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recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: arthritis ()
Date: November 18, 2012 04:28

Has mick ever publically admitted he's lost vocal range?

Has ron ever admitted that mick taylor is more technically proficient?

Has mick taylor ever made fun of keith's skill level?

Has bill wyman ever been mistaken for a mannequin?

Well, maybe the last one is easily verifiable. But i wonder if anybody has actually heard the stones themselves comment on my first three questions? Preferably on video so it's 100% verifiable. I've always wondered if mick taylor got caught on tape somewhere at a bar in the 80s dissing ronnie or keith, and if mick would ever admit vocal decline.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: November 18, 2012 04:32

No on all counts.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Date: November 18, 2012 04:58

Edith Grove
No on all counts.
+1 My thoughts exactly.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-18 05:01 by its good to be anywhere.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: November 18, 2012 05:45

Keith did call Taylor a virtuoso

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: November 18, 2012 08:47

What is this crap? Your want the founding members of the band to go under oath?

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: November 18, 2012 09:08

The only Mick comments I've seen about his vocal range were in an old clip from VOODOO LOUNGE time—so definitely dated—when he said he hadn't lost any of his upper range, but had in fact gained some bottom notes in his lower range.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-18 09:09 by Title5Take1.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: wildwildhorses ()
Date: November 18, 2012 10:08

hey Artheritis, what the hell you on about ??,
most people here love the Stones, sure they have weak points and time has kicked in.....but geez mate, lighten up,
they still have delivered so much,
`nuff said said read some of your earlier posts, I do like your thoughts,
most my vinyl statched ,some lost, but had some great times and I guess thats what it is all about, The Stones can do that to you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-18 10:51 by wildwildhorses.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: November 18, 2012 10:12

I think Taylor has immense respect for Keith as a musician and I doubt he would say anything like this. They are different kinds of players, and I think Taylor is a good enough musician to understand what Keith brought to the table despite his lack of "virtuosity". As for Ron, it's similar. If he has any feelings of inferiority vs. Taylor regarding his musicianship I am sure it is more than made up for by the fact that he was the one who got the gig and kept it after Taylor's departure.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: ghostryder13 ()
Date: November 18, 2012 10:30

simple answer is who cares

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: November 18, 2012 10:43

I think Taylor has immense respect for Keith as a musician and I doubt he would say anything like this. They are different kinds of players, and I think Taylor is a good enough musician to understand what Keith brought to the table despite his lack of "virtuosity". As for Ron, it's similar. If he has any feelings of inferiority vs. Taylor regarding his musicianship I am sure it is more than made up for by the fact that he was the one who got the gig and kept it after Taylor's departure.

Well having seen Taylor and Wood share various London stages in recent years, Ambassadors Theatre and 100 Club, it's difficult to visualise that there's much in the way of animosity between them. They appear to respect each other, that's it. Difficult to know of course whether they would necessarily wish to socialise with one another etc, but within the professional domain at any rate, I think each respects the other, and what more can be asked for than that ?

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: November 18, 2012 10:51

I think Taylor has immense respect for Keith as a musician and I doubt he would say anything like this. They are different kinds of players, and I think Taylor is a good enough musician to understand what Keith brought to the table despite his lack of "virtuosity". As for Ron, it's similar. If he has any feelings of inferiority vs. Taylor regarding his musicianship I am sure it is more than made up for by the fact that he was the one who got the gig and kept it after Taylor's departure.

Well having seen Taylor and Wood share various London stages in recent years, Ambassadors Theatre and 100 Club, it's difficult to visualise that there's much in the way of animosity between them. They appear to respect each other, that's it. Difficult to know of course whether they would necessarily wish to socialise with one another etc, but within the professional domain at any rate, I think each respects the other, and what more can be asked for than that ?

