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11 ***years ***ago
Quote24FPS QuoteKrentist Quotevirgil QuoteKrentist Has anyone actually gotten an email from AEGlive about the re-release of $85 tickets? They had a mailing list that I signed up for but I've yet to hear anything about 85s being re-released at any date in any city. Many people have posted the same Question as you for a few weeks now. I have not seen one post yet where anyone has been noti
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Quotevirgil QuoteKrentist Has anyone actually gotten an email from AEGlive about the re-release of $85 tickets? They had a mailing list that I signed up for but I've yet to hear anything about 85s being re-released at any date in any city. Many people have posted the same Question as you for a few weeks now. I have not seen one post yet where anyone has been notified. Bye Bye Johnny
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Has anyone actually gotten an email from AEGlive about the re-release of $85 tickets? They had a mailing list that I signed up for but I've yet to hear anything about 85s being re-released at any date in any city.
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
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