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Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: May 26, 2010 00:24

Maybe i am wrong, but my ears tell me that the two songs have the same line. What do you think? Are my ears misleading me?

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: May 26, 2010 00:26

yes of course - Good Time Women is early version of TD.

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: May 26, 2010 01:05

Early version of TD? Is this an well - Known information? Propably i'm a bit "lost in space" lately, but the reason is nice: my son's birth (yes, we have a new Stones fan here!)

Thanks Amused.

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: May 26, 2010 01:06


The first time i'd heard about Good Time Women was in this old "Rolling Stones A-Z" encyclopedia type book (1984). It was actually quite thorough, listing key bootlegs and unreleased songs. It listed it as a working version of Tumbling Dice, and when I heard it it was pretty obvious - the song structure/chord sequences, etc are nearly the same, the faster tempo and different lyrics are the major differences.


Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: Stones Blah ()
Date: May 26, 2010 01:08

Known info as Good Time Women has been around for a long time . Nice to have it officially released.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-26 01:12 by Stones Blah.

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: May 26, 2010 01:09

Congratulations on the new son!!! He can always say he was born the same year as the Exile re-issue.

Re: Relation betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: May 26, 2010 01:29

Early version of TD? Is this an well - Known information? Propably i'm a bit "lost in space" lately, but the reason is nice: my son's birth (yes, we have a new Stones fan here!)

Congratulations to the birth of your son from me too. smileys with beer

...and while you're out there in space - could you add an a to 'Relation' in the headline?
I can't quite reach up there. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: May 26, 2010 01:36

Thank you!

Hey, tumblingdice, the son was born in 2009 (September 25) but, don't worry, i can find connection(s) between the fact and "Exile". I imagine myself in some years from now saynig something like that: "my son, when you was cuting your tooth Number 3, Exile was going to Number 1, after 38 years..."

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: May 26, 2010 02:01

My son was born on that date too, right before the Bridges to Babylon album came out. I remember watching VH1 and MTV on the tv at the hospital as they showed videos and behind the scenes rehearsal footage of the Stones!

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 26, 2010 02:31

gtw interesting is great and it's interesting to me because it shows how a truly awesomely "golden" rock and roll band works. and it IS work. work that they do NOT want to do anymore nor a lifestyle (even sans drugs) that is comfortable and sensible to them now.
...meaning gtw reps, to me, a band playing together; taking RAW ideas of a good progression the glims KNOW is grabbing them w cool riffs rises and falls...the song is not quite 'there' yet, but they could tell it was something..and they were working it out together, all of them, while still in the writing progress. there was time and passion and (hard kinda redundant work too to some extent) put into DEELOPING this as a represents ALL of their input and conciousness and abilities merging together to make that elusive 'magic'...
i'm still of the opinion that ANY project, even (maybe especially) NOW, would result in fantastic results, worthwhile results, and significant fun contributions to the culture in a high artistic way...(however 'high artistic' only rock and roll and it's variants ever get...compared to say, opera or literature)....
so i dig this gtw a whole lot i love it. i've had it on boot for awhile....

and the process of how td became such a monstrous classic worked out.
this very process. with taylor and/or ron; or with other CAREFULLY chosen players with soul and understanding...could and would yield a current rolling stones album and/or stage show that would blow minds, be worthwhile, be significant, and be wonderful.

this, in my opinion, is the lost key they don't care enough, for whatever utalize or work through or work for as recording performing artists anymore. there's the rub. and what comes from that kind of attitude is Chuck and his ilk and that's not good time woman and it's not tumbling dice or anything else
with that much organic devotion and committment (sp?),,,,
and inspiration to do the work. i don't fault them personally for this i love them personally. but as an "act"...well, i'm into artists that show up not act.

the lightshow and fireworks are the guitars and drums. they walked away from it.
and when they come back, it's to grind the procedure out and make another quadrillion with the same show.
keith is so bored he dosen't even bother to play haf the time. he might even know it down deep...ron's not a musical inspiration for him. ron can't challenge him.
or even complement him too effectively anymore. etc...etc....

it's a process they are as far removed from as they can possibly muster and still sell it as a 'band' or a 'new show' like clockwork every few years when generations change and their 'novel' again, for a minute.

they COULD theoretically develop
whatever they wanted to artistically, if they were still peers and still really into it personally. just sayin'....
that's the lesson of gtw to me.

beelyboy...Think About it

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-26 02:56 by Beelyboy.

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: May 26, 2010 02:55

not much to be honest, talk about an early version, its apples and oranges for god sake

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 26, 2010 02:59

Re: Reletion betwwen "Good Time Women" and "Tumbling Dice" ?
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 26, 2010 02:59

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