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13 ***days ***ago
I hope Marianne and Anita will find each other, somewhere over the Rainbow! Thanks for all the beauty things, you gave us! Will miss you girls!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***weeks ***ago
QuoteBashlets First time stones used them was for NYC, Chicago, LA shows 1975 and I think the technology was hit or miss. Some songs had them plugged in while others wireless including Jaggers microphone. By 1981 I think it was all wireless for the most part but I could be wrong. Yes 1975/1976 Mick used his wireless Mic (a very big one) only for Midnight Rambler, if I remember it right.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***weeks ***ago
Happy Birthday Keith!
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8 ***weeks ***ago
QuoteNankstone Yes, these are normal CDs (not SACDs), but these MONO-CDs are mastered with the DSD audio source. But you can download the whole Mono-Box in 24bit/192 kHz for 54,89€ at qobuz.com
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***weeks ***ago
The 4k- Edition is not much better than the Blu-ray Edition. I've bought both, the 4-K Edition has not any major quality advantages in my opinion. You can't compare it with current 4k productions. ..., but I like it! Yes I do!
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***months ***ago
QuoteNICOS WE LOVE YOU on my wish list for the last 20 years On my List even longer! In 1989 - 1990, "2000 LY" was actually the highlight of every show. If used correctly, you could also do the same with “We Love You”. It sureley would be great!
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***months ***ago
- We Love You - Slave - Coming Down Again - She Smiled Sweetly - 100 Years Ago
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***months ***ago
QuoteProfessorWolf are you serious or are you kidding? because i'm certain i read this in a magazine article from the 70's and i'm pretty sure it's not the only time someones mentioned keith hoarding cassettes No, I'm serious!
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***months ***ago
QuoteProfessorWolf i seem to recall some article from the mid 70's descriping keith having in his possession mountains of cassette tapes of live shows and studio sessions just piled all over the place what happened to those? Yes, that's right! I saw them around 1980 in large cardboard boxes (probably hundreds) scattered around the house. Mostly stereo soundboard recordings, mostly
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***months ***ago
Quotewiredallnight Do we really need the same discussion again in every thread? Can we stop this, it's nothing but annoying now? You better ask the person in Post #14 he comes with this again and again and again .......
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***months ***ago
Daspy's music Recordings, one of the "Big Tapers", are so good that you can't even hear them! You get the impression that other people's recordings are just plain crap! If you take it to another level, you should always remember that all recordings are usually not authorized. However, others who may not take such "great shots" but make them available for Not
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
8 ***months ***ago
Very nice! Keep on rolling!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***months ***ago
Very Sad and way too soon! He was a very nice human and a big Stones Fan! Thank you for letting me get to know you! RIP
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8 ***months ***ago
Thank you rs kinno!
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8 ***months ***ago
Great News! Thank you, Photos would be nice.
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***months ***ago
Thank you very much to Glen! Good night (and sleep tight)!
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***months ***ago
There is nothing to change or rewrite! It is what it is, and I love it!
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***months ***ago
So. come on Keith and Mick, why no "Let it Loose" after SSOH? That would be the greatest Encore of all time! (Sorry I'm drunk, but I would love to hear it)
Forum: Tell Me
***1 year ***ago
Matt Lee is totally correct! There never has been a Lifetime Pass! Maybe Owen needed a little more drama for his story..... Therefore the whole thing is a bit staged!
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
R.I.P. Burt! The name Bacharach has its origins in the loveley small village Bacharach am Rhein in the Middle Rhine Valley in the Mainz-Bingen district in Rhineland-Palatinate. He refers to the German-Jewish roots of the family.
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Thank you very much! Vielen Dank, sehr nett von dir die Aufnahmen hier anzubieten! Macht jedenfalls Appetit auf mehr! Ein gutes 2023!
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2 ***years ***ago
to syrel:
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
I`m shocked! She was a very nice and loveley Lady! RIP Shirley
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Happy Birthday Keef, and also let us remember Bobby! Keep on doing it!
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
I can totally agree with Jigsaw69! When it came out 1978 on Some Girls Album I liked it. When the 12" came out, I liked more! When they played it live in 1978 I liked it much more! After that, it mostly went downhill. Today it is for me more like a filler to complete the show and a few minutes recuperation, especially for the guitar section, there is nothing in it today. That's als
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Thank you very much, for all your work!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
2 ***years ***ago
Hi, here is the link for Part 1: Servus Muenchen P.1 Link for Part 2: Servus Muenchen P.2
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
2 ***years ***ago
Thank you very much for ReUp!!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
2 ***years ***ago
Thank you again for the Videos. Unfortunatly I have missed the Part 2 of the Show. Is it possible to link it again? Thank you very much in advance!
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