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OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: belubettlo ()
Date: October 3, 2012 10:02

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 3, 2012 10:21

BBC "horrified"

and so .............. ???????????

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: October 3, 2012 11:19

Well the way I see it... dead men can't defend themselves.

This may (or may not) be true.

There was an awful lot of decadence back in the 50s 60s and 70s and I wouldn't be surprised about what was going on backstage at TOTP.

Led Zep, The Stones, The Who, The Beatles (JL especially) and a whole galaxy of stars are equally in the line of fire for backstage, hotel, airplane, underage antics.

So Gary Glitter was seen with an under-aged girl in Jimmies room.. perhaps some people need to read about these other groups.

"I hear the click clack...."

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-03 11:20 by GravityBoy.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: October 3, 2012 11:49

Has anyone ever seen the Louis Theroux documentary with Jimmy Saville ? The man comes across as thoroughly vile, thoroughly despicable, and that is prior to any molestation allegations.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: lazzzybones ()
Date: October 3, 2012 15:07

Yeah.saw it on cable last week..odd man...never had a girlfriend?

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: October 3, 2012 15:14

Has anyone ever seen the Louis Theroux documentary with Jimmy Saville ? The man comes across as thoroughly vile, thoroughly despicable, and that is prior to any molestation allegations.

The most revealing part was when he thought the camera was off and he put the "character" aside. Clearly a nasty person.

Regardless of the allegations about him, his comment about Gary Glitter is enough to makes me dislike him immensely. The quote is......

Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired.
"They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then 'Oh we've got a famous person ... Oh my goodness, yeah we'll have them'. But Gary has not sold 'em, has not tried to sell 'em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that. It were for his own gratification. "Whether it was right or wrong is, of course, it's up to him as a person. But they didn't do anything wrong but they are then demonised."
"If you said to that copper, what's Gary Glitter done wrong? Well nothing really. He's just sat at home watching dodgy films."

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: October 3, 2012 15:21

Well the way I see it... dead men can't defend themselves.

This may (or may not) be true.

There was an awful lot of decadence back in the 50s 60s and 70s and I wouldn't be surprised about what was going on backstage at TOTP.

Led Zep, The Stones, The Who, The Beatles (JL especially) and a whole galaxy of stars are equally in the line of fire for backstage, hotel, airplane, underage antics.

So Gary Glitter was seen with an under-aged girl in Jimmies room.. perhaps some people need to read about these other groups.

"I hear the click clack...."

I do think singing about it, and doing it are two very different things.

Wyman on the other hand, granted. We all know about his sick behaviour.
Jimmy Page had a 14 year old kept waiting for him in his hotel room, also very wrong. I've not heard about John Lennon's antics, what's the story there?

I think this documentary will either be very tacky journalistic sensationalism, or a well researched interesting program.

If they have known this for as long as suggested, they should have exposed him whilst he was alive. At least then he would have been able to defend himself or he would have been punishable for the things that have been suggested.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-03 15:23 by vudicus.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 3, 2012 15:37

Yeah.saw it on cable last week..odd man...never had a girlfriend?

"Odd" he was, that I think is probably almost beyond doubt. As to what he's currently being accused of having done in his lifetime, I suspect that initially at any rate, the BBC is going to have to answer an awful lot of questions. If you just spend 5 minutes listening to the countless radio discussions that are presently airing on this subject, you do unfailingly come away with the impression that certainly within BBC circles, it was nothing short of "common knowledge" for many many years that he "fiddled" with youngsters -so to say. There were even police investigations initiated and yet curiously never seen through, documentaries made and yet not aired, and so on. I'm actually currently listening to Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2 as I write this, and it's being discussed at this very moment in a phone-in. As much as I'm not in favour of accusations of this sort only being levelled at someone once they're dead and buried and not able to defend themselves any longer, I have to say that the sheer volume of women now coming forward with claims of a similar nature makes it very difficult to discount as meaningless and irrelevant, so I'm inclined to think that there's some truth in there somewhere.

Either way, the way things are going, his "saintly reputation" is nevertheless well on the way to being destroyed. Whether so rightly or wrongly, fairly or unfairly, don't know. It will be interesting to see what emerges over the next few days, it doesn't look like a story that's going to go away anytime soon.

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: October 3, 2012 16:13

Well this vile character as your describing him raised over 40 million pounds for charity,what ever you think of him.Yeah dead men can't defend themselves.Why did those so called victims wait all these years?

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: WorriedAboutYou ()
Date: October 3, 2012 16:31

Why did those so called victims wait all these years?

Because victims of abuse are terrified of their abusers. Simple as that.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: October 3, 2012 16:37

Can y'all say "Penn State Football"?

Without even thinking about what's true and what's lies, it's going to be interesting to watch the "spin" as it begins to unfold. Who gets thrown under the bus? Who is above it all? Isn't the BBC a government owned network? Although the bad boy in this part of the story has died, I have a feeling that stories are going to start coming from all over and the "good ole boy" network is about to come out in full on damage control mode.

