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18 ***years ***ago
I've got every studio and bootleg release from the Faces - and although back in '75 they couldn't have picked a better partner for KR - his peak guitar work was definitely his Faces years. With a much different style I think he could have rivaled Mick Taylor if he had transferred those virtuoso skills over to his Stones days. What the hell happened?
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18 ***years ***ago
Ditto Duece - Hand of Fate Crazy Mama (Hey Negrita - close 3rd)
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18 ***years ***ago
Hey Havo - I'm the same age 52 (born 7/3/53 - was my 16th BD the day Brian died). Still have my original LP copy from 64 of "England's Newest Hitmakers." Been a Stone's fanatic ever since. "Bigger Bang" is fantastic overall. Just the fact that these guys can still produce music like this so many years down the line is nothing short of mind-boggling. It sounds be
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19 ***years ***ago
Totally agree!! Saw him about 2 months ago at the Florida Theatre here in Jacksonville, FL. Was one of his warm-up shows, prior to joining JM on their tour. Had front row center seats and witnessed an amazing show! Just belting out one CCR and solo classic after the next with unrelenting power and energy. Indeed amazing at 59!
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19 ***years ***ago
Keith expalins the "falling out" scenario in the Chuck Berry documentary "Hail, Hail Rock & Roll." Definitely worth a watching. You really get a sense from Keith and some of the other musicians that CB can be a PIA to work and record with. All in all however Keith makes it clear that he still thinks CB's the greatest. So who was really playing that lead guitar on
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19 ***years ***ago
In 1964 I was 11 years old and just gettin' into rock & roll. Exposure to new music and bands was limited to AM radio - resticted to top 20 tunes only. At that time it was all about the Beatles. At one point during that year they commanded the top 4 or 5 positons on the charts. During 1964 I recall going over to my buddies house one day. His older sister had "England's Newe
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19 ***years ***ago
1) Brian being forced to leave the band. 2) Brian's unfortunate death (on my 16th birthday no less). 3) Keith's declining guitar skills since the 60's - early 70's. ("Down The Road Apiece" being a classic example of how good he once was). 4) Ronnie's declining guitar skills since his Faces days. (What the hell happened there?!! Too many stouts?) 5) Bill lea
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19 ***years ***ago
Had Voodoo brew - Disc 3 crankin' earlier this morning during my workout. Motivatin' music!!
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19 ***years ***ago
ENGLAND'S NEWEST HITMAKERS IN 1964 - I was 11 years old - a few years later had to buy second copies of their first 5 lp's since I wore my originals out. Still have all the old vinyl!
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19 ***years ***ago
A friend of mine back in the mid-eighties was originally from the Woodstock area of NY. He owned a jewlry/head shop up there during the 60's and 70's. He would always mention all the famous musicians he was personal friends with from up there, including Dylan and the members of The Band. I always kinda took his stories with a grain of salt. Well one day he tells me that Rick Danko an
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19 ***years ***ago
Just joined the group today and chose the username "elmolewis". Well, in reviewing some other posts I see the group already has an "Elmo Lewis." Sorry for this inadvertent plagerism "Elmo". Is there a way to change your user name or does one have to create a new account? Thanks!
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19 ***years ***ago
Speaking of Janis; at the 1969 MSG show I was at Janis came out and did a song with Tina Turner. Pretty cool!!
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19 ***years ***ago
Was watching the Last Waltz once again over the Holidays. He was a pretty damn good lead guitarist while with The Band. What a great arrangement of musicians they were!
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19 ***years ***ago
#1) Stones - Madison Sq. Garden, NY - Thanksgiving night 1969 #2) Rory Gallagher / Faces - MSG, NY - circa 1972 #3) Heads, Hands & Feet / Humble Pie - Asbury Park Convention Hall, NJ - circa 1971 Concert today just don't seem to have the aura and energy as they did back then. No more euphoric aromas in the air these days either!
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19 ***years ***ago
A good place for this old-timer to launch his first post: 1) July 3, 1966 - Asbury Park Convention Hall, NJ (was my 14th birthday and snuck away from home on a 1 hour bus trip to see the show. Got in loads of trouble with mom and dad. Tickets if I recall were $3.50.) 2) 1969 - Thanksgiving night - Madison Square Garden - NY 3) 1972 - MSG 4) 1975 - MSG 5) 1978 - MSG 6) 1981 - Chi
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