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Taylor Era
And its spelled Krieger for Heaven's sake.
..gosh..sorry for the critical misplacement of an 'e' and an 'i' ..
what instruments did Morrison play?
and no, maracas dont count
Taylor Era
'There's a killer on the road/ His brain is squirming like a toad'
gosh; what a genius..
Helter S
Ya know how much I did liked the Doors and Jimmy.I sent you pictures from LA in the old 80's ,right ?Pity we couldn't talk about it .
Weird ,my e-mails as an answer to yours don"t reach you .
Helter S
Ya know how much I did liked the Doors and Jimmy.I sent you pictures from LA in the old 80's ,right ?Pity we couldn't talk about it .
Weird ,my e-mails as an answer to yours don"t reach you .
Dear SwayStone, I have a 90% finished E-mail on hold. Let me finish it right now and send it. I have a friend coming here from Barcelona, Spain for 3 months in a few days so it's been crazy around here - organizing, cleaning, etc.... Very sorry about the delay SS....
i think alot of people who trash jim morrison do so because of watching oliver stone's crappy movie.