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Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: December 9, 2011 12:19

a shit career in some '90's boy band

LOL, how cool would that be ? Mick in his 50's singing in a boy band smiling smiley

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: December 9, 2011 12:22

Send It To me
can I get a great big WHO CARES?

OK smiling smiley


Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: December 9, 2011 13:10

I don't get the point here .

The Stones are good AND Jagger is good.He's not gay but what if he had been ? No big deal.

Queen was a good band and Mercury was gay .So ?

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Date: December 9, 2011 13:17


Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: December 9, 2011 14:45

ppfff Mick ain't homo. But some gay people are great fun, smart and hilarious!!!
Bill Preston for instance. Mick never slept with Bowie. But he did sell a lot of records for letting people think that.
Mick and Keef and the band are just salt of the earth, just like all of us.

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Turner ()
Date: December 9, 2011 15:04

it is funny to me how many of you read the word GAY only in the literal sense and never moved away from that aspect of the post. Rubbish output from MJ was the point

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Date: December 9, 2011 15:08

...For the original question, it stems from people like Charlie.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-12-09 15:15 by steel driving hammer.

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: ()
Date: December 9, 2011 15:18

Who cares, honey!

And, thanks Proudmary, to say it with Mick's own words, once again:

"Hey put yer umbrella up yer ares baby"

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: December 9, 2011 15:47

I don't like the Will.I.AM / Jennifer Lopez track, either. But one of the many strengths that Mick brings to the Rolling Stones is his fondness for keeping up with current musical fashions or stuff that's new to him, trying them out for himself, and (sometimes) bringing them back home to the band - and the inevitable argument with Keith.

It's given the Stones a lot of great music, right from the beginning of their career, but if you take that sort of approach you are going to produce a few clunkers as well as the gold. Everyone here will have their own ideas about which are which - I enjoy SuperHeavy but not very much of Mick's solo work - but I wouldn't want him to stop trying.

By the way, is it my imagination or is there a sudden rush of previously-inactive names posting inflammatory garbage here in the last few days?

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: December 9, 2011 16:25

ppfff Mick ain't homo. But some gay people are great fun, smart and hilarious!!!
Bill Preston for instance. Mick never slept with Bowie. But he did sell a lot of records for letting people think that.
Mick and Keef and the band are just salt of the earth, just like all of us.

The phrase 'the salt of the earth' derives from the Bible, Matthew 5:13 (King James Version):

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

The positivity towards salt in this phrase conflicts with many other uses of the word salt, which has also been used express negative concepts; for example, in the Middle Ages, salt was spread on land to poison it, as a punishment to landowners who had transgressed against society in some way

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: December 9, 2011 16:39

loog droog
Using "Gay" as an all-purpose pejorative is stupid.
It's way below the level of discourse generally found on this site.

Agreed! That's why I stick to the 'homo' term.

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: December 9, 2011 16:44

lets call it what it is...a bromance with benefits

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: December 9, 2011 17:44

why was the word "gay" removed from the title? are we living in the 1950s?

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: December 9, 2011 18:38

Hey 24fps, I've been thinking...And I truly admire your post. It shows a maturity I sometimes lack.

If I were to revise my post re "Somegirls," it would simply read

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: December 9, 2011 20:26


What a great picture - - love it! One might even say it's a gas, gas, gas!

Can anyone recall the female alter-ego names that the boys used for this picture? I know one of them was Flossie but I can't recall which one or the names of the others.....


"Flossie" (Brian Jones), "Milly" (Keith Richards), "Sara" (Mick Jagger), "Millicent" (Charlie Watts), and "Penelope" (Bill Wyman) in the wheelchair.

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: December 9, 2011 21:47

are we living in the 1950s?


Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 9, 2011 22:10

Come On
Who's gay?

I thought you were swedish, not swiss Come On.

Regardless...that suit is YOU baby!

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 9, 2011 22:11

ppfff Mick ain't homo. But some gay people are great fun, smart and hilarious!!!
Bill Preston for instance. Mick never slept with Bowie. But he did sell a lot of records for letting people think that.
Mick and Keef and the band are just salt of the earth, just like all of us.

So people that are gay aren't the salt of the earth? What part of the earth are they then?

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 9, 2011 22:13

Rip This
ppfff Mick ain't homo. But some gay people are great fun, smart and hilarious!!!
Bill Preston for instance. Mick never slept with Bowie. But he did sell a lot of records for letting people think that.
Mick and Keef and the band are just salt of the earth, just like all of us.

The phrase 'the salt of the earth' derives from the Bible, Matthew 5:13 (King James Version):

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

The positivity towards salt in this phrase conflicts with many other uses of the word salt, which has also been used express negative concepts; for example, in the Middle Ages, salt was spread on land to poison it, as a punishment to landowners who had transgressed against society in some way

I just learn so much here.

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: December 10, 2011 01:28

I just learn so much here.

smiling smiley Yeah, ain't that great ?

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Posted by: SomeGirlsXXX ()
Date: December 13, 2011 07:15

Thank you Turner!!! Didn't realize I was on a politically correct police page. I'm making an actual point. The Stones are Awesome. I love Mick in the Stones. I'm just saying, isn't it weird how he can be so good, but then make such lame stuff and team up with people who are so "LAME" (is that better). Jennifer Lopez is a materialistic moron who has only made stuff (not music) that is nothing short of absolute shit. Mick can and does do what he wants. This kind of stuff, or having Christina Agulara(sp) duet on the Shine a Light shows. STUPID, that's all, just my opinion. Just because something is "new", or "hip" according to Access Hollywood, doesn't make it new or hip... Oh, and if Mick is bringing something "new and hip" from William, or Jenny to the 2012 collaboration, I will just have to skip it; even though it would hurt, because "Oh No Not You Again" and "Rough Justice" give me a lot of hope as they are two of the best Songs they've cranked out in decades.

