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And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: October 26, 2012 02:58

Just wanted to say something positive about the Stones after all the negative vibes (most of them deserved) about the ridiculous ticket prices.

Seeing that the Stones are offically back in business tonight just made my day. Not to sound corny, but it was thrilling just to see the still pics of the Stones back on stage...To those of you who said ad nauseam that "it's over" I am happy to report that you once again are wrong and you will continue to be wrong until these guys leave this planet. I fully expect to see an album (per Jagger) and a full blown tour to emerge over the next year and a half.

In closing, it's great to see THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD alive and well 50 years on...Here's to the next 50 ; )

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: custom55 ()
Date: October 26, 2012 03:15

Ya know, I'm really glad I bought tix for Newark... I'm really really glad.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 03:16

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
Though the streams are swollen Keep them Stones Rolling...

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 03:18 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 03:33

Makes me really happy too, and a welcome distraction from the silly election season here in the USA. I think if I hear one more robocall here in the battleground state of Virginia I am going to lose my mind...besides, my dog gets very upset at the automated answering machine voice, he howled at Ann Romney and Michelle Obama today.
Sorry to digress, thank you Rolling Stones for reminding me of what is truly important in life. winking smiley

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:04

Makes me really happy too, and a welcome distraction from the silly election season here in the USA. I think if I hear one more robocall here in the battleground state of Virginia I am going to lose my mind...besides, my dog gets very upset at the automated answering machine voice, he howled at Ann Romney and Michelle Obama today.
Sorry to digress, thank you Rolling Stones for reminding me of what is truly important in life. winking smiley

If I had to listen to Ann Romney, I'd howl too. Mitt's voice is bad enough. Hope gets over that cold soon. Oh, he's had it for ten years.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 04:05 by 71Tele.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:13

Makes me really happy too, and a welcome distraction from the silly election season here in the USA. I think if I hear one more robocall here in the battleground state of Virginia I am going to lose my mind...besides, my dog gets very upset at the automated answering machine voice, he howled at Ann Romney and Michelle Obama today.
Sorry to digress, thank you Rolling Stones for reminding me of what is truly important in life. winking smiley

If I had to listen to Ann Romney, I'd howl too. Mitt's voice is bad enough. Hope gets over that cold soon. Oh, he's had it for ten years.

I'm sick of hearing all of them, can't wait for our long national nightmare to be over...then, no matter who get's elected, we'll all march together in the same direction, right off the nearest cliff.
Thanking the gods for good music, sometimes the only thing to do in times of insanity is to crank it up loud...and that is another reason I love The Rolling Stones!!smiling bouncing smiley

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:20

You claim to not bring politics in to it, then @71Tele brings up ONE specific person in a negative light. This election season is not stupid/ridiculous or in any way trivialized.. It is an opportunity to turn the country around. Many of us are thrilled to vote. @latebloomer - Have we all been marching in the same direction for 4 years?

As for the Stones, I am THRILLED they are playing again. Looking forward to the PPV show like most of us common fans. I don't have the disposable income to see them this time. Truly a shame!

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:23

I want to see video of LB's dog barking at the candidates wives.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 04:26 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:37

You claim to not bring politics in to it, then @71Tele brings up ONE specific person in a negative light. This election season is not stupid/ridiculous or in any way trivialized.. It is an opportunity to turn the country around. Many of us are thrilled to vote. @latebloomer - Have we all been marching in the same direction for 4 years?

As for the Stones, I am THRILLED they are playing again. Looking forward to the PPV show like most of us common fans. I don't have the disposable income to see them this time. Truly a shame!

Flacnvinyl, I applaud your enthusiasm, I apologize for coming off as cynical and dispirited about the election.
Here in the eye of the storm we have been inundated with appearances, ads, automated calls, knocks on the door, flyers stuck in your car window, people sticking signs in the can't swing a cat, as Bobby Keys would say, without being bombarded by representatives from one or the other candidate, not to mention the numerous public appearances they have both made here, tieing up traffic for hours. As to where we've been marching, it's up to every man or woman herself to decide that one. But here, at least, we can all agree that we are fans of the Stones.

...and Max'sKS, Errol the bassett hound is an equal opportunity barker.grinning smiley

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:40

@latebloomer - I apologize because I just re-read my last post and it can easily be read as a jerk message. Sorry!

Last night at 1am I was woken up by a 'restricted' call, which upon answering immediately disconnected.. Robocallers do it to see if the number is still valid. Hate this junk. Thankfully having a cell phone means I field less of it. It also means I don't get polled normally!

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:40

James Kirk
Just wanted to say something positive about the Stones after all the negative vibes (most of them deserved) about the ridiculous ticket prices.

