Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Date: January 2, 2005 17:44
Mick Taylor was a Stone for 5 & 1/2 years. He was both frustrated & evidently had a drug habit when he left, & it would be half a decade (in his TWENTIES) before he would come back w/ his first solo album, & 12 or 13 years ('87?) before he did his 1st solo tour. He has never made his mark as a songwriter, but as a player he is frequently a melodist.His music is also frequently Stonesy ("Broken Hands" the clear best 'song' on the debut) & I'm sure he would sometimes regret leaving - the occasional solo album could be done w/in the band. He split with the wife too. Ron Wood was already an accomplished guitarist/bassist in 1969 - listen to the Birds collection (1964 - 66) on Deram.The Jeff Beck Group (in which Wood/Stewart/Hopkins wrote much of the material) were well liked by Hendrix, for one (not to mention Zeppelin), who jammed with them several times onstage & copped the 'Rice Pudding' riff for 'In From The Storm'.
I'm glad Ron didn't join til '75, because Mick Taylor fit in fine & made great contributions & because Faces were 1 of the best groups of the 70s, & RW was a central figure in the band (its KR, creatively if not personality wise) - writing w/ both Lane & Stewart (& McLagan). And during the 1969 - 75 period his writing (inc w/ Rod 'Gasoline Alley', 'Every Picture Tells A Story') & playing was frequently praised in reviews of those Rod albums. For sensitivity, wit, nuance, & craft check out the GA album, (Jos Lament, Only a Hobo, You're My Girl, Lady Day). Ron was a respected guitarist/songwriter/collaborator AND a star when he joined the RS. He likely doesnt regret it, but as with Brian, whose status in the group shifted depemnding on where KR threw in his lot, only when Mick & Keith were falling out did he write many songs (half the orig material on Dirty Work), w/ Keith whose allegiences shift occasionally. Socially KR & RW do not have the entent or friendship they used to, perhaps due to RWs drug/alcohol problems, & RW has been increasingly marginalized in the group (I thought he played superbly on some of the US tour, esp on tracks w/out the horns like MR)tho he frequently seems to be looking for spaces to fill - and when loaded he just goofed off as he himself described). Even in the Tip of the Tongue flick, when the Stones are all praising each other, KR's remarks on RW are backhanded at best, & even derogitory ('he can get in the way')
There have been eery similarties btwn Brian, MT, & RW that can only have to do with that niche in the band as they have such different personalities: they all developed drug habits (Keith's position was hardly ever really threatened, except perhaps '77), & MT missed sessions for IORR a la BJ. The 1st few times I saw MT live there was a creepy resemblance to Brian during his later bloated period, & he didn't really get original material into the set til the 2nd or 3rd tour I saw. RW's marginalization recalls Brian's too, right down to his volume being sometimes reduced a la R & R Circus. Finally, I am tired of this either/or attitude towards MT & RW - I love both, along with BJ, & they all (RW most perhaps SG thru Dirty Work, but even since)made great contributions to their band. Hell, I dont care how good Mayall's bands were/are, the guy's singing & lyrics (i.e. Blues from Laural Canyon) are terrible. (well I do care, but have to shut out Mayall)
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2005-01-02 19:02 by john r.