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P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: R ()
Date: October 17, 2012 14:40

I crunched the numbers last night and while I'd always love to see the Stones, I cannot justify over a $1,000 a head in show, travel and ancillary expenses to see extremely wealthy old men mounting a tribute show to themselves and singing, "What can a poor boy do...?" I've seen the Stones dozens of times and I COULD swing it but it just doesn't seem right.

The audience is going to be mostly one-percenters and poseurs. That ain't rock'n'roll baby.

Enjoy the show.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: Handova ()
Date: October 17, 2012 14:53

I'm with you, R. It's all annoying and frustrating.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: stourbridgestone ()
Date: October 17, 2012 14:59

I tend to agree. All the best to those that are choosing to go, but i can't justify the extortionate costs. I would hope for some shows next year where i think that something around £100 is high but acceptable (I dont believe there are more than a handful of £100 tickets at the O2 for the 2 shows).

im aware I am making a conscious decision that i can justify quite easily.
I love the guys but they are now really taking the pee IMHO

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:01

I crunched the numbers last night and while I'd always love to see the Stones, I cannot justify over a $1,000 a head in show, travel and ancillary expenses to see extremely wealthy old men mounting a tribute show to themselves and singing, "What can a poor boy do...?"

That would be a very ironic setlist choice, but not as ironic as Salt Of The Earth or a cover of Get Up, Stand Up.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:11

Someone's trying to shift tickets on Seatwave for £11,000+
As far as I can tell, that's per ticket.

The hype does seem to be working though, seems the ticket are selling.
I'm certainly going to wait until the last moment for these.
If I don't get in, tough...I saw the Stones and The Who and Led Zeppelin in 2007. The Who were fantastic, Zeppelin blew everybody else away. The Stones limped in a poor third. Apparently Keef had trouble remembering the songs nowadays, but who cares? All the other guitarists he has up on stage with him can cover that up!

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: john lomax ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:17

There is a version of Brown Sugar on you tube that is apparently from the rehearsal with Bill. It sounds great - Keith is playing well and Bill's bass sounds great, as does Mick's vocals. If it is genuine, then they seem to be on fine form, so maybe these shows will be worth the expense.....I mean, they are overpriced but crazy fanatics like me will still maybe the Stones have judged the market correctly...

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:24

john lomax
There is a version of Brown Sugar on you tube that is apparently from the rehearsal with Bill. It sounds great - Keith is playing well and Bill's bass sounds great, as does Mick's vocals. If it is genuine, then they seem to be on fine form...


Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: Child Of Clay ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:33

I've no interest in what they do anymore... sad, sad, sad...
Fond memories of seeing them with Bill in 1990, great to sometimes almost feel the initial rush of first hearing one of their best songs, but I hardly ever revisit anything they did after Some Girls, and I've definitely no urge to go see them play this tribute to their past glories.
I guess it's final curtains for my involment here as well. What's the point?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-17 15:33 by Child Of Clay.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:35

Child Of Clay
I guess it's final curtains for my involment here as well. What's the point?

Always lots of good OT topics to discuss.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: October 17, 2012 15:46

john lomax
There is a version of Brown Sugar on you tube that is apparently from the rehearsal with Bill. It sounds great - Keith is playing well and Bill's bass sounds great, as does Mick's vocals. If it is genuine, then they seem to be on fine form, so maybe these shows will be worth the expense.....I mean, they are overpriced but crazy fanatics like me will still maybe the Stones have judged the market correctly...

It's early days yet but I agree it's quite possible that they've judged the market correctly, after all they're not trying to shift that many seats. Add to that the publicity these prices are getting which will get quite a few rich people who wouldn't normally go to buy tickets because it's a happening that they need to be seen at. Personally, it's not that I can't afford it because I can but I just don't judge it to be worth it. If it was 72/73 Stones it would be priceless but I don't think it will be anything other than a regular show, no Bill or Mick T. Why should they appear for a couple of bob knowing what the other guys are getting? And it's impossible that the Stones would offer them a decent percentage. As for the set list it will be the same show we've seen for years; will it be played worse, we'll find out. For sure it won't be played any better than 2007 and that wasn't worth these prices for me.

That said, if you going I really hope you think it was worth it. Not trying to take that away from anybody!

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: skelly ()
Date: October 18, 2012 00:32

I'm with you buddy. I've done all the number crunching in the last couple of days and it doesn't work for me and my wife to go. Decent tickets, flights, hotels, time off work, and so on, I cant do it. With 2 young kids I can't justify the outlay which is a shame.
Good luck though to those who can, I hope you have a great time. smiling smiley

I think I've bust a button on my trousers....

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: October 18, 2012 15:37

"P-ss on it. I'm staying home..."

Mmmmmmmm.... Bill, for 50 points I need an "A", and the sentence is "Pass on it. I'm staying home..."

BINGO!! >grinning smiley<

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: October 19, 2012 00:01

A lot of us will be staying at home, watching Pay For View on Dec 15th. Actually, I won't be that sad about it!
I asked 3 times already about the PIT....will there really be $99 tickets to stand and get killed ? Just wondering....hope someone can find out.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:02

Not going to Newark. Of course if they announced Bill Wyman was appearing (which they won't) that could change quickly.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:33

I agree with all of you. Love this band, but I don't worship them. They don't deserve $1000 for my wife and I to go see them. The amount of money I have thown at them should entitle me to a discount on these outrageous prices.

