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3 ***months ***ago
Hello guys, I'll be travelling to NYC next month, for 1 week..... Any tips for (cheap or not so expensive) accomodation, things to do, nice underground vinyl stores (Stones boots ??)..... Thanks a lot in advance !
Forum: Tell Me
5 ***months ***ago
Hello guys, I’m looking to complete my OBR LPs collection and I’m missing those : - OBR 93 009 Unknown Dreams (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 012 I'm living with these Memories (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 016 Paris Results (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 023 Better Results (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 458 025 Mean Lean
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
5 ***months ***ago
Hello guys, I’m looking to complete my OBR LPs collection and I’m missing those : - OBR 93 009 Unknown Dreams (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 012 I'm living with these Memories (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 016 Paris Results (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 023 Better Results (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 458 025 Mean Lean
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
***1 year ***ago
Hello Stonesstein ! I unfortunately don't have any duplicates, only 1 of each, so nothing to sell or trade, sorry ! Anyway my email is not hidden : anthony.lorente@orange.fr All my best..... Anthony
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
***1 year ***ago
Thanks StoneZP ! I know they're hard to find, but I guess I've been lucky enough to find 42 of them in the last 20 years, most of them on this IORR board !! So let's keep on crossing fingers to complete this collection !! Cheers... Anthony
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
***1 year ***ago
Thanks a lot StoneZP, but I'm actually looking to buy original LPs..... Cheers.... Anthony
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
***1 year ***ago
Hello guys, I’m looking to complete my OBR LPs collection and I’m missing those : - OBR 93 009 Unknown Dreams (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 012 I'm living with these Memories (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 016 Paris Results (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 305 023 Better Results (1 LP) - Reissue 100 numbered copies - OBR 458 025
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
2 ***years ***ago
Hey guys, I've been trying to contact Will Nash these last 2 months without any answer.... Anybody could help contacting him ?? Thanks in advance ! intinublado
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Hi Will, I've been trying to contact you privately these last days..... I don't know if you've read my messages or not..... If not, please contact me.... Thanks a lot in advance....
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Interested too in this video !! Thanks a lot in advance !!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
2 ***years ***ago
Congratulations, Erwin !! Just received my copy this morning..... Looks wonderful to read !! Thanks a lot Erwin !!
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Hey guys, I have a spare LD for Paris that I'd like to swap for a Madrid LD.... Let me know and thanks in advance ! intinublado@hotmail.fr
Forum: Ticket Trader
4 ***years ***ago
Thank so much Moonlight Mile !!! Vol.3 is perfect However, instead of the Incredible Art Collins Tapes Vol. 1, you sent Some Satanic Tour Vol. 3 from DAC !
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
4 ***years ***ago
Thanks so much Moonlight Mile !! Would be awesome if you could re-up them !!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
4 ***years ***ago
Thanks a lot Moonlight Mile !!! Where could I find Vol. 1 and Vol.3 from DAC Art Collins Tapes ?? Somebody could re-upload them ?? Thanks a lot in advance !
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
4 ***years ***ago
That would be great to have it too !! Thanks in advance !! intinublado@hotmail.fr
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
5 ***years ***ago
Might be interested..... How much ?
Forum: Ticket Trader
5 ***years ***ago
Salut Francois, je veux t'acheter ton billet pour Seattle si c'est possible !! Tiens-moi au courant ! Anthony
Forum: Ticket Trader
5 ***years ***ago
Bump ! (in case of.....)
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Do you have any list ? If so, can you send it to me ? Thanks in advance !
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Ok, thanks a lot.....
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Hi Silkcut, I sent you several private mails about OBR LPs... I'm still missing Mean-Lean-Hits and Sing me back Home... If you have them for sell, let me know.... Thanks in advance !!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Missing now those 2 ones : -OBR 458 025 Mean-Lean-Hits - 1 LP -OBR 458 031 Sing Me Back Home - 1 LP Anybody willing to sell them ?? Thanks in advance !
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Hi guys, I'm looking for these 3 OBR LPs to complete my collection : -OBR 93 004 That's How Strong my love is - 1 LP -OBR 458 025 Mean-Lean-Hits - 1 LP -OBR 458 031 Sing Me Back Home - 1 LP If anybody have them and accept to sell them, I'm your man ! Thanks in advance....
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
A few weeks ago I ordered some vinyls from Jo and I have to say that I am more than happy with them : brand new LPs and very safe packaging... Jo is an extremely nice person too, so it's been a real pleasure to deal with him..... Thanks a lot again !
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
I recently bought a bunch of OBR LPs from Olaf and I received them yesterday... Wonderful items all in mint condition. Excellent package and most of all : extremely nice person ! It's really been a pleasure to deal with him. 100% recomendable !! Thanks again Olaf !! Take care Anthony
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Hi Joguema, your mail's hidden...... I may be interested in some of your LP boots.How to contact you ? Let me know and thanks in advance ! Take care Anthony
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
Hi Stu, can you send me your list, please ? Thanks a lot in advance ! intinublado@hotmail.fr
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
Hi guys, Has anybody 2 spare seats for Munich ? I would like to take my 6 years old son to his first Stones concert ! Thanks in advance ! intinublado@hotmail.fr
Forum: Ticket Trader
9 ***years ***ago
Hi Mariano, I live in Colombia and I'll be in Bs As for the 3 shows, but I have no tickets.... Please contact me as I'm interested in buying 1 for each night.... intinublado@hotmail.fr Muchas gracias !
Forum: Tell Me
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