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Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:05


The good news from America today is all concert tickets will be affordable, if not free.

The rich will buy the tickets, and the government will simply redistribute them to the "real fans" in the middle class.

that is all...

This is fantastic news. Thank you so much!

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Fuman2 ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:06

A toast to all those voters that stood in line for hours to cast their vote !!

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: shortfatfanny ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:06

Edith Grove
Edith Grove
@ EdithGrove:
I do not want to offend you, but to me it seems that there is no other world than the notorious God Bless America. Perhaps you know a little bit more because you are communicating within this forum and yes there are countries accross the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific who have done a much better job since World War II.

Don't get me wrong I travelled accross the US and CAN quite extensively and I love it and my monthly snowboarding in Western Canada is just great. But to see a country and its middle class people going down the drain and as result of these multi billionaire republicats the infrastructure is worse than in most third world country.

It is very hard for a leading country and its citizens to understand that other countries have also very good legal action and democratic systems which surpass the US by far. Look at your voting system which is ancient as the Creek Myth.

I do not want to say that Obama is the best president, but one must admit that he was the least choice to surpass the years to come. What gets me is that the US is getting more and more diveded and left and expecially right wing groups tend to break any democratic rule. This is the most dangerous part.

Anyway I wish all citizens of the US all the best, but stop your homeland security and let Europeans come for visits and don't treat them at customs like criminals.
Once again I do not want to offend anybody, but travelling a lot of countries I take the permission also to judge a little bit the situation of other countres than where I am residing at the moment.

Thanks for posting, Grison.

I agree wholeheartedly with you view of America being divided, and that worries me to no end.
I've said before (mostly on another board) that I'd like to see more cooperation in Washington, but mostly to no avail thanks to party-liners who seem so prevalent these days.

I'll say again that, given the choice we had, Romney was the better man for the job.
I say that not just for Romney's practical experience in the business & political worlds, but mostly for Obama's lack of experience & knowledge, and especially for his outright corruption in office.

Obama is selling out America.
He has ignored pressing issues, he has passed major legislation without promised bi-partisan support, and he has put American (and other's) lives in unnecessary danger while trying to cover-up his doings.

Obama is a dangerous man, not only due to his ineptitude, but due to his radical ideology as well.

Radical ideology?? Are you serious? confused smiley

The American political vocabulary is sometimes a bit eye rolling smiley .... call it mildly just senseless rhetorics in this very case...

- Doxa

Depends on how you define "radical."

Passing over-reaching legislation behind closed doors without popular support is radical.

Putting people in harm's way and refusing to protect them AND attempting to cover it up is radical.
Adding to this, the resulting appeasement to terrorists is radical.

Giving arms to Mexican drug gangs is radical.

Refusing to prosecute overt voter intimidation is radical.

The instances I've described here go way beyond the values of fair-minded people of any nationality and that, to me, is radical.

That list makes Obama look like the direct opposite of radical, compared to George Bush, even though most of what you wrote isn't true..

Hmmm...dubya having started two wars wasn´t radical enough compared to Obama I guess.
Just hope Obama will not try to keep up.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: gimmelittledrink ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:13

Heath care reform
Iraq war ended
Afghanistan war winding down
Death of Bin Laden
Brought US economy back from the verge of collapse
Rescued American automobile industry
Tax cuts for middle class
Wall Steet reform
Improved foreign relations
Less reliance on foreign oil

Congratulations Mr. President!

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:14

Lil' Brian
The bright side today is that in 4 years it will be crystal clear that this is the wrong path for America and nobody will ever want it to happen again.

sort of like the George Bush Presidency.......

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:16

To be fair; USA is more of a plutocracy than a democracy. It's about raising money from lobbyists who later will have their pay-back. In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:18

Heath care reform
Iraq war ended
Afghanistan war winding down
Death of Bin Laden
Brought US economy back from the verge of collapse
Rescued American automobile industry
Tax cuts for middle class
Wall Steet reform
Improved foreign relations
Less reliance on foreign oil

Congratulations Mr. President!

