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ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: July 4, 2009 05:54

The Lizard King's been gone for a long time - 38 years today - but his brilliant music lives on. Here's some outtakes and different stuff, this and that -

HELLO, I LOVE YOU (Alternative Vocals)

WILD CHILD (very rare live performance - visual and sound)

OUT OF CONTROL IN MIAMI - "You're all a bunch of f*cking Slaves" !!!
IMHO this stage freak-out/rant has NEVER been topped -
it's also probably what destroyed Morrison in the end.


WHEN THE MUSIC'S OVER - Live at the Isle of Wight Festival


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2009-07-04 06:49 by HelterSkelter.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: July 4, 2009 06:03

Thanks, Helter !

I did not realize Jim & Brian had this date in common.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: July 4, 2009 22:54

No one else with a thumbs up to Jimbo?

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: franzk ()
Date: July 4, 2009 22:58

As many great artists he's gone too early. Fortunately his music will be with us forever.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: July 5, 2009 00:16

Computer kaputt; will hang on till next time its stuck. cool smiley

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: July 5, 2009 13:43

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Ladykiller ()
Date: July 5, 2009 18:48

Jim Morrison was truly one of the greatest frontman, singer and songwriter in popular music.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Taylor Era ()
Date: July 5, 2009 19:37

Jim Morrison was truly one of the greatest frontman, singer and songwriter in popular music

greatest singer?? greatest songwrter?


he was a pretty average bordering on lousy singer, and he never wrote any songs, Kreiger and Manzarek did

he wrote lyrics that were admirable poetry ..or pretentious shit, depending on your point of view

wow, ok, so Jim Morrison is still dead..but again, why all the fawning over some dead guy whose 'performances' consisted of him crawling around a stage bombed out of his mind, too pissed to stand with his dick hanging out of his pants??

I just dont get it, man ..

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: July 5, 2009 21:00

"he was a pretty average bordering on lousy singer, and he never wrote any songs, Kreiger and Manzarek did"

Alwyas interesting to read initiated comments.
And its spelled Krieger for Heaven's sake.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Taylor Era ()
Date: July 5, 2009 21:21

And its spelled Krieger for Heaven's sake.

..gosh..sorry for the critical misplacement of an 'e' and an 'i' ..

what instruments did Morrison play?

and no, maracas dont count

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: July 5, 2009 21:28

Taylor Era
And its spelled Krieger for Heaven's sake.

..gosh..sorry for the critical misplacement of an 'e' and an 'i' ..

what instruments did Morrison play?

and no, maracas dont count

He played Generation Wind Harp and Aggression Horn and still does.
Folks like you will never comprehend.
Like it or dislike it, but as long as ya cant acknowledge
the enormous impact by this sad son of a navy officer had,
you just dont get anything.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: July 5, 2009 23:04

Taylor Era (wow , what a cool user name) wants to know what instruments Morrison played. His voice was a beautiful instrument and he also played people's heads so high up above comprehending what he was saying......that, sometimes it's just WAY BEYOND ANY KIND OF..... that's probably the best explanation I can give you (he played piano also)

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Taylor Era ()
Date: July 6, 2009 00:33

he also played people's heads so high up above comprehending what he was saying..

you are referring to incoherent psychobabble from a pretentious self-absorbed drunk?

as long as ya cant acknowledge
the enormous impact by this sad son of a navy officer had,
you just dont get anything.

..yeah, he was great eye rolling smiley

lived to be 27

I have socks older than that

'There's a killer on the road/ His brain is squirming like a toad'

gosh; what a genius..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2009-07-06 00:37 by Taylor Era.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: July 6, 2009 04:23

Infore such witty and thorough-thought answers
one must kneel in silence...

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: July 6, 2009 07:45

Taylor Era

'There's a killer on the road/ His brain is squirming like a toad'

gosh; what a genius..

No no, you bez the genius my fine man, you just said up about 7 or 8 threads that Robbie and Ray do all the song writing now you're saying Jimbo wrote this one.... well which one is it lad, one or the other, can't be both.....

Lived to be 27, self absorbed drunk... You ever see film footage of Brian Jones high during the SATANIC MAJESTIES sessions? Seemed to be keeping up with or out doing Jimbo for sure, oh BTW, how old was Jones when he died?

Dude, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house........

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 6, 2009 08:35

Great thread Helter...Jim will always be the "Lizard King".

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: ()
Date: July 6, 2009 17:13

let there always be fresh flowers for him

those who kinda grew up with his music will never forget him, and, there are still lots of afterborne kids that love him, too

one of the great musicians of all time imho

BTW: what instruments played he? I heard he would "write" the music in his head and then sing/ hum it to his fellow band members till they got it. is that confirmed?

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Taylor Era ()
Date: July 6, 2009 18:12

'There's a killer on the road/ His brain is squirming like a toad'
you just said up about 7 or 8 threads that Robbie and Ray do all the song writing now you're saying Jimbo wrote this one.... well which one is it lad

... well, 'lad,' perhaps you need to first discern the difference between writing music and writing lyrics..I am pretty sure Morrison didnt come up with the bass riff to that song..most probably some session musician bass player did ..seen as they didnt even have a bass player

Lived to be 27, self absorbed drunk... You ever see film footage of Brian Jones high during the SATANIC MAJESTIES sessions? Seemed to be keeping up with or out doing Jimbo for sure, oh BTW, how old was Jones when he died?