Agree, completely. In fact Ron seems to be chummier with Taylor than any of the other Stones. The fact that the Stones are still sort of excluding Taylor from all of these events is puzzling to me. He is obviously invited to them, but not included in photos (though he has been in the Crossfire and Exile films).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-18 11:12 by 71Tele.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: boynamedsue69 ()
Date: November 18, 2012 11:00

surprise surprise more whining.

can't anybody just enjoy what we have been given over the past 50 years.....

geez i didn't realise their were so many perfect humans on this earth until i ventured to IORR.. hardly a fault to be seen.......

yeah right...............

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: arthritis ()
Date: November 18, 2012 16:36

surprise surprise more whining.

can't anybody just enjoy what we have been given over the past 50 years.....

geez i didn't realise their were so many perfect humans on this earth until i ventured to IORR.. hardly a fault to be seen.......

yeah right...............

Suprise suprise, more sanctimonious generalization from an internet high horse directed toward people asking harmless questions about one of their favorite bands.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: November 18, 2012 16:44

boynamedsue - The Rolling Stones are far from perfect and the whining on this board is unbeleivable. You'd think some of these people hate the band that they profess to love. Its comical.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: arthritis ()
Date: November 18, 2012 16:59

boynamedsue - The Rolling Stones are far from perfect and the whining on this board is unbeleivable. You'd think some of these people hate the band that they profess to love. Its comical.

Almost as comical as your spelling. When a thread doesn't interest me, or i have nothing to add to it, i generally abstain from posting in it. This is a concept you might consider exploring.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: TomGreen ()
Date: November 18, 2012 17:52

Mick has touched upon his voice semi-recently, it was around 2007 ish. He said that you can still be expressive, which he felt was more important to hitting every original note.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: November 18, 2012 18:22

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-18 18:34 by gotdablouse.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: November 20, 2012 03:34

Arthritis - You ought to try and capitalize your I's before throwing barbs - bugger off!

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: backstreetboy1 ()
Date: November 20, 2012 03:37

arthritis,do uyou admit your an idiot.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: arthritis ()
Date: November 20, 2012 05:20

You appear to be an internet rambo. Not interested.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: stonesnow ()
Date: November 20, 2012 05:29

Has mick ever publically admitted he's lost vocal range?

Has ron ever admitted that mick taylor is more technically proficient?

Has mick taylor ever made fun of keith's skill level?

Has bill wyman ever been mistaken for a mannequin?

Well, maybe the last one is easily verifiable. But i wonder if anybody has actually heard the stones themselves comment on my first three questions? Preferably on video so it's 100% verifiable. I've always wondered if mick taylor got caught on tape somewhere at a bar in the 80s dissing ronnie or keith, and if mick would ever admit vocal decline.

No, but Ron has admitted that he himself is more technically proficient than Keith. In an interview that dates from the Bridges To Babylon tour era, they were both asked who the better guitarist was:

Interviewer: So who's the better guitarist, you or Keith?

Ron [holding a pint glass of Guinness]: Oh, he knows I am. [Laughs from the background]

Interviewer: So who's the better guitarist, you or Ronnie? He says it's him.

[Background laughter as Keith answers]: Oh, yeah, yeah, of course he would say that, wouldn't he?... The truth is we're both pretty lousy, but together we're better than ten others.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: arthritis ()
Date: November 20, 2012 05:45

Has mick ever publically admitted he's lost vocal range?

Has ron ever admitted that mick taylor is more technically proficient?

Has mick taylor ever made fun of keith's skill level?

Has bill wyman ever been mistaken for a mannequin?

Well, maybe the last one is easily verifiable. But i wonder if anybody has actually heard the stones themselves comment on my first three questions? Preferably on video so it's 100% verifiable. I've always wondered if mick taylor got caught on tape somewhere at a bar in the 80s dissing ronnie or keith, and if mick would ever admit vocal decline.

No, but Ron has admitted that he himself is more technically proficient than Keith. In an interview that dates from the Bridges To Babylon tour era, they were both asked who the better guitarist was:

Interviewer: So who's the better guitarist, you or Keith?