Seeing that the Stones are offically back in business tonight just made my day. Not to sound corny, but it was thrilling just to see the still pics of the Stones back on stage...To those of you who said ad nauseam that "it's over" I am happy to report that you once again are wrong and you will continue to be wrong until these guys leave this planet. I fully expect to see an album (per Jagger) and a full blown tour to emerge over the next year and a half.

In closing, it's great to see THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD alive and well 50 years on...Here's to the next 50 ; )

I'm one of those people. But you know what, I'm not going to knock people HERE for going anymore. I'm glad some got to see them in Paris, and it IS nice to see people happy here, I'm actually enjoying it; like when The Grinch's heart grew three sizes too big.

It still doesn't change my mind about the new song, GRRR or the ticket prices. But I don't think I want to bring people down so much anymore. Thank Justin, lol!


Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:43


...and Max'sKS, Errol the bassett hound is an equal opportunity barker.grinning smiley

Well of course he is.... and I bet it would be HILARIOUS to see him
barking at those ladies blathering into your anwering machine! I used
to have a pair of kitty cats who never quite knew what to make of one
old machine I had... and eventually they destroyed it... it is funny now...

I actually came home to no more machine... but I understood. Fomr then
on I kept the machine behind closed doors of some type.

So... got any video??.. it might be AFV ready... come on.... pleeeeeeaaassee!

or you can force us to go to the street for the goods... []

Seems lots of dogs love to HOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLLL at answering machines
I never knew this...but I think it is funny.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 04:54 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 04:56


...and Max'sKS, Errol the bassett hound is an equal opportunity barker.grinning smiley

Well of course he is.... and I bet it would be HILARIOUS to see him
barking at those ladies blathering into your anwering machine! I used
to have a pair of kitty cats who never quite knew what to make of one
old machine I had... and eventually they destroyed it... it is funny now...

I actually came home to no more machine... but I understood. Fomr then
on I kept the machine behind closed doors of some type.

So... got any video??.. it might be AFV ready... come on.... pleeeeeeaaassee!

No video, but here he is in full howl.

He really hates that answering machine.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:01

Did you see that whole page of howling dogs?? That is funny as heck... all those dogs get to howling like when the sirens go off. I never knew this, never seen it, but when you said it, I suspected something funny... and voila! FUN!!

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:02

@latebloomer - I apologize because I just re-read my last post and it can easily be read as a jerk message. Sorry!

Last night at 1am I was woken up by a 'restricted' call, which upon answering immediately disconnected.. Robocallers do it to see if the number is still valid. Hate this junk. Thankfully having a cell phone means I field less of it. It also means I don't get polled normally!

No worries, flacninyl. Good idea about getting rid of the land line.smiling smiley

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:09

Makes me really happy too, and a welcome distraction from the silly election season here in the USA. I think if I hear one more robocall here in the battleground state of Virginia I am going to lose my mind...besides, my dog gets very upset at the automated answering machine voice, he howled at Ann Romney and Michelle Obama today.
Sorry to digress, thank you Rolling Stones for reminding me of what is truly important in life. winking smiley

If I had to listen to Ann Romney, I'd howl too. Mitt's voice is bad enough. Hope gets over that cold soon. Oh, he's had it for ten years.

I'm sick of hearing all of them, can't wait for our long national nightmare to be over...then, no matter who get's elected, we'll all march together in the same direction, right off the nearest cliff.
Thanking the gods for good music, sometimes the only thing to do in times of insanity is to crank it up loud...and that is another reason I love The Rolling Stones!!smiling bouncing smiley

Before anyone gets upset, my comments were not political, merely an observation of Romney's grating, sinus-infection voice. I hate it in a completely non-political way.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:15

Stay on topic tele!!

DAMNED LIBRARY or candidates wives ALWAYS CALLING...
they oughta come over if they want their books/votes back!! sickem boy SICKEM!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 05:21 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: RSbestbandever ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:19

James Kirk
Just wanted to say something positive about the Stones after all the negative vibes (most of them deserved) about the ridiculous ticket prices.

Seeing that the Stones are offically back in business tonight just made my day. Not to sound corny, but it was thrilling just to see the still pics of the Stones back on stage...To those of you who said ad nauseam that "it's over" I am happy to report that you once again are wrong and you will continue to be wrong until these guys leave this planet. I fully expect to see an album (per Jagger) and a full blown tour to emerge over the next year and a half.