..what does that matter? Brian Jones was a brilliant musician and multi-instrumentalist. Morrison, well, wasnt.

Morrison is an overrrated singer - just as much as Robbie Kreiger was an underrated guitarist. Over-rated poet, too.

When people fawn over and idolize dead musicians ..or over any celebrity figure for that matter..who lived recklessly and died stupidly and needlessly.. well.. .. you should be ashamed of yourselves

People make such a big shit about this guy, I cant help but laugh..The Doors music is OK, some of it is pretty good, some of it is utter cheesy Holiday Inn lounge styled shit, and other than that.. Morrison was a drunken loser (winners dont OD or drink themself to death at 27) with a huge ego....thanks to listening to all those mindless potheads and acid gobblers that heaped all that phony praise on him calling him a 'genius'

Jim will always be the "Lizard King".

..oh good grief ..

..yeah the 'Lizard King' and all that great, dark, brooding nilhilism.. whatever.. take if for what it's worth but the Velvet Underground covered that territory about 1000 times better

actually, the way I look at it, his crapping out at 27 saved us from more LSD inspired, pretentious, self-absorbed 'poetry' and from any more half assed records where he could barely stand up let alone sing (i.e. LA Woman)

If a drunk singer falling around the stage mumbling incoherently with his dick hanging out exites you..well, go for it.. basically as far as I am concerned the whole Doors thing hinged on some fairly catchy, if not bland, bubblegum psychedelic California rock with Morrison occasionally lobbing in a piece or two of shit pretentious lyrics now and then..and their best efforts were when they tried to do bluesy stuff; and even that was hit or miss

in other great effin loss, ok?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2009-07-06 18:15 by Taylor Era.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: The Stones ()
Date: July 6, 2009 18:23

Either you like Jim Morrison and the Doors or you don't. No big deal. I happen to love 'em real much. Great clips. Thanks for posting.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: July 6, 2009 18:36

Helter S

Ya know how much I did liked the Doors and Jimmy.I sent you pictures from LA in the old 80's ,right ?Pity we couldn't talk about it .
Weird ,my e-mails as an answer to yours don"t reach you .grinning smiley

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: pmk251 ()
Date: July 6, 2009 18:49

I saw The Doors at the Darby Park Rec Center in the Morningside part of Inglewood, California not far from the Forum. It must have been right after Light My Fire broke because a car was not available (no license or no car?) and I walked there. We waited, then the roadies arrived and set up a VERY modest "stage." Then the band arrived, played a half hour, then left to go to another gig. The band was working, spreading the word. The roadies broke down the set up and off they went. I was 15 feet away from the mics. I do not remember much other than I wanted to hear LMF and I did and thought it was cool.

One of my favorite Doors recordings is The Matrix Tapes. They were recorded right at "that time" when the band was breaking, but it hadn't gotten to be all too much. The audience wasn't quite sure what it was seeing. A smoking version of Break On Through was met with modest applause. On other songs the audience sounds a bit stunned. Morrison sounds very sexy and dangerous and slightly weird.

It's easy these days to take shots at the band's self indulgence, but they weren't the only ones. The bar was set pretty high in those days and creativity was encouraged, for better or worse, fueled or unfueled. I suspect today's audiences want to be "entertained," in the worst unruffled sense.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: July 6, 2009 21:09

Helter S

Ya know how much I did liked the Doors and Jimmy.I sent you pictures from LA in the old 80's ,right ?Pity we couldn't talk about it .
Weird ,my e-mails as an answer to yours don"t reach you .grinning smiley

Dear SwayStone, I have a 90% finished E-mail on hold. Let me finish it right now and send it. I have a friend coming here from Barcelona, Spain for 3 months in a few days so it's been crazy around here - organizing, cleaning, etc.... Very sorry about the delay SS....

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: July 7, 2009 11:02

Helter S

Ya know how much I did liked the Doors and Jimmy.I sent you pictures from LA in the old 80's ,right ?Pity we couldn't talk about it .
Weird ,my e-mails as an answer to yours don"t reach you .grinning smiley

Dear SwayStone, I have a 90% finished E-mail on hold. Let me finish it right now and send it. I have a friend coming here from Barcelona, Spain for 3 months in a few days so it's been crazy around here - organizing, cleaning, etc.... Very sorry about the delay SS....

I am looking foward to read it !smiling bouncing smiley

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Child Of Clay ()
Date: July 7, 2009 11:59

love those Bright Midnight releases when they're really on like Cobo Hall, Detroit, and Pittsburgh, both 1970.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: ghostryder13 ()
Date: July 7, 2009 12:00

i think alot of people who trash jim morrison do so because of watching oliver stone's crappy movie.

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: Child Of Clay ()
Date: July 7, 2009 12:06

i think alot of people who trash jim morrison do so because of watching oliver stone's crappy movie.

never thought of that, but it is strange (or people are), for a crappy movie, trash the subject, not the director!

Re: ot: Remembering JIM MORRISON - 12/8/43 to 7/3/71 - Rare LIVE Video's
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: July 7, 2009 12:34

Blah blah blah, "incoherent psychobabble from a pretentious self-absorbed drunk" - Taylor Era - quit explaining yerself so well. You're giving people grief about Jim Morrison while holding on to a version of The Rolling Stones that exists in print only?

There are some others here you need to go on a camping trip with. FrankM is one of 'em - but, see, at least Frank is funny.

You're not funny.

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