Ron [holding a pint glass of Guinness]: Oh, he knows I am. [Laughs from the background]

Interviewer: So who's the better guitarist, you or Ronnie? He says it's him.

[Background laughter as Keith answers]: Oh, yeah, yeah, of course he would say that, wouldn't he?... The truth is we're both pretty lousy, but together we're better than ten others.

Yes, i did see that clip. It was funny how initially keith seemed annoyed that ron would say that about him. I'm sure they trade insults all the time though just for the hell of it.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: ohcarol ()
Date: November 20, 2012 05:50

It always amazes me when people like to point out a musicians lack of skill,not giving any consideration to the aspects they bring to a group of people playing and performing music. There are so many other variables involved and to have to try and explain this to these clueless people makes no sense. So let them live in their small little world with their small little minds. Yeah buddy your right...their crap.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-20 05:53 by ohcarol.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: m1cawber ()
Date: November 20, 2012 05:56

Has mick ever publically admitted he's lost vocal range?

Has ron ever admitted that mick taylor is more technically proficient?

Has mick taylor ever made fun of keith's skill level?

Has bill wyman ever been mistaken for a mannequin?

Well, maybe the last one is easily verifiable. But i wonder if anybody has actually heard the stones themselves comment on my first three questions? Preferably on video so it's 100% verifiable. I've always wondered if mick taylor got caught on tape somewhere at a bar in the 80s dissing ronnie or keith, and if mick would ever admit vocal decline.
Has "arthritis" ever grown up?

She was Hot Hot Hot.........

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: stonesnow ()
Date: November 20, 2012 06:09

Has mick ever publically admitted he's lost vocal range?

Has ron ever admitted that mick taylor is more technically proficient?

Has mick taylor ever made fun of keith's skill level?

Has bill wyman ever been mistaken for a mannequin?

Well, maybe the last one is easily verifiable. But i wonder if anybody has actually heard the stones themselves comment on my first three questions? Preferably on video so it's 100% verifiable. I've always wondered if mick taylor got caught on tape somewhere at a bar in the 80s dissing ronnie or keith, and if mick would ever admit vocal decline.

No, but Ron has admitted that he himself is more technically proficient than Keith. In an interview that dates from the Bridges To Babylon tour era, they were both asked who the better guitarist was:

Interviewer: So who's the better guitarist, you or Keith?

Ron [holding a pint glass of Guinness]: Oh, he knows I am. [Laughs from the background]

Interviewer: So who's the better guitarist, you or Ronnie? He says it's him.

[Background laughter as Keith answers]: Oh, yeah, yeah, of course he would say that, wouldn't he?... The truth is we're both pretty lousy, but together we're better than ten others.

Yes, i did see that clip. It was funny how initially keith seemed annoyed that ron would say that about him. I'm sure they trade insults all the time though just for the hell of it.

Yes, like in the soundtrack footage from the Shine A Light movie, where Keith comments while Ron is eating a banana, "Perfect food for a monkey."

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: November 20, 2012 06:41

arthritis, you ever admit to being a dumbass troll? maybe you should smiling smiley

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 20, 2012 09:08

Has mick ever publically admitted he's lost vocal range?

Has ron ever admitted that mick taylor is more technically proficient?

Has mick taylor ever made fun of keith's skill level?

Has bill wyman ever been mistaken for a mannequin?

Well, maybe the last one is easily verifiable. But i wonder if anybody has actually heard the stones themselves comment on my first three questions? Preferably on video so it's 100% verifiable. I've always wondered if mick taylor got caught on tape somewhere at a bar in the 80s dissing ronnie or keith, and if mick would ever admit vocal decline.
Has "arthritis" ever grown up?

no, but he has stiffened with age.

Re: recorded admissions from the stones?
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: November 20, 2012 12:40

Mick started having vocal coaching some years back and his voice noticeably improved. So I guess that is an admission that he had lost some vocal range or capability.

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