I truly feel sorry for the victims. More than likely, they will be paraded under the spotlight, used for the glory of "the good guys" and, when it's all said and done, they will receive very little justice.

Also a shame to see a witch hunt go after a dead man. If the alligations prove true, hopefully his enablers will get what's coming to them. Maybe that would give the victims a bit of justice.

One last thought during all of this... Follow the money...


Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: October 3, 2012 17:25

Has anyone ever seen the Louis Theroux documentary with Jimmy Saville ? The man comes across as thoroughly vile, thoroughly despicable, and that is prior to any molestation allegations.

The most revealing part was when he thought the camera was off and he put the "character" aside. Clearly a nasty person.

Regardless of the allegations about him, his comment about Gary Glitter is enough to makes me dislike him immensely. The quote is......

Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired.
"They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then 'Oh we've got a famous person ... Oh my goodness, yeah we'll have them'. But Gary has not sold 'em, has not tried to sell 'em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that. It were for his own gratification. "Whether it was right or wrong is, of course, it's up to him as a person. But they didn't do anything wrong but they are then demonised."
"If you said to that copper, what's Gary Glitter done wrong? Well nothing really. He's just sat at home watching dodgy films."

When did 'dodgy' replace the word 'reprehensible' I wonder...

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: October 3, 2012 17:38

Has anyone ever seen the Louis Theroux documentary with Jimmy Saville ? The man comes across as thoroughly vile, thoroughly despicable, and that is prior to any molestation allegations.

The most revealing part was when he thought the camera was off and he put the "character" aside. Clearly a nasty person.

Regardless of the allegations about him, his comment about Gary Glitter is enough to makes me dislike him immensely. The quote is......

Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired.
"They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then 'Oh we've got a famous person ... Oh my goodness, yeah we'll have them'. But Gary has not sold 'em, has not tried to sell 'em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that. It were for his own gratification. "Whether it was right or wrong is, of course, it's up to him as a person. But they didn't do anything wrong but they are then demonised."
"If you said to that copper, what's Gary Glitter done wrong? Well nothing really. He's just sat at home watching dodgy films."

When did 'dodgy' replace the word 'reprehensible' I wonder...


Anyone who thinks that watching that kind of footage is "doing nothing wrong" is a sick assh//e.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: October 3, 2012 17:47

Tabloids in this country pay large sums of money for stories,watch the floodgates open.Lots of so called victims will be coming out of the wood work.The real target for certain organisations seems to be the BBC,not a man who spent most of his life doing good for folk.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: October 3, 2012 17:52

Tabloids in this country pay large sums of money for stories,watch the floodgates open.Lots of so called victims will be coming out of the wood work.The real target for certain organisations seems to be the BBC,not a man who spent most of his life doing good for folk.

A man who spends most of his life doing good, but spends some of it molesting children is still a sick individual.

Yes, it is only allegations currently, but no matter how much "good" he did, "if" he used his position to do evil things to children, then he is a sick evil person.

Even one of the Nolan sisters have come forward saying that he "felt her up" when she was 14, on top of the pops. What reason would she have to make this up?

Maybe, just maybe the BBC have gone to great lengths to cover this stuff up in the past as it would look bad for them, employing such a person.

Tabloids are however often sleazy with their approach, I agree.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-03 17:55 by vudicus.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: October 3, 2012 17:59


Maybe, just maybe the BBC have gone to great lengths to cover this stuff up in the past as it would look bad for them, employing such a person.

They might want to contact Penn State for some advice on protecting themselves at the expense of children. It went so well for them...

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: October 3, 2012 18:03

He was investigated in 2008 for his involvement with this....


Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: October 3, 2012 18:05

Yeah you hit the nail on the head they are only allegations.Unfortunately some folk in the media have been giving their views which are clearly personal,and based on a dislike of Jimmy Savile.
You don't know that he spent his life molesting children.Was he molesting children when he was a porter in Jimmy's hospital?Was he molesting children whilst doing good for the community?
As regards the Nolan sister I don't recall her saying she was molested by him.
Unfortunately there are some people who believe opinions,grievances over pure fact.The fact of the matter is he raised money for charity,40 million pounds.His charities are still raising money.
I know several women who met him over the years,and he was a pure gent.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 3, 2012 18:18

Yeah you hit the nail on the head they are only allegations.Unfortunately some folk in the media have been giving their views which are clearly personal,and based on a dislike of Jimmy Savile.
You don't know that he spent his life molesting children.Was he molesting children when he was a porter in Jimmy's hospital?Was he molesting children whilst doing good for the community?
As regards the Nolan sister I don't recall her saying she was molested by him.
Unfortunately there are some people who believe opinions,grievances over pure fact.The fact of the matter is he raised money for charity,40 million pounds.His charities are still raising money.
I know several women who met him over the years,and he was a pure gent.

