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Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Martijnstone ()
Date: January 26, 2009 19:41

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 26, 2009 19:54

Thanks for posting that,interesting interview!thumbs up

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: January 26, 2009 20:52

Knowing how Bill usually expresses himself, it's funny to see how he's talking very slowly here and articulating very clearly, making an effort to get the message across to the girl interviewer. I think he's also deliberately avoiding tricky English expressions.
He says during the conversation that Holland is a great country (I nearly moved here) and mentions that everyone speaks English - but apparently he's not totally sure if the interviewer can quite follow him.
I have to admit that her questions sound like she's not exactly an expert on the subject of Bill Wyman's musical career.

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Date: January 26, 2009 21:10

That kid with Monkey Grip in the back; just waiting his turn..."hurry up Grandpops".

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: January 27, 2009 11:25

Thanks for the posting, really good.
Bill should have left the Stones in 1982, but at leat he's making up for lost time.
I hope his photos come out in book form one day - and not in your £100+ Genesis type publications.
Also an exhibition in the UK -The Museum of Film, Photography and Television in Bradford, West Yorkshire springs to mind as a good venue outside of London.

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 27, 2009 11:48

Fanks Martijnstone .... good lil watch ....


Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Loudei ()
Date: January 27, 2009 13:55

Bill should be invited back to play on some Stones recording sessions...GOD DAMN IT!

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Bimmelzerbott ()
Date: January 27, 2009 14:09

He's not wearing a wig at least.

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: SimonV ()
Date: January 27, 2009 14:14

You gotta love Bil.. so laid back and sincere.


Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: January 27, 2009 14:23

In some respects Bill has the most envious lifestyle of all.

He leads a full life, lots of different projects going on.
Enjoys good health.
Settled family situation.
Can record solo material without having the world's music critics and fans scrutinise its quality
Can tour without having to plan years ahead -or have an army of 500+ employees to pay
Can live a sort of private life without having the paparizzi poking their noses at you
Still have more than enough money to live on
And actually looks younger than his ex band mates

Who would have thought in 1966 (Bill: "sullen, hollow cheeked, introverted bass player") that it would have turned out this way

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: January 27, 2009 16:34

really nice interview, thanx for posting. Those photos look really nice, I wouln't mind seeing the exhibition. And I would love to see the Rythm Kings (I have never seen Bill!) Hopefully I will have a chance.

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: January 27, 2009 21:31

Funny, by the time I was a Stones fan in '97...Wyman had been already been gone and when I watch interviews like reminds me that I feel like I don't know the guy. Which is so weird because I feel like I know Mick and Keith and all the Stones fairly well. Bill, though, he's a stranger to me. I miss his thumping bass but in terms of a personality and a member...I really don't know much about him.

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: TotalBB ()
Date: January 27, 2009 21:36

Great guy, great photos. I didn't even know that Keith picture was his, it's a classic.

Re: Interview Bill Wyman, Apeldoorn, Holland, 25-01-2009
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: January 28, 2009 01:33

he was invited back many times, he declined

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