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Hi, do you have pictures? We would love see pictures. All the best!Quote
So Charlie and the ABC & D of Boogie Woogie visited Prague yesterday and it was a very very special night for many reasons, especially for me. I was "circling" around the theatre about an hour before the show, hoping to catch Charlie, but wasn't lucky. But that was the only time I wasn't extremely lucky...
I entered the theatre and the first nice surprise was that in the foyer I could buy a CD "The magic of Boogie Woogie" by Charlie Watts, Axel Zwingenberger and Dave Green. Cool. Then I enered the auditorium. I had a ticket at the center of the third row. The guy at the entrance told me there were no rows 1 and 2, so I ended up in the very centre of the first row (okay, the guy next to me was in the very centre :-) ). I sat down and realized that next to the guy next to me there was some Polish guy who had the CD signed by Charlie. I asked him how he managed to get it and he said that the man who was selling the CDs took some of them, diappeared backstage and then returned with signed ones. I have to admit I was jealous, but since the show was about to start, I stayed at my seat...
The show started and what a show it was. I have to admit I din't konw much abou boogie woogie and came there maily to see and hear Charlie. I was concentrating on him and his drums at the beginning, but the music grew on me very fast and soon I coldn't sit still and was sort of "jumping" in my seat. The guys were all just brilliant, the pianoplayers and the bassplayer were true virtuosos and Charlie was...Charlie - having obviously great great fun, smiling all the time, his playing was absolutely flawless. I could see there were to say it...musical jokes going on in between the players every now and then. It was just such a pleasure to watch those guys having so much fun doing just "casually" things that very very few people would be capable of . I was taking some pictures an eventhough I have quite a simple camera, from the first row I made some very nice shots. I don't have any album on the internet and since I think that it is impossible to post them here directly, I don't know how to share them here. Any advices?
Anyway, on with the show...There was a break after about an hour and there was Alex in the foyer signing the CDs, so I got my one signed and I asked him whether Mr. Watts was also comming. He smiled and Okay, so I went back and enjoyed another splendid 1,5 hour of great music.
Soon it was all over. The final bow. Me and the guy next to me wave at Charlie with the booklets. Charlie nods at me. Another bow. Charlie makes a litle gesture towards me whether I have a pen. I show him the pen, he comes, signs my booklet and the booklet of the other guy. I only have time to say: "Thank you so much. I am looking forward to seeing you the next year with the Rolling Stones here in Prague." Charlie smiles at me, some other people try to hand him their CDs, but Charle is already on his way to the dressing room. It was a couple of seconds. I still can't believe it.
Thank you Mr. Watts, Thank you Mr. Zwingenberger, thank you Mr. Green, Thank you Mr. Waters for an unbelievable night that I will never forget.
What kind of camera are you using?
Palace Revolution 2000
Charlie NOT on a Gretsch! Last time I saw that was on a NYC 69 shot.
Would love to hear some more of the boogie men.
Palace Revolution 2000
Charlie NOT on a Gretsch! Last time I saw that was on a NYC 69 shot.
This is a total speculation, but I was thinking that maybe Charlie doesn't travell with his drum kit and uses a local one. The thing is that I've heard that there were two great local pianos moved into the theatre fot this concert, which means that Axel and Ben don't play their own instruments. It is of course much simplier to transport a drum kit than a piano. So I don't know. We will se when we see pictures from other shows.
Palace Revolution 2000Quote
Palace Revolution 2000
Charlie NOT on a Gretsch! Last time I saw that was on a NYC 69 shot.
This is a total speculation, but I was thinking that maybe Charlie doesn't travell with his drum kit and uses a local one. The thing is that I've heard that there were two great local pianos moved into the theatre fot this concert, which means that Axel and Ben don't play their own instruments. It is of course much simplier to transport a drum kit than a piano. So I don't know. We will se when we see pictures from other shows.
Good points Happy. Now I am seeing that it is a different set-up from his rock-kit. The kick drum is a lot bigger, the ride has rivets on it, no China crash (Thank You), more cymbals (I think). One thing I had never really checked out is if he always has the tom on it's own stand, or if it is on a rack mounted on the kick. Early on it seems that it was mounted, but I only had one book handy; in it as early as 69, and then 78 and 81 the tom is already on it's own stand.
It says it was released 2010, so it is brand new and I guess it will be available in stores too soon.