46 million below the poverty line - up 10 million from where he started.

Yes well done.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:18

Edith Grove
Edith Grove
@ EdithGrove:
I do not want to offend you, but to me it seems that there is no other world than the notorious God Bless America. Perhaps you know a little bit more because you are communicating within this forum and yes there are countries accross the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific who have done a much better job since World War II.

Don't get me wrong I travelled accross the US and CAN quite extensively and I love it and my monthly snowboarding in Western Canada is just great. But to see a country and its middle class people going down the drain and as result of these multi billionaire republicats the infrastructure is worse than in most third world country.

It is very hard for a leading country and its citizens to understand that other countries have also very good legal action and democratic systems which surpass the US by far. Look at your voting system which is ancient as the Creek Myth.

I do not want to say that Obama is the best president, but one must admit that he was the least choice to surpass the years to come. What gets me is that the US is getting more and more diveded and left and expecially right wing groups tend to break any democratic rule. This is the most dangerous part.

Anyway I wish all citizens of the US all the best, but stop your homeland security and let Europeans come for visits and don't treat them at customs like criminals.
Once again I do not want to offend anybody, but travelling a lot of countries I take the permission also to judge a little bit the situation of other countres than where I am residing at the moment.

Thanks for posting, Grison.

I agree wholeheartedly with you view of America being divided, and that worries me to no end.
I've said before (mostly on another board) that I'd like to see more cooperation in Washington, but mostly to no avail thanks to party-liners who seem so prevalent these days.

I'll say again that, given the choice we had, Romney was the better man for the job.
I say that not just for Romney's practical experience in the business & political worlds, but mostly for Obama's lack of experience & knowledge, and especially for his outright corruption in office.

Obama is selling out America.
He has ignored pressing issues, he has passed major legislation without promised bi-partisan support, and he has put American (and other's) lives in unnecessary danger while trying to cover-up his doings.

Obama is a dangerous man, not only due to his ineptitude, but due to his radical ideology as well.

Radical ideology?? Are you serious? confused smiley

The American political vocabulary is sometimes a bit eye rolling smiley .... call it mildly just senseless rhetorics in this very case...

- Doxa

Depends on how you define "radical."

Passing over-reaching legislation behind closed doors without popular support is radical.

Putting people in harm's way and refusing to protect them AND attempting to cover it up is radical.
Adding to this, the resulting appeasement to terrorists is radical.

Giving arms to Mexican drug gangs is radical.

Refusing to prosecute overt voter intimidation is radical.

The instances I've described here go way beyond the values of fair-minded people of any nationality and that, to me, is radical.

That list makes Obama look like the direct opposite of radical, compared to George Bush, even though most of what you wrote isn't true..

Hmmm...dubya having started two wars wasn´t radical enough compared to Obama I guess.
Just hope Obama will not try to keep up.

I agree with bringing the war on terrorism to the source, wherever that may be.
Waiting around to be attacked rather than taking pre-emptive action makes no sense to me.

Obama's actions have emboldened those who wish to attack us, and we know what appeasement has gotten us in the past.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:20

yeah but more importantly ganja was legalized in Washington state!!!!

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:20

To be fair; USA is more of a plutocracy than a democracy. It's about raising money from lobbyists who later will have their pay-back. In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.

This is correct.

Did Obama spend a billion dollars this time getting re-elected?

People who think his priorities are "the people" can think again.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Fuman2 ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:23

Mitt will officially terminate his campaign today, right after the mandatory ultrasound.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-07 17:26 by Fuman2.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:26

In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.
There are more than two parties to choose from in the USA.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: shortfatfanny ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:27

Edith Grove
Edith Grove
Edith Grove
@ EdithGrove:
I do not want to offend you, but to me it seems that there is no other world than the notorious God Bless America. Perhaps you know a little bit more because you are communicating within this forum and yes there are countries accross the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific who have done a much better job since World War II.

Don't get me wrong I travelled accross the US and CAN quite extensively and I love it and my monthly snowboarding in Western Canada is just great. But to see a country and its middle class people going down the drain and as result of these multi billionaire republicats the infrastructure is worse than in most third world country.