Honestly, all they'd have to do is go on here and Shidoobee and simply ask for a list of all the users who joined prior to 2011... and offer them half price tickets. Bam. We'd all be buying, and happy to do so. I'd make the trip to New Jersey but not at that price.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:44

Not going to Newark. Of course if they announced Bill Wyman was appearing (which they won't) that could change quickly., if Bill did the unthinkable and announced he will play Jersey, you decide to buy tickets, and he comes on and plays 2 songs, would you be disappointed?

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 19, 2012 02:28

Not going to Newark. Of course if they announced Bill Wyman was appearing (which they won't) that could change quickly., if Bill did the unthinkable and announced he will play Jersey, you decide to buy tickets, and he comes on and plays 2 songs, would you be disappointed?

No. As longs as the songs aren't "Monkey Grip" and "Pussy".

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: October 19, 2012 02:28

Not going to Newark. Of course if they announced Bill Wyman was appearing (which they won't) that could change quickly., if Bill did the unthinkable and announced he will play Jersey, you decide to buy tickets, and he comes on and plays 2 songs, would you be disappointed?

Exactly. The only thing that could justify the ticket prices would be an 'evening' with the Stones. Maybe two 90 minute sets with a 20 minute beer break between sets. Wont happen.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: flilflam ()
Date: October 19, 2012 03:01

I think you should stay at home. This will only free up tickets for those who really want to see them. Tickets will sell like crazy, and no one wants to sit next to someone with a sneer on his face and and who wishes he were somewhere else.

Please stay home.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 19, 2012 03:10

someone with a sneer on his face and and who wishes he were somewhere else.

Just like Keith, eh ?

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Date: October 19, 2012 04:12

I'm truly amazed that people are shocked by this. What have some of us been saying all along? They're only in it for the money.


Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: vermontoffender ()
Date: October 19, 2012 04:21

Why does it have to be one way or the other? Maybe they love playing together and they want to make a ton of money while they're at it.

I don't understand how ticket prices can effect the way someone feels about a band; especially one they profess to "love".

The Rolling Stones owe their fans absolutely nothing. If they go out on the stage in November and December and play horrendously, they still owe those in attendance absolutely nothing. You are a fan. You get to enjoy the music. If you don't dig it anymore, or if the show you paid $1,000 to attend isn't up to your expectations, that is 100% your problem.

By all means, complain away, but understand that your opinion is meaningless.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: Laughingsam ()
Date: October 19, 2012 04:23

Just get together with friends, get some wine, beer and whatever else floats your boat and order the shows on pay-per-view. That way if the Stones suck you can turn it off and congratulate each other on not wasting a small fortune on the ordeal.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Date: October 19, 2012 04:23

Why does it have to be one way or the other? Maybe they love playing together and they want to make a ton of money while they're at it.

I don't understand how ticket prices can effect the way someone feels about a band; especially one they profess to "love".

The Rolling Stones owe their fans absolutely nothing. If they go out on the stage in November and December and play horrendously, they still owe those in attendance absolutely nothing. You are a fan. You get to enjoy the music. If you don't dig it anymore, or if the show you paid $1,000 to attend isn't up to your expectations, that is 100% your problem.

By all means, complain away, but understand that your opinion is meaningless.

That's just it. Opinion about this means nothing. Everyone knew it was coming. Why would or should anyone be surprised? They gonna make that bank. If you can't pay you can't gooooo. Allll I hear is dooom and glooooommmmm.


Eh, well, whatever. Spend the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ or stay home! Just think, if you stay home, you don't spend the $$$$$$$$$!!!!

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: October 19, 2012 05:01

Why does it have to be one way or the other? Maybe they love playing together and they want to make a ton of money while they're at it.

I don't understand how ticket prices can effect the way someone feels about a band; especially one they profess to "love".

The Rolling Stones owe their fans absolutely nothing. If they go out on the stage in November and December and play horrendously, they still owe those in attendance absolutely nothing. You are a fan. You get to enjoy the music. If you don't dig it anymore, or if the show you paid $1,000 to attend isn't up to your expectations, that is 100% your problem.

By all means, complain away, but understand that your opinion is meaningless.

You should post more often.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: October 19, 2012 05:34

R, I think you are making a mature decision.

Money is tight and many of us have to think twice about how we spend it.

I feel very fortunate that I've seen some of the best shows the Stones ever did, and I'm grateful for that.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 19, 2012 06:36

R, I think you are making a mature decision.

Money is tight and many of us have to think twice about how we spend it.

I feel very fortunate that I've seen some of the best shows the Stones ever did, and I'm grateful for that.

I concur. I have seen every tour since 1975, including a club show. I met Keith Richards backstage at a Winos show. I was in the audience at the Beacon for Shine A Light. I think I'm ok if I don't see these shows, especially at these prices.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: October 19, 2012 06:37

I can easily afford it, but I say screw them. I'm not a sucker. I will wait for the inevitable 2013 stadium tour and will be happy to pay a fraction of the cost of te NY and London shows.

If I miss that tour I will see them on the inevitable 2015 tour.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-19 06:38 by James Kirk.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: October 19, 2012 06:49

If the Stones were smart, they'd record a song that consisted of nothing but farts. That way they could collect a royalty fee any time someone farted on the air. Heck, i'd owe them about $50 for tonight alone. And why stop there! If they can copyright a sound, then why not a smell? They could make $1m every day just walking around Manhattan and suing people.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-19 06:55 by josepi.

Re: P-ss on it. I'm staying home...
Posted by: mariannerl ()
Date: October 19, 2012 08:04

About 99% of the members of the german speaking "Stonestreff" board will stay at home. Also the ones of the german "Stonesforum"

All very sad (or angry) and not amused at all.

Personnaly I don't pay so much for a ticket. Not even for the Stones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-19 08:05 by mariannerl.

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