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Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: May 17, 2010 18:56

I'll be at the show in Buffalo tomorrow. Oddly is it normally just an open room with people standing. But for this show, they are bringing seats in.

I am VERY pumped!

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: May 17, 2010 19:24


You are in for a treat. He does a few J. Geils numbers but most of the show focuses on his solo material. You could expect a few ballads and at the show in Chicago you could hear a pin drop during them.

Enjoy and please report!

PS - Like all shows, its great to get right up front but I would really encourage it for this one.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: May 17, 2010 20:09

Thanks for the advice, Inopeng. I love Pete's ballads. The new record has some great ones. Een going way back in J Geils catalog, they did some great ballads. Cry One More Time For You is one of my favorites.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: May 17, 2010 20:15

The third song he did was a ballad I did not know - maybe it was Cry One More Time For You. It was beautiful.

Buffalo, send me a private e-mail and I'll send you back a photo...

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: jjflash73 ()
Date: May 17, 2010 21:01

100% correct! JGB will blow them off the stage.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: kidquick185 ()
Date: May 18, 2010 03:44

I was at the Chicago show also and it was fantastic. The third song was a ballad called Long Way Back Again from Fools Parade. I hope we don't have to wait another 8 years for a tour. If you're on the fence about going, you'd be crazy not to!!

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: May 18, 2010 06:08


Thanks for the title. What a song...I had the great fortune of having him sing that one right in front of me! (Yes, the drunk guy Wolf expertly engaged was just to our right)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-18 06:09 by inopeng.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: May 18, 2010 17:28

OK. If I haven't told you already, I love this guy. I've seen J. Geils numerous times and they collectively have brought me great joy throughout the years. There is just no better front man than Pete. That being said, until last night I had never seen him perform solo.

The show was phenomenal. Detroit has always been his second home, and as our adopted son, he admitted from the stage that this gig was the only one on his short tour that made him nervous. I'm sure that he worried because of the decades of love for his high energy and over the top enthusiasm fronting Geils, a Detroit audience might not know how to react to this unique, more personal outing.
Well, I hope we made him feel right at home. I will admit, that I before Monday's show, I had never, ever, seen him sit down!

There are only a few more gigs to go on this travelling, storytelling, genre-smashing roadshow excursion into the life and times of a true genius. So, if you are reading this and are close, just go and see him. I guarantee he will make you smile. His voice is like an old friend. Whether the news he tells is good, bad, hip, happy or sad, hearing from him just warms your heart.

I learned something last night as well. He and Seth Justman wrote "Cry One More Time (For You)", for Gram Parsons. Pretty cool. Is there anyone in the music business that this guy doesn't know?

Thanks for listening.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: May 19, 2010 16:36

New show added June 6 at The Note in West Chester PA! GO!

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: May 19, 2010 17:19

Saw the show last night in Buffalo and was BLOWN AWAY. THe man can sing as well as ever. A tight band that could go from country-tinged ballad to a dead ringer for the Geils boys on Hard Drivin Man. Pete told great stories, including one about a soul singer from Buffalo that was a favorite of his. Very humble, very intimate. One of the better shows I have ever seen. I would highly recommend getting out to see these guys when if they come anywhere near your town.

The new album is very good, and comes across even better live.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: kidquick185 ()
Date: May 29, 2010 16:10

Update to the tour: The June 6th concert at The Note, West Chester, PA has been moved to July 25th.

Hopefully more shows will be added??

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: May 29, 2010 16:51

Update to the tour: The June 6th concert at The Note, West Chester, PA has been moved to July 25th.

Hopefully more shows will be added??

Let's hope so including another swing to the Midwest. I am sure Milwaukee would have an appreciative audience...

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: baxlap ()
Date: May 31, 2010 07:21

Just got home from Peter Wolf's excellent show in Falls Church, VA. Tight, versatile band, great stories, still a master frontman.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: June 12, 2010 19:10

Oh man! Looks like the band was happy to play with him...

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: June 12, 2010 19:54

Yabba Yabba.
Man, that cooks!

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: kidquick185 ()
Date: June 12, 2010 20:39

Great stuff!! I wonder if he did any other songs after the camera stopped rolling??

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: funkyjudgeUK ()
Date: August 15, 2010 09:16

Peter Wolf to tour the West Coast in September. This from his Facebook page:

Pete and his band The Midnight Travelers are planning a west coast tour in late September starting in San Diego up to Seattle. Dates to be posted soon!


Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: August 15, 2010 18:23

kind of OT, but.... J. Geils Band does it again! from the reader reviews on, it appears they blew Aerosmith off the stage at Fenway. i tried to post the link, but it didn't take. there are still lawn tickets available for the DTE show. anybody else going?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-08-15 18:30 by josepi.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: August 15, 2010 20:28

Nice that Peter is coming to the west coast,but I'd much rather the J Geils Band come to the west coast.

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: mickscarey ()
Date: August 15, 2010 23:53

Great show in NYC

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: August 16, 2010 18:21

The J. Geils Band kicked ass at Fenway Park Saturday night. They are soooo good, even after all these years of inactivity. It's too bad they were the opener, because once it got dark, Aerosmith took over and ruled the town like they were kings.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: August 16, 2010 19:14


You won't see Geils on the West Coast, but Peter and his current band put on a great show, and are playing very intimate settings. He avoids most of the pop side of Geils, and gets very into his own stuff (his last record is excellent!) and some great blues (some of which Geils also covered on Full House).

I believe Geils does not tour because it's not economically viable. They need to play to probably 3,000 or more to make it pay well for the 5 of them, plus whoever is now drumming and a second guitarist. Peter can play for 500 people and make break even at least, while promoting the record. I am sure his band is not making a ton of dough, even thought they are excellent musicians.

I, like you, would love to see Geils one more time...but Peter Wolf is well worth whatever you end up paying.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: mickscarey ()
Date: August 16, 2010 19:30

The J. Geils Band kicked ass at Fenway Park Saturday night. They are soooo good, even after all these years of inactivity. It's too bad they were the opener, because once it got dark, Aerosmith took over and ruled the town like they were kings.

All reports were that J Geils stole the show..

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: August 16, 2010 19:43


You won't see Geils on the West Coast, but Peter and his current band put on a great show, and are playing very intimate settings. He avoids most of the pop side of Geils, and gets very into his own stuff (his last record is excellent!) and some great blues (some of which Geils also covered on Full House).

I believe Geils does not tour because it's not economically viable. They need to play to probably 3,000 or more to make it pay well for the 5 of them, plus whoever is now drumming and a second guitarist. Peter can play for 500 people and make break even at least, while promoting the record. I am sure his band is not making a ton of dough, even thought they are excellent musicians.

I, like you, would love to see Geils one more time...but Peter Wolf is well worth whatever you end up paying.
Yeah I've heard that before and I was lucky enough to see Geils in a theatre right after Love Stinks came out. Great show. I'd probably go see Peter,depending on when and where he played.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: August 17, 2010 08:45

just found out from the DTE website that a band called The Rockets are opening for JGB. anybody know if it is this same rockets?....

based on the Fenway (and adding a few), hoping for a set list something like this...

First I Look at the Purse
Hard Drivin' Man
Pack Fair and Square
Night Time
Cruisin' For Love
Freeze Frame
Detroit Breakdown
The Usual Place
Cry One More Time
Give it to Me
Musta Got Lost
Come Back
Love Stinks
Givin' It All Up
Gettin' Out
Lookin' For a Love
Whammer Jammer
House Party
Southside Shuffle
Where Did Our Love Go
Start All Over
Land of 1000 Dances
I Do
It Ain't What You Do

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 2010-08-17 09:29 by josepi.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: August 17, 2010 14:02

Same Rockets, but without the lead singer. He died.
Jimmy McCarty, Johnnie Bee...
They were a great bar band. One of those rock and roll "almost" stories.

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: funkyjudgeUK ()
Date: August 22, 2010 19:08

Set List from DTE (Pine Knob Music Theatre) August 21st, 2010

From The Detroit News:

First I Look At the Purse
Hard Drivin' Man
Pack Fair and Square
Night time
Cruisin' For Love
Freeze Frame
Detroit Breakdown
Serves You Right to Suffer
Give It To Me
Musta Got Lost
Love Stinks
Lookin' For a Love
Whammer Jammer
House Party
Southside Shuffle
Where Did Our Love Go
Start All Over
Land of 1,000 Dances
Just Can't Wait


Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: August 22, 2010 22:00

Peter Wolf may be the most under rated front man ever. The guy can perform and has alot of MOJO for sure.!

Re: OT: Peter Wolf Tour!!!
Date: August 22, 2010 23:04

Wolf is excellent. Love his solo albums as well.