In closing, it's great to see THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD alive and well 50 years on...Here's to the next 50 ; )

I'm one of those people. But you know what, I'm not going to knock people HERE for going anymore. I'm glad some got to see them in Paris, and it IS nice to see people happy here, I'm actually enjoying it; like when The Grinch's heart grew three sizes too big.

It still doesn't change my mind about the new song, GRRR or the ticket prices. But I don't think I want to bring people down so much anymore. Thank Justin, lol!

Nice post JamesfDouglas.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:24

They are back. Full of controversy, angst, anger, and have stirred the pot yet again. The Rolling Stones. It is a great buzz. Yeah, I am not pleased about the ticket prices, but hell, people were bitching about their ticket prices since 69! Part of the Rolling Stones allure is they usually piss off someone. Great buzz to see the posts about the Paris gig, hear the new song (that I like), and read about The Stones. Welcome Back Boys.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:27


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 05:31 by latebloomer.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:28

Stay on topic tele!!

DAMNED LIBRARY or candidates wives ALWAYS CALLING...
they oughta come over if they want their books/votes back!! sickem boy SICKEM!

Love it, that's exactly what Errol does!

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:29

Stay on topic tele!!

DAMNED LIBRARY or candidates wives ALWAYS CALLING...
they oughta come over if they want their books/votes back!! sickem boy SICKEM!

Love it, that's exactly what Errol does!

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:30

James Kirk
Just wanted to say something positive about the Stones after all the negative vibes (most of them deserved) about the ridiculous ticket prices.

Seeing that the Stones are offically back in business tonight just made my day. Not to sound corny, but it was thrilling just to see the still pics of the Stones back on stage...To those of you who said ad nauseam that "it's over" I am happy to report that you once again are wrong and you will continue to be wrong until these guys leave this planet. I fully expect to see an album (per Jagger) and a full blown tour to emerge over the next year and a half.

In closing, it's great to see THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD alive and well 50 years on...Here's to the next 50 ; )

I'm one of those people. But you know what, I'm not going to knock people HERE for going anymore. I'm glad some got to see them in Paris, and it IS nice to see people happy here, I'm actually enjoying it; like when The Grinch's heart grew three sizes too big.

It still doesn't change my mind about the new song, GRRR or the ticket prices. But I don't think I want to bring people down so much anymore. Thank Justin, lol!

Nice post JamesfDouglas.

Yes, at the risk of really pissing you off JamesfDouglas...that was very sweet.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 26, 2012 05:39

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-26 05:49 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 26, 2012 09:03

Glad they're there, glad they're anywhere.

How's that?

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: slew ()
Date: October 28, 2012 03:34

I'm not going to Newark but I'm hopeful that they will roll out on the road in 2013 its great to have the Rolling Stones back playing live and stripped down. I'll get the PPV on 12/15 and have a good watiching Tv having a few beers and smoking a few joints and I'll be alright!!! Words from Mick Jagger from the Stones first PPV in 1981 who thought in 1981 that there would be a show in 2012?

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 28, 2012 07:08

I'm not going to Newark but I'm hopeful that they will roll out on the road in 2013 its great to have the Rolling Stones back playing live and stripped down. I'll get the PPV on 12/15 and have a good watiching Tv having a few beers and smoking a few joints and I'll be alright!!! Words from Mick Jagger from the Stones first PPV in 1981 who thought in 1981 that there would be a show in 2012?

Keith quite likely.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: MissNBrian ()
Date: October 29, 2012 01:34


OMGGGG I got tears in my eyes from laughing sooo hard, and my sides hurt!! Thanx for posting this!

"Doctor please, some more men please,
To Cotchford Farm, out by the pool...

What a drag it is they couldn't revive him"

Brian Jones 2/28/42 - 7/2/69

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 29, 2012 01:37


OMGGGG I got tears in my eyes from laughing sooo hard, and my sides hurt!! Thanx for posting this!

grinning smiley My pleasure... that is one of my all time favorite videos.

Re: And we are offically ROLLING!!!!!!
Posted by: DoomNGloom ()
Date: October 29, 2012 04:51

James Kirk
Just wanted to say something positive about the Stones after all the negative vibes (most of them deserved) about the ridiculous ticket prices.

Seeing that the Stones are offically back in business tonight just made my day. Not to sound corny, but it was thrilling just to see the still pics of the Stones back on stage...To those of you who said ad nauseam that "it's over" I am happy to report that you once again are wrong and you will continue to be wrong until these guys leave this planet. I fully expect to see an album (per Jagger) and a full blown tour to emerge over the next year and a half.

In closing, it's great to see THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD alive and well 50 years on...Here's to the next 50 ; )

Yeah, baby, rolling indeed! What a treat this entire month has been! And, it only gets better!

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