 years old. Past 40 was just unimaginable and ridiculous. One year at a time, seeing how far they can take - it's worked so far.

At my first Stones concert in 82 there was a woman standing next to me saying something like: ...."unbelievable, Keith Richards still can do it at HIS AGE".....(not even 40 years old).....

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Date: March 10, 2013 05:42

Very Close the announcement


The only announcement I give a hoot about is an announcement about the making of a new album. Or, better yet, a surprise announcement that they are releasing a new album that was recorded in secret in 2012. Otherwise, I don't give a rip about an announcement involving more live nostalgia shows! Unless there is new music to bring to the dance.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 10, 2013 06:49

And today's announcement is ................................


So the wait goes on ........................................

Wait wait wait, wait wait wait ............ winking smiley

That was yesterday, but this is today

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: March 10, 2013 06:52

In other words, nothing is confirmed. So....the Poll Star article was pointless. And, per usual SOP, we will hear from the Stones when the Stones want us to hear from them.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Date: March 10, 2013 06:57

In other words, nothing is confirmed. So....the Poll Star article was pointless. And, per usual SOP, we will hear from the Stones when the Stones want us to hear from them.

Of course there will be an announcement, but who cares? A lot of people I suppose, just not me. No new album, then what is the point?

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 10, 2013 09:56

Cocaine Eyes
And about Jagger continuing to leap about and run miles on stage at age 70 - I think we have to recall what Charlie said years ago: "I think we'll look silly doing this at 70".

Now, Charlie (I doubt) meant looking silly playing drums or playing guitars or playing pianos. The "silliest" one could be Jagger.

There's a hige risk in leaping about at age matter how wonderfully agile and in perfect body he is.

My thoughts only.......smoking smiley

On paper of course...but at the Trabendo 3 feet away he looked about 35 to me, honest, so did Ronnie. Charlie and Keith obviously not but Mick is the one who makes it happen.

The main fascination to the crowds, and them, is that this can still be happening, the rest (music, message, etc...) is pretty irrelevant and has been for what, 40 years? But then when was the last time music really "mattered"? It's just da frill of da show baby!

Looking forward to some confirmation of the British Summer Festival show(s) now and the rush to get some diamond circle tix!

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: March 10, 2013 10:11

Paulywaul, I saw the Tim Ries group once in London on ABB and then later once in NYC for an even better show.
I can assure you that some of us appreciate the versions of the songs and were not there in hope of others showing up. cool smiley

I understand if you don't like that type of music. I don't care for some interpretations, such as a few of those by artists at the Carnegie Hall tribute.

Angee, I well believe you, and good for you. I was lukewarm even before the first Tim Ries show I attended, because as I say ... jazz really ain't my thing. Quite to what extent it's not my thing only became apparent to me by the time I'd seen the third one such show, that's all I'm saying. Personally, I WAS hoping either MJ or KR or RW or CW would turn up to one or the other, the possibility of THAT happening was part of the limited attraction of attending these shows. But once it became obvious that there would never be a sighting of any of them at a Tim Ries Stones project thing, that was it for me. Thrice was more than enough.

Charlie's ABCD of Boogie Woogie shows are a different kettle of fish, because to my ears ......... boogie woogie is of infinitely greater appeal than jazz, so I do enjoy those shows. Seen several of them, they blow the TRSP out of the water, but that's just a reflection of my personal taste and hence my opinion.
That's exactly how I felt about the shows...saw them three times as well

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: March 10, 2013 11:24

In other words, nothing is confirmed. So....the Poll Star article was pointless. And, per usual SOP, we will hear from the Stones when the Stones want us to hear from them.

Of course there will be an announcement, but who cares? A lot of people I suppose, just not me. No new album, then what is the point?

I'm on the opposite side of the coin.I don't care if they never make a new album.

The last new songs are totally unmemorable to me and no way match up to the older and varied album tracks they play at their gigs.
That's what most fans want to hear ,albeit vary the setlists a lot more as they have such a huge back catalogue.

I'm not interested in Grrr and stuff like that .I have got all those songs on CD or DVD.
Just my take on it anyway. smoking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-03-10 11:25 by crawdaddy.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: william060190 ()
Date: March 10, 2013 11:34

I appeciate the privilege I enjoyed to see them three times last year, not everyone has the chance to live your dreams so directly. The Rolling Stones in 2013, not for everyone however....not so much venues.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 10, 2013 12:24

In other words, nothing is confirmed. So....the Poll Star article was pointless. And, per usual SOP, we will hear from the Stones when the Stones want us to hear from them.

Of course there will be an announcement, but who cares? A lot of people I suppose, just not me. No new album, then what is the point?

I'm on the opposite side of the coin.I don't care if they never make a new album.

The last new songs are totally unmemorable to me and no way match up to the older and varied album tracks they play at their gigs.
That's what most fans want to hear ,albeit vary the setlists a lot more as they have such a huge back catalogue.

I'm not interested in Grrr and stuff like that .I have got all those songs on CD or DVD.
Just my take on it anyway. smoking smiley

Exactly - who cares about having the same songs on 10 different CDs?
Either new songs or nothing.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: Cocaine Eyes ()
Date: March 10, 2013 13:11

Now we have the big three gripes:

1. No New Songs!

2. We Hate The Warhorses!


Uhhhmmmm......where are the people who still LOVE the Rolling Stones for the music, all of it.

For those who are expecting a "new album", well......I wouldn't hold your breath for that. Maybe we could be happy that they're still putting on some shows!

There, rant over.

tongue sticking out smiley

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: March 10, 2013 13:25

If I get to see them at Glastonbury then that for me is enough and I would be happy if they hung up their guns. Let#s be brutally honest, they haven't produced any new work of note since the late 70's, there were odd songs through the 80's which were ok, but in terms of putting out a complete new record that boat has sailed.

ABB was cringingly bad, and I wouldn;t want to see them stoop lower than that. The only way they could make a new record and remain credible would be to do a covers set. Great old Country, blues, R&B, reggae songs, stripped down and without CHuck leavell's input. It would sell well and would be critically acclaimed and a suitable way to end their recording careers as a band.

Solo work could still continue and maybe even a one off gig occasionally but I think we should be glad of the last mini tour and anything we may get this year is a bonus. THey owe the music world and their fans nothing.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 10, 2013 15:56

I will be, hopefully, at least at one London show. Crying , laughing and being so happy with the Stones.

A band, that gave me so many good times, memories and joy and bliss since 1973.

Please please,come with the official announcement soon and not too expensive tickets


ps I dont need a new album.There wont be one, i know.
Just a few good new songs, and NOT like Doom and Gloom and One More Shit.

Re: Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2013 Tour
Posted by: milio77 ()
Date: March 10, 2013 16:18

It's unclear if we're all gonna have the chance to attend to the gigs, but it's nice to have the boys rolling once more anyway. We'll see what happens.

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