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is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: poor immigrant ()
Date: April 17, 2009 18:33

I'm half joking here, as it's not really a valid comparison. But check out Bob from a good quality video from a show last week. He's played barely any guitar onstage for the last 5 or so years. This year, he's got a new guitar and slightly different tone than previous years, and a seemingly even more idiosyncratic style than before. He plays like he sings or blows harp. Wierd stabbing anti-melodies. He takes 2 'solo' in this song, if you can call them that. I think this was the only song he played guitar on at this show, stayon on keys for the rest. Check it out. He's turning 68 in less than a month. Keith is 65. How are Keiths fingers gonna hold up in a few years.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Addicted ()
Date: April 17, 2009 18:39

I hope you're kidding!
Whenever Dylan reaches for his electric I get a nervous rash... Fearing my ears will fall off, from the painful exterience of having to listen to him attempt a solo. He's got several brilliant guitarists in his bands - so why does he do it???
If anti-melodies is the goal, he scores big time! He's the Ronaldo (Manchester United and Portugal) of scoring anti-melodic on his electric... Nobody does it better. (Irony!)

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: April 17, 2009 18:45

i think this is the same performance from a different (better, i think) source:

new guitar, but same style as always - not really a lead guitar in the traditional sense - finds a 3-note figure and milks it for all it's worth. i've always enjoyed it, but others find it hard to listen to, i realize. he's really got more in common with someone like miles davis than with anyone in rock for his "solo" sensibilities....

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: April 17, 2009 18:51

The clip you posted Tod, is from Copenhagen, while the other is from Amsterdam.

Anyway, I was at the Copenhagen concert, and I enjoyed Bob's playing on WTRF very much. Kinda primitive, but suited the song well imo.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: April 17, 2009 18:55

The clip you posted Tod, is from Copenhagen, while the other is from Amsterdam.

ah...i should have noted the different hats.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: April 17, 2009 19:45

It's hard to say because Dylan suddenly (and mysteriously) quit playing guitar on stage approximately two and a half years ago to concentrate on the keyboards.
At recent shows he's brought out the guitar for a maximum of one song per set. I hope he returns to playing the guitar for the majority of the show. I find it much more effective than Dylan on keys.
It's not by any means conventional guitar playing but I've grown to like his peculiar style. It's an acquired taste, not unlike his singing.

He used to know his way around on the fret board. The clip below shows him playing on "Every Grain Of Sand", over ten years ago.
If Dylan can still do work on the guitar like that now, than maybe I would indeed take that over what Keith produced on stage in 2007. But like I said, who knows what Dylan's abilities are like now he hasn't practised much for years.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2009-04-17 19:50 by Lightnin'.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: winjoe ()
Date: April 17, 2009 23:41

He does it because he's Bob Dylan.

Also, where can we hear some of YOUR music? Love to hear how it holds up compared to Bob's.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: dougie ()
Date: April 18, 2009 00:01

I have seen bob dylan over 20 times; and with the Grateful Dead, Tom Petty and The Band. He almost always played guitar. But, this tour is a totally different Dylan! I love it because he only played one song on guitar.

It is incredible to see him on keyboards and him orchestrating his band. Plus, when he gets up in front with his harmonica and he grooves to the music, it is awesome. Seeing him in Paris on April 8th was inspirational. I hope he continues with the keyboards and the harmonica- it is a more secure and powerful Dylan. I loved it. The new blonde guitar player (atleast new since the last time I saw Bob) was great.

Not only did he almost give up the guitar totally, but his voice was a bit less whinny. My friend thought it was almost Tom Waits like; but I could understand the lyrics also. Boy, do I love this Dylan Tour.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: April 20, 2009 01:49

While it's a good thing he orchestrates the band, I still think it's more enjoyable to see him play guitar.
Like on this rendition of "Love Sick" for the 1998 Grammy's (video includes the unexpected appearance of the Soy Bomb lunatic):

When they finish playing you can see Tony Bennett applauding - so he must be in agreement too smiling smiley

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 20, 2009 02:05


Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: April 20, 2009 03:41

the difference is: they both play only 2-3 notes, but keith (since ca.1989) always goes for that one particular bum note that makes his 3 note solos sound soooooo terrible!

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: April 20, 2009 03:52

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: April 20, 2009 06:25

The better or worse question is who's a worse singer right now. Kind of a tossup,but I'll give the edge to Bob,since he sings all of his material and Keith only sings 2 songs a night.

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: April 20, 2009 06:29

Didn't Bob do the solo on Love Sick at the Grammy award back in '98? That was pretty good.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Muppet HiFi ()
Date: April 20, 2009 06:41

When Bob plays a lead these days, it's more interesting than Keef has been on a solo for a few years now.

IMO, Dylan's at the top of his game right now- tougher, funnier, more enigmatic, more accessible yet somehow less accessible, best band (since '01) since the Band in '74. Plus, his vocals are a wonder of musical invention: the best vocal approach he's ever used.

So- "better" than Keef on lead? Not technically (not saying much); but more inventive and spontaneous.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: April 20, 2009 07:00

Muppet HiFi
When Bob plays a lead these days, it's more interesting than Keef has been on a solo for a few years now.

IMO, Dylan's at the top of his game right now- tougher, funnier, more enigmatic, more accessible yet somehow less accessible, best band (since '01) since the Band in '74. Plus, his vocals are a wonder of musical invention: the best vocal approach he's ever used.

So- "better" than Keef on lead? Not technically (not saying much); but more inventive and spontaneous.

Best vocal approach he's ever used?....You mean the one that makes him sound like a parody of himself?

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Muppet HiFi ()
Date: April 20, 2009 07:30

Muppet HiFi
When Bob plays a lead these days, it's more interesting than Keef has been on a solo for a few years now.

IMO, Dylan's at the top of his game right now- tougher, funnier, more enigmatic, more accessible yet somehow less accessible, best band (since '01) since the Band in '74. Plus, his vocals are a wonder of musical invention: the best vocal approach he's ever used.

So- "better" than Keef on lead? Not technically (not saying much); but more inventive and spontaneous.

Best vocal approach he's ever used?....You mean the one that makes him sound like a parody of himself?
Parody? Ever listen to Blonde on Blonde?

Try listening to 'Lonesome Day Blues' -really, all of Love & Theft, and Modern Times for that matter- and tell me you've ever heard Dylan sound remotely like he does on those albums. How can you be a parody when you're concocting something entirely new for yourself?

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: April 22, 2009 00:46

GuĂ°ni Gunnarsson
Didn't Bob do the solo on Love Sick at the Grammy award back in '98? That was pretty good.

Yes, that was a neat performance. There was another guitarist involved as well, but Dylan was covering a lot of the guitarparts himself. See YouTube clip showing footage from that event, five posts up.
Added bonus is the "Soy Bomb guy" appearing out of the blue. Dylan seems unimpressed and never misses a beat, despite everything going on around him. Very funny.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2009-04-22 00:52 by Lightnin'.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: April 22, 2009 04:59

Wow, I didn't even realized you had posted Love Sick from the Grammy. What a co-incidence smiling smiley

Anyway, I also noticed about Love Sick that they used pedal steel for the "main beet" instead of the organ.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: April 23, 2009 14:41

Keith is a rhytm player so I guess he is.

Re: is DYLAN a better lead player than Keith now?
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: April 23, 2009 15:10

I quite enjoy Bobs acoustic playing on the early folk LP's

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