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Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 1, 2010 23:00

Easily Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle. The version on Flashpoint is fantastic but the Atlantic City (PPV) is the best ever I think.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: theimposter ()
Date: February 1, 2010 23:03

Great version, though I cringe every time I hear Mick say "Yo Bernard!" on Live at the Max.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: February 1, 2010 23:52

Yeah Steel Wheels is up there.

Although I didn't enjoy their version during VL, I did enjoy their performance on that VMA or whatever program where they played "Love Is Strong" and "Start Me Up"

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: doubledoor ()
Date: February 1, 2010 23:55

It was big hit and fresh new song on the 81 tour. Last time they had one of those to play live.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: theimposter ()
Date: February 1, 2010 23:57

It was big hit and fresh new song on the 81 tour. Last time they had one of those to play live.

I have to disagree. While they weren't hit singles, per se, "Saint" and "Out of Control" went over extremely well on the B2B and NS tours.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: February 1, 2010 23:58

It was big hit and fresh new song on the 81 tour. Last time they had one of those to play live.

agree - but there were times when it dragged on stage that tour. i thought it was a great opener on SW tour - still a relatively fresh song that seemed to have gathered some steam in the intervening years...

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 2, 2010 00:03

Compare the 89/90 version to the LP version and the 81/82 performances of it and the LP and live 81/82 versions give us such a chunky song that threatens to collapse where as the 89/90 performances of it were much more like a fighter jet tearin' up the skies. Thousand times better. They've yet to capture that energy again, having gone back to playing it like it's made out of cinder blocks.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: February 2, 2010 00:06

Easily Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle. The version on Flashpoint is fantastic but the Atlantic City (PPV) is the best ever I think.

Agree 100%. That was an ass-kicking opening song on that tour.

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: February 2, 2010 00:11

by far the 89-90 version, not even an issue

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 2, 2010 00:29

What stands out to me of that version is, aside from the overall way and energy of how they play it - it's commanding. It moves. There's some things going on within the song that are stellar that are not on the LP version.

They did that with Tumbling Dice on the Voodoo tour as well.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: theimposter ()
Date: February 2, 2010 00:50

What stands out to me of that version is, aside from the overall way and energy of how they play it - it's commanding. It moves. There's some things going on within the song that are stellar that are not on the LP version.

They did that with Tumbling Dice on the Voodoo tour as well.

The Voodoo tour was the last time that song had any swing to it. To me every tour after that they just slag through it. Last time I saw them on the ABB tour I used it as my bathroom break number.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: February 2, 2010 00:56

Last time I saw them on the ABB tour I used it as my bathroom break number.

a good thing about that tour is you had a lot of choices for that...i guess it's all in the perspective sometimes....

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 2, 2010 01:16

The one they did in Copenhagen in '07 was a riot. It really had a punch going. My favourite from a cd must be one of those '95 versions. Also the Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle versions are great. Worst would be the '81/'82 versions. Like many songs from that tour, it's just too ramshackle.


Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: behroez ()
Date: February 2, 2010 20:01

I did enjoy their performance on that VMA or whatever program where they played "Love Is Strong" and "Start Me Up"

Yes the great Rolling Stones, what can beat this?

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: FoolToCry ()
Date: February 2, 2010 20:04

the "shine a light" version - far better than 89/90 - more drive, more punch, better sound (compared to flashpoint - start me up sounds like a little plastic ghettoblaster :-)

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: milio77 ()
Date: February 2, 2010 20:24

Licks Tour and pre-coconut incident ABB work for me. Only because of Charlie's Swing.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 2, 2010 20:42

The MTV lip synced version when it all began.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: February 2, 2010 20:55

I prefer the drums and guitar on the 81 tour, closest to the album release. Some recent live shows it seems too slow to me although I like the 89/90 and also the Shine a Light version also.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: audun-eg ()
Date: February 2, 2010 21:27

In 89/90 it was the perfect opener. A little speedier than other versions, but that suited the song very well. I also like the more laid back version on Live Licks.

P.S. The VMA version has a major screw up by Mick who starts the chorus before Ronnie had finished his solo. The band falls in immideatly, but it's quiet funny.


Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 2, 2010 22:52

Not to mention Keith's FU in Love Is Strong - just glaringly horrendous!

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: behroez ()
Date: February 2, 2010 23:04

Not to mention Keith's FU in Love Is Strong - just glaringly horrendous!

You are so predictable. Have you ever been on stage yourself i mean really on stage with spotlights, media etc or just another "armchair critic"?

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 2, 2010 23:15

Yeah dude. Your point is pointless.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: behroez ()
Date: February 2, 2010 23:31

Yeah dude. Your point is pointless.

Yes means you are an "armchair critic" doode?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-02-03 00:32 by behroez.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: February 2, 2010 23:40

Still Life version clicks on all cylinders!!

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: February 2, 2010 23:40

the "shine a light" version - far better than 89/90 - more drive, more punch, better sound (compared to flashpoint - start me up sounds like a little plastic ghettoblaster :-)

I agree
The bashing of SAL overlooks some of its great moments.
I LOVE the opening riffs of Some Girls by Mick and Start Me Up has just a little bit longer hesitation in the opening 2 chord riff.

Great version.

I guess my favorite version these days is done by The Folksmen.
Now that had punch.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: VOODOOSEBI ()
Date: February 2, 2010 23:45

IMO the best version ever and my stones awakening moment

starts at 0:58 seconds

by the way, does anyone know from which show this is. definatly from early 89 shows, but which one?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-02-02 23:46 by VOODOOSEBI.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: Slick ()
Date: February 3, 2010 00:00

definitely 81, the song was still fresh and the band was still rocking.
but for vegas-era, 89 wasn't bad. bill was still on bass and the song was played first in the set-list before all the sideshow garbage came out and joined them on stage.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 3, 2010 17:41

behroez, I've been on stage with the lights in my eyes and everyone watching and blah blah blah.

You? What. That's what I thought.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: February 3, 2010 18:57

I did enjoy their performance on that VMA or whatever program where they played "Love Is Strong" and "Start Me Up"

Yes the great Rolling Stones, what can beat this?

Opinions can vary but I think that MTV performance is one of the weakest the Stones ever have done. "Love Is Strong" does not go anywhere (their crappest performance ever) and Jagger is totally out of it - is there one note he ables to sing in tune? Keith concentrates into his posing and mastering not mastery licks but karate kicks and looks, oh my my, so ridiculous. That day the presence of coolness might have not ever been more away from our beloved Glimmer Twins. Is it really so hard to act The Rolling Stones? They look so artificial, and the music does not roll at all.

I still remember the night of seeing the show for the first time and that VERY MOMENT was the first time ever I got the impression that my favourite band ever has actually 'lost it' - the true, natural spirit and substance has left the building, and only the cover and the posing is left.

And seeing it again just strengthens my original impression. The band hads never been such breathless. "Start Me Up" is slightly better than "Love Is strong" but still one of the weakest versions of that song ever.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-02-03 19:01 by Doxa.

Re: Start Me Up - Best Live/Tour Version
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: February 3, 2010 20:08

Start me up is one of my personal favorites. I like them all, but I do think it gets better and better. Licks version had a particular call-reponse riffing between Ron and Keith that was absolutely superb. ABB was slower, but groovy as hell. VL was good. 90's version was a bomb, but slightly too fast. 81/82 it was still undeveloped, but just imagine being there!


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