...and @#$%& built Volkswagen and the autobahn, and was thoroughly likeable at social events.

What the hell does his being nice to some people, or not raping or molesting some children have to do with the price of tea in, whereever?

You're right in that nothing has been proven, but that doesn't mean that when a slew of people come up and share their stories of being violated, that we should dismiss and say, yeah, but he played great bass guitar, or he raised a lot of money for charity.

Doesn't balance out, sorry.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: October 3, 2012 18:19

I'd like to see proper evidence and due process.

I'm funny like that.

Claims potentially linked to large sums of money do that to me.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: October 3, 2012 18:32

I'd like to see proper evidence and due process.

I'm funny like that.

Claims potentially linked to large sums of money do that to me.

That's the problem right there.
It's all being done too late by the wrong people.
In an ideal situation the alleged victims would have come forward to the Police whilst he was still alive.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: October 3, 2012 18:38

Yep lets see proper evidence,rather than gossip,old grudges aired,and attacks on the BBC.The hard facts are he raised over 4O million pounds.
Folk like Ester Rantzen,and Paul Gabbacini seem to be digging the knife in,maybe sour grapes for their lack of recognition over the years.
And the interview done by Theroux is a hoot.Northern humour stitching up an annoying ,irritating journalist.Theroux should stick to interviewing serial killers,he was well out of his league.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 3, 2012 19:01

This has nothing to do with Mr. Savile in general, who, as a Yank, I wouldn't have any idea who the hell he was except for my boots DVDs with the NME appearances. But, in my years of being around radio, music, TV and film personalities, disc jockeys were always the sleaziest of the sleaziest. Don't know why. No theories. Would love to entertain some. I'm shuddering now thinking of some of the absolute creeps that were spinnin' wax back in the day.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: nanker phelge ()
Date: October 3, 2012 19:14

Brings a new meaning to one of his catchphrases -'how's about that then boys and girls'

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 3, 2012 22:17

I'd like to see proper evidence and due process.

I'm funny like that.

Claims potentially linked to large sums of money do that to me.

I think most of us are funny that way.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: stonesnow ()
Date: October 3, 2012 22:31

This has nothing to do with Mr. Savile in general, who, as a Yank, I wouldn't have any idea who the hell he was except for my boots DVDs with the NME appearances. But, in my years of being around radio, music, TV and film personalities, disc jockeys were always the sleaziest of the sleaziest. Don't know why. No theories. Would love to entertain some. I'm shuddering now thinking of some of the absolute creeps that were spinnin' wax back in the day.

Could be because they are well known, act like big stars, pull a lot of attitude like they themselves are so great.... and yet they have absolutely no talent whatever. They are just glorified cheerleaders, consigned to a life of pushing the product of those who do have talent. Somewhere within themselves they must know this and hate themselves for it.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: October 3, 2012 22:35

This has nothing to do with Mr. Savile in general, who, as a Yank, I wouldn't have any idea who the hell he was except for my boots DVDs with the NME appearances. But, in my years of being around radio, music, TV and film personalities, disc jockeys were always the sleaziest of the sleaziest. Don't know why. No theories. Would love to entertain some. I'm shuddering now thinking of some of the absolute creeps that were spinnin' wax back in the day.

Could be because they are well known, act like big stars, pull a lot of attitude like they themselves are so great.... and yet they have absolutely no talent whatever. They are just glorified cheerleaders, consigned to a life of pushing the product of those who do have talent. Somewhere within themselves they must know this and hate themselves for it.

Its like you see right into their soulless voids! A professional diagnosis if ever I read one...

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: October 3, 2012 22:37

Jim fixed it for me to meet Gary Glitter....

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: October 4, 2012 12:19

I saw the documentary last night and I am still wondering why it was made?Was it made for pure entertainment,to dish the BBC,or just to attempt to ruin the icon Sir jimmy?Clearly this x policemen Mark Williams -Thomas has made a few bob from making the show.And what of the alleged victims,how much were they paid?
I was not convinced by the documentary one bit.Three of the so called victims were disguised.One was played by an actress,and the other two had their identities hidden.
The BBC producer Wilfred De'Ath ,who has spent time in jail,did not seem a credible witness either.
As for the Duncroft Manor Approved school for girls,I was not convinced by the two womens accounts.This school since closed,was a school for troubled girls who were subject to court orders.The school had padded cells and isolation units.One of the alleged victims gave a graphic account of supposed events.Vey unconvincing indeed.
Shame on Thomas for throwing the dirt at Sir Jimmy.Pity he didn't have the balls to do it whilst he was still alive.

Re: OT: Sir Jimmy Savile: BBC 'horrified' over rape allegations
Posted by: flairville ()
Date: October 4, 2012 12:23

Personally, if you watched that documentary last night and still defend the man, I worry about your logic. I would bet my mortgage this is true.

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