DTE - my review
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: August 22, 2010 23:18

my perspective: have not seen JGB since around 1979. they were always my 2nd favorite live band, after the Stones.

after reading reviews of how JGB blew Aerosmith off the stage at Fenway and coupled with a 500 mile round trip drive to see the DTE show, my expectations were very high. probably too high. i am happy to report that JGB exceeded all of my expectations! hard to believe they could play that tight after all the years of not touring.

low points: J. Geils is not the guitarist he once was. the second guitarist played lots of the licks and did a magnificent job on Start All Over Again. JG played his patented chicken pickin' on Hard Drivin Man, and did some other soloing, but was for the most part content to let the new guy handle most of the up front parts. Magic Dick's mic blew about 1 minute into Whammer Jammer.

backup musicians: i was a little concerned going in that the Uptown Horns and the backup singers would dominate too much (as they do with The Stones, sometimes). this was not the case. since JGB was/is not as guitar-driven as the Stones, they did not alter the core sound but enhanced it without being over-bearing. i do not know if i would feel the same if they were a regular touring band. probably would.

Opening Act: The Rockets. 7:45-8:19pm

they were damn good! at first, i was a little put off by the lead singer because he looked A LOT like Benny Hill. don't get me wrong, i loved the Benny Hill Show. after a couple of tunes, i was able to get over it. i don't know the names of the musicians or of most of their songs, but here's what i think were the names of the tunes in the set list:

Takin It Back
It Was Alright
at this point, the singer introduced a song from their new album, dedicated to "all you drunkards"
I Got That Whiskey Head. (the guitar lick was nicked from Smokestack Lightning.)
CC Rider/Jenny Jenny
Turn Up the Radio
(band introductions)
Oh Well - a really GREAT take. in fact, the whole set was smokin'. if they come to town, i would gladly see them again. the band was tight, hot, the bass player was really cool looking. he wore a cowboy hat with an exaggerated shape. Jimmy McCarty was excellent on guitar. Looked somewhat like George Harrison. this band should open for the Stones. period.

8:48pm a local high school band came on stage and did Centerfold. sounded sleazy.

8:56pm, JGB takes the stage

First I Look at the Purse - on fire from the get go. the old bounce is still there.

Hard Drivin' Man - ooh yeah, just as good as the old days! maybe even a little better. unbelievable.

Pack Fair and Square - did they really kick it up another notch? this was probably the best opening 3-pack i ever heard from any band!

Uptown Horns take the stage.

Night Time - not one of my fav songs, but they played it well.

Cruisin' for a Love - they still got the blusey swagger. excellent job!

Freeze Frame - another great one!

Detroit Breakdown - ditto. Motor City crowd lovin' it.

at this point, Wolfa Goofa called an audible. dunno if they dropped a tune, or added one.

Surrender - never heard this one live before. Goofa hams it up with the chick backup singers. loved it!

Serves You Right to Suffer - never liked this one. still don't.

Give it to Me - great take. they jammed out the end until it sounded kind of like Ain't What You Do.

Musta Got Lost - just as good as ever! Wolf updated the rap, mentioning cell phones and dildos. he went out into the crowd on this one.

Love Stinks - crowd really gets into it. great take.

Lookin' For a Love - this was always my favorite live JGB tune. still is. they did it to perfection, as they have every time i saw them.

Whammer Jammer - Dicky's mic went out, so it was a let down.

Peachtree Street(??) - don't remember this one. it was a slow tune with Wolf and Dick at the mic singing together. quiet tune. it was good.

House Party - rip-roaring, red hot, kick-ass, better than ever!!!!


Uptown Horns do about 1 minute of Peter Gun.

Southside Shuffle - excellent!

Centerfold - never heard them do their big hit live before. did not think i would like it. boy, was i wrong! this band is STILL ON FIRE.

Where Did Our Love Go - nice version, as always.

Start All Over Again - the new guitar player was perfect.

Land of 1000 Dances - band still full of energy!!

i think the show was supposed to end here, because the house lights came on and the pre-recorded music started up. then much to my surprise, i saw a band do something that i have not seen since The Stones at Soldier Field in 1978...

an unplanned encore...

Just Can't Wait - how many times can i say it?... the band is STILL red hot.

Love-Itis - i was really hoping to hear them do this song and was thrilled to hear it. Might have been one of the best songs of the night.

11:00pm - house lights come back on and the show is really over.

i walked away from the show with 2 thoughts on my mind:

1) this band should be touring. i am just plain dumb-struck that they can perform like that. nobody phoned it in, minimal posing, no props, just the tightest and best boogie-woogie r&b rock & roll house party this side of 1979.

2) the Stones made a BIG mistake... Danny Klein should have replaced Bill Wyman.

and finally... Mick, if you are reading this... You DO NOT want this band opening for you!

review from Detroit News:

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2010-08-23 04:24 by josepi.

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