Anyway, thank you to the Stones for the beautiful music for my life....

Date: December 13, 2011 07:24

I love Mick in the Stones. Isn't it weird how he can be so good, but then make such lame stuff. Mick can and does do what he wants. STUPID, that's all, just my opinion. Just because something is "new", or "hip" according to Access Hollywood, doesn't make it new or hip... "Oh No Not You Again" and "Rough Justice" give me a lot of hope as they are two of the best Songs they've cranked out in decades.

Oh boy. You're the cake in 3D.

Here is a not good classic lame STUPID one that's on that album with the two best songs they cranked out in decades (? What the hell are you SMOKING? DECADES? Maybe - possibly - since...1997) somehow instead of his last solo album:

Posted by: Turner ()
Date: December 13, 2011 20:46

I think MJ just cannot resist. He seems to think staying current with whatever is popular will keep him relevant. It makes me wonder if he makes all of these decisions himself and if so if he has a defective bullcrap detector...

Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: December 13, 2011 22:39

It makes me wonder if ...

... Mick simply does what he likes and doesn't care what anybody else might think about it ?

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: December 13, 2011 23:48

I do believe the word "gay" has been rescued by today's younger people after it's hijacking by the homosexual community and it now means other things like "naff", "crap" or "rubbish" (as well as it's original meaning).

For most of it's life "gay" didn't mean homosexual. There are not exclusivity rights on the word "gay".

Some of you are behind the times.

Yes but homosexuals took the word "gay" to infer that homosexuality was positive when the climate towards them/it was overwhelmingly negative whereas today's youth use it to mean "naff" and "crap" which infers that homosexuality is a bad thing. That's what offends me about the current use.

Re: How can the Stones be So Good & Mick Jagger so Gay
Posted by: Turner ()
Date: December 14, 2011 00:19

I do believe the word "gay" has been rescued by today's younger people after it's hijacking by the homosexual community and it now means other things like "naff", "crap" or "rubbish" (as well as it's original meaning).

For most of it's life "gay" didn't mean homosexual. There are not exclusivity rights on the word "gay".

Some of you are behind the times.

Yes but homosexuals took the word "gay" to infer that homosexuality was positive when the climate towards them/it was overwhelmingly negative whereas today's youth use it to mean "naff" and "crap" which infers that homosexuality is a bad thing. That's what offends me about the current use.

Went downtown to see my cousin
He plays guitar like a chainsaw buzzin'
In the crowd I see his mom and dad
I said, hey uncle, man your son is bad
Sometimes, sometimes bad is bad
I said cool is a rule but sometimes bad is bad
Across the street, a neon sign
All you can eat for a dollar ninety-nine
This old stew is the baddest in the land
But one dollar's worth was all that I could stand
Sometimes, sometimes bad is bad
I said cool is a rule, but sometimes bad is bad
I came back uptown to see my Marie
Nobody home, so I opened the door with my key
I love you baby was the note that I read
But there's a strange pair of shoes underneath the bed
Sometimes, sometimes bad is bad
I said cool is a rule, but sometimes bad is bad
I said cool is a rule, but sometimes bad is bad
I said cool is a rule, but sometimes bad is bad

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Turner ()
Date: December 14, 2011 01:22

Well, if you hear this being played loud in a club it actually is a quite a nice groove.

Jagger's voice isn't aging nicely's Dirty Work style barking, but then totally over the top nasal.


Barking and Farting Hahaha!!

Re: How can the Stones be So Good ...
Posted by: Turner ()
Date: December 14, 2011 15:48

steel driving hammer
...For the original question, it stems from people like Charlie.
that really hurt!

Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: December 14, 2011 17:53

I love Mick in the Stones. Isn't it weird how he can be so good, but then make such lame stuff. Mick can and does do what he wants. STUPID, that's all, just my opinion. Just because something is "new", or "hip" according to Access Hollywood, doesn't make it new or hip... "Oh No Not You Again" and "Rough Justice" give me a lot of hope as they are two of the best Songs they've cranked out in decades.

Oh boy. You're the cake in 3D.

Here is a not good classic lame STUPID one that's on that album with the two best songs they cranked out in decades (? What the hell are you SMOKING? DECADES? Maybe - possibly - since...1997) somehow instead of his last solo album:

This is very, very bad.

Posted by: Turner ()
Date: December 14, 2011 17:56

I love Mick in the Stones. Isn't it weird how he can be so good, but then make such lame stuff. Mick can and does do what he wants. STUPID, that's all, just my opinion. Just because something is "new", or "hip" according to Access Hollywood, doesn't make it new or hip... "Oh No Not You Again" and "Rough Justice" give me a lot of hope as they are two of the best Songs they've cranked out in decades.

Oh boy. You're the cake in 3D.

Here is a not good classic lame STUPID one that's on that album with the two best songs they cranked out in decades (? What the hell are you SMOKING? DECADES? Maybe - possibly - since...1997) somehow instead of his last solo album:

Awful bad

This is very, very bad.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-12-14 18:11 by Turner.

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