It is very hard for a leading country and its citizens to understand that other countries have also very good legal action and democratic systems which surpass the US by far. Look at your voting system which is ancient as the Creek Myth.

I do not want to say that Obama is the best president, but one must admit that he was the least choice to surpass the years to come. What gets me is that the US is getting more and more diveded and left and expecially right wing groups tend to break any democratic rule. This is the most dangerous part.

Anyway I wish all citizens of the US all the best, but stop your homeland security and let Europeans come for visits and don't treat them at customs like criminals.
Once again I do not want to offend anybody, but travelling a lot of countries I take the permission also to judge a little bit the situation of other countres than where I am residing at the moment.

Thanks for posting, Grison.

I agree wholeheartedly with you view of America being divided, and that worries me to no end.
I've said before (mostly on another board) that I'd like to see more cooperation in Washington, but mostly to no avail thanks to party-liners who seem so prevalent these days.

I'll say again that, given the choice we had, Romney was the better man for the job.
I say that not just for Romney's practical experience in the business & political worlds, but mostly for Obama's lack of experience & knowledge, and especially for his outright corruption in office.

Obama is selling out America.
He has ignored pressing issues, he has passed major legislation without promised bi-partisan support, and he has put American (and other's) lives in unnecessary danger while trying to cover-up his doings.

Obama is a dangerous man, not only due to his ineptitude, but due to his radical ideology as well.

Radical ideology?? Are you serious? confused smiley

The American political vocabulary is sometimes a bit eye rolling smiley .... call it mildly just senseless rhetorics in this very case...

- Doxa

Depends on how you define "radical."

Passing over-reaching legislation behind closed doors without popular support is radical.

Putting people in harm's way and refusing to protect them AND attempting to cover it up is radical.
Adding to this, the resulting appeasement to terrorists is radical.

Giving arms to Mexican drug gangs is radical.

Refusing to prosecute overt voter intimidation is radical.

The instances I've described here go way beyond the values of fair-minded people of any nationality and that, to me, is radical.

That list makes Obama look like the direct opposite of radical, compared to George Bush, even though most of what you wrote isn't true..

Hmmm...dubya having started two wars wasn´t radical enough compared to Obama I guess.
Just hope Obama will not try to keep up.

I agree with bringing the war on terrorism to the source, wherever that may be.
Waiting around to be attacked rather than taking pre-emptive action makes no sense to me.

Obama's actions have emboldened those who wish to attack us, and we know what appeasement has gotten us in the past.

I´m in a hurry,just want to add that war is the last option.
Bush ( and company) just took this option ignoring any other.
Do you remember for Colin Powell at the UN serving all this crap about Hussein for example ?
That was radical.
Don´t get me wrong about terrorism or Hussein,bloody dictator he was...mixing
up checking all options with appeasement is simply not right.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:30

In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.
There are more than two parties to choose from in the USA.

Of course, but how many parties are represented in your parliament?

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:33

In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.
There are more than two parties to choose from in the USA.

Remind me which parties were involved in the television debates.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:34

In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.
There are more than two parties to choose from in the USA.

Of course, but how many parties are represented in your parliament?
In my country, four. In America, two. But is that the fault of government and failure of democracy or is it voter apathy towards third parties? It's your right to vote for The Green Party or Socialist Workers Party or whatever. Nobody is stopping you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-07 17:35 by GumbootCloggeroo.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: 2000 LYFH ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:38

More Hot Rocks
The USA is truly doomed now!!

Really; Ive trippled my money in the stock market over the last 3 1/2 years. yeah really doomed.

Hey Hot Rocks, how's the market treating you today? I'm down 5K in the last hour, wondering where the bottom is, time to start thinking about some buys.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:39


But is that the fault of government and failure of democracy or is it voter apathy towards third parties?

Or the media that won't give alternative politics a sniff and corporations who give MASSIVE amounts of money to the two parties often backing both sides.

