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14 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Keith was the only reason I suffered through the way too long 3rd movie. Fortunately, On Stranger Tides seems to be going back to the series roots of being a fun, entertaining movie that doesn't take itself to seriously or get bogged down by an arbitrary love story. Can't wait to see him reprise his role! Does anyone remember hearing a rumor that Johnny Depp wanted to get Mick to pla
Forum: Tell Me
14 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I'm not defending anyone or anything, but I got a good laugh out of this story. Reminds me of my grandpa. Keith and Mick should star in Grumpy Old Men 3; I'd see it opening day.
Forum: Tell Me
14 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Holy shit, Keith is speaking with whole sentences! And you can understand them!
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14 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Thanks a bunch, I'll have to pick that up then.
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14 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
There was a video on YouTube which was one of my personal favorites. It was of Keith tuning a guitar on stage with his trademark version of Spanish Ladies (the same version he also played in the third Pirates movie). It's simple but still beautiful to hear him play. I even watched it a few days ago but tragically it seems like it's been removed! Does anyone know where else you can fi
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14 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Is this documentary being released with the re-mastered album or seperately?
Forum: Tell Me
15 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I only got to see Metallica this year (I shouldn't say "only" though, it was my first time getting to see my second favorite band in concert and they shattered my being!). Some people want me to go see Megadeath on the 5th..but I dunno.. It's in a bad part of town and I dunno if Mustaine is worth getting stabbed over. Anyone see them this year offer input on the matter? But
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15 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I'm guessing you guys didn't read the lost Nostradamus text that predicts that once Earth is aligned with the Galactic Center on 12/20/2012, Keith's outer epidermus will melt away from the extreme cosmic rays bombarding the planet to reveal his steel cyborg skeleton and laser gattling gun arm. What happens after this, has not been foreseen...
Forum: Tell Me
15 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Young people don't hate the Stones, they're just uneducated about what music actually is. Which is ironic, because whenever you see modern bands, you see so many things about them that were direct influences of the Stones. The modern interpretation of how a guitar player should behave is Keith Richards, but most kids don't know it. I'm 21 and the Stones have been my favorit
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera amazing and stunning (insert synonym here). Does anyone know what tuning he's in and what chords he's playing here? I wanna try to figure it out. AND, when did they record this and why did they never iron it out enough to put on a record? They were definately onto something with it...did it transform into a different song or something?
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
QuotekovachQuoteLa Mano NeraWhat the @#$%& is wrong with you people? Not one mention of Worried About You? I'll be over here shooting myself... Unless you're talking about a boot or just background vocals, I'm not aware of him singing this. Ya I'm talkinga bout the background vocals. Keith SHOULD have sang the whole thing though if his background work was that good.
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
What the @#$%& is wrong with you people? Not one mention of Worried About You? I'll be over here shooting myself...
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Keef doesn't wear ties. If he did, it would only be to restrain his coolness/badassness from vaporizing your body like when the Nazis opened up the Arc of the Covenant in the first Indiana Jones movie.
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Gilmour is better at putting me to sleep.
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16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I thought Keith played both rhythm parts at the beggining of Cant You Hear Me Knocking..?
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
People with wavy hair can make it straight by blow drying it etc. When my hair is clean, it looks like hell (like the second picture of Keith) but after a few days it straightens out as it accumulates various forms of my surroundings. Maybe Keef has been taking more showers since the '80s...
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
There's two guitars in the studio version. The guitar that plays the intro is in standard tuning with a capo on the 3rd fret. The other guitar which plays the main riff is in open E (which can be open D with a capo on the 2nd fret). RnR Circus version is in standard tuning, using just basic powercords for the main riff and the classic Keef barchords just shifted a step down from the studi
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16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
How do you front a band like the Rolling Stone's without being vain? I don't see how Keef's comments were meant to be bitter or offensive. I think he was trying to make a point.
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I remember posting a topic here a year or two ago (one of my firsts) about how much I loved Worried About You. I thought I would continue the tradition because I got a lotta good responses on the song. In my humble opinion, this is the finest singing between Mick and Keef EVER. I love this song.
Forum: Tell Me
16 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Gimme Shelter is on the game Rock Band for PS3 and Xbox 360 (made by the same people who did the first two Guitar Heros). It's a great mix too, because you can clearly hear the extended Keef solo while Mary Clayton is singing which is kinda obscure on Let it Bleed. As far as remixes, I have a version of Paint It Black on my iPod with just the insturments. I got it from here actually.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Who cares? This guy likes Elvis Costello.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
All those people ripped Chuck Berry off- seeing as that same pattern is what he uses in all his songs (if you really gotta reduce music to high-school level "who stole what from who"). AND, you can hear Bill playing the JJF riff in Satisfaction on his bass.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Maybe a kind soul would post said bootlegs on some kind of...bootleg forum? Something similar to the one located a few clicks away from here...?
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I personally can watch and listen to all the CDs and DVDs (which I don't really have a lot of) over and over again. Maybe it's the way my mind works, or the way the Stone's work, or both. But, everytime I do re-listen/watch, I hear like a little riff or insturment in there I didn't hear the last 500 times, and some times it changes the whole song or puts a new angle on it. Li
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
What album is it on?
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I think this was a song they had during Stick Fingers, but they didn't like it. It later developed into Tumbling Dice. That's what I learned researching for a report I did in school about Tumbling Dice.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I always view the difference between the Stones and Zepellin as, Do you wanna BE cool, or do you wanna APPEAR to be cool? I really can't listen to a Zepellin album like I do Exile.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
I've always been blown away by his vocals on Worried About You. He's one of the few people that can steal the show from Jagger vocally. Especially the last few lines. WOW. He sings like a Rastafarian angel or something. And why has no one mentioned the guitar in JJF? He's playing that on a @#$%& ACOUSTIC. How does one do that?
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Alright thanks a bunch.
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17 ***years ***ago
La Mano Nera
Well in school, the band and orchestra play classical music (Behtoven, Vivaldi, Bach etc. and jazz pieces). So hopefully, the Stones will be the future era's classic music and they will be playing at annual concerts in highschool (I'm so jealous).
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