America is sick politically.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:41

In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.
There are more than two parties to choose from in the USA.

Of course, but how many parties are represented in your parliament?
In my country, four. In America, two. But is that the fault of government and failure of democracy or is it voter apathy towards third parties? It's your right to vote for The Green Party or Socialist Workers Party or whatever. Nobody is stopping you.

I would say that is the fault of the American voting process which favours a two party system. That system differs from most European ones who favours more pluralism. To cut it short...

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: November 7, 2012 17:47

I dont see how anyone can be way happy with an Obama win, he is not that good... but look at all those happy flag wavers on TV... do they have White House jobs lined up or something?

Nope... Just government/taxpayer funded checks on the way...


Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Date: November 7, 2012 17:52

No matter who is president, the US always sells out. As this ad hilariously points out at the end:


Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Happy Jack ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:02

More than a victory for the President, it was also a victory for Progressive minded Americans. The state of Colorado became the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use, two states (Washington and Maryland) voted to legalize same-sex marriage, and several Tea Party backed Republicans either lost their Congressional seats or were defeated (namely my states own Richard Mourdock and controversial Florida Congress person Allen West).

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:11

The state of Washington also voted to legalize marijuana. This is huge news.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:12

To be fair; USA is more of a plutocracy than a democracy. It's about raising money from lobbyists who later will have their pay-back. In a real democracy there should be more than (in fact) two parties to choose from and voters participation should be near 2/3 - not below 50 %.

smileys with beer


Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:16

"Jagger gives Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher credit for reducing taxes sufficiently that many expatriates have returned to Britain. "Given that," says Jagger, "everyone in England--begrudgingly, some of them--has a lot of admiration for her." Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts, for one, has moved back. But Jagger and Richards themselves prefer to avoid British taxes to the extent possible. "It's the reason I don't live in England anymore," admits Richards. "My citizenship is British, but I am a resident of nowhere."

Full 1989 Stones cover story here >>> []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-07 18:21 by Title5Take1.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:31

Heath care reform
Iraq war ended
Afghanistan war winding down
Death of Bin Laden
Brought US economy back from the verge of collapse
Rescued American automobile industry
Tax cuts for middle class
Wall Steet reform
Improved foreign relations
Less reliance on foreign oil

Congratulations Mr. President!

He won reelection despite unlimited money spent against him, and some of the vilest, racially-tinged attacks on his legitimacy and person ever seen (some even here on this site). The GOP lost Latino voters by 40 points, women by a huge margin. Will they learn anything from a second Obama victory? probably not. They will probably keep turning over rocks trying to find "evidence" that he is not a "real" American and they will most likely continue to polish and sell the turd of trickle-down economics despute the fact that it has never once worked.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:35

The USA is truly doomed now!!
Hmm....marijuana was voted legal in some states. And for the first time ever, the popular vote is in favour of same-sex marriage. They got two things right, at least! Good for you, USA!

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:39

YES tele! Very well put. The world has/is changing, and what the Republicans, Tea Party, and Birthers fail to grasp is that the US electorate has changed. Women are sick of a party who says they want less government, yet want to control their health and body. It is amazing how there was so much fundamentalism akin to the American Taliban. And the voters spoke, Latinos, Women, Gays, younger voters, are not going to sit on their hands anymore, and when a party campaigns on legislating our bodies, want to deny fundamental rights, like marriage, are now a voice and are voting. Obama tapped into progressive and justice minded Americans. And for a few of the posters that insinuated Americans can't think progressively, well Obama is the first black president in US History and he has just won a second term.

What I am always struck by, is how politics has degenerated into where the losing party seems to pray for the failure of the party in power, even at the expense of our Country's well being. Well, perhaps Keith's new song is a double meaning with giving Obama One More Shot.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:40

Thank you to bv for letting this thread continue! smileys with beer
It's nice to see this discussion lean towards the intellectual side rather than the personal attack side.

Re: OT : Obama Re-Elected U.S. President
Posted by: mickscarey ()
Date: November 7, 2012 18:46

Sad news for us (USA)

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