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7 ***years ***ago
Gettin' old ain't for sissies... "Maybe I'm right And you're wrong - it doesn't matter In the course of our lifetimes You'll surely start running away We'll wait and see about that But if you don't stay with me, baby Well, if you don't stay with me, baby I'll be right there in your mirror When you get old And we all get old
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
NahanLaze - Sir, Kindly understand that Time Most Definitely Is NOT On My Side here. I have been entertaining various possibilities, but nothing is yet Set In Stone (so to speak). I have admittedly left this too late - reckon I have overstayed my welcome in Denial Land. If I may ask, what thoughts are you entertaining? My Priority is that these collections find a good and proper Home, and
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
mr_dja : Thank You So Very Much for such a simply wonderful Post. You are another whose Posts I have followed and appreciated. Keep On Rollin', Sir! - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
My most immense gratitude to All who have replied with their well-wishes and suggestions. There IS innate Goodness and Decency amongst this Group - it just seems that often it seems to get drowned out by louder, more negative voices. Thanks, Everyone! - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
EddieByword - I appreciate your suggestion and have been in contact with someone in the industry who lives on a neighboring island when not touring. I have agreed not to mention the identity (or username) without explicit permission, but said individual has been musically active since the late '60s and doubtless has connections in the Biz. We'll see what happens. Thank You!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
HalfNanker - You made an excellent point, particularly with all the Weirdness and Negativity that seems to infect these boards. I appreciate your input and am trying to work this out as seamlessly as possible. (Perhaps posting the situation Here was not the best move on my part. There is another option, which someone else helpfully suggested.) Aloha and Mahalo Plenty!! All The Very Be
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
NathanLaze - How would I manage this? Mind you, we are talking literally hundreds of CDs, DVDs, books, posters, etc. This would hardly be an inexpensive undertaking! Thanks - - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
Aloha, GasLightStreet! Please feel free to PM me for contact info. (I am in Aiea, overlooking Pearl Harbor). THANKS! - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
JumpingKentFlash! How I appreciate your thoughts / sentiment. I have admired your Postings for A Long, Long While... Brother, PLEASE realize that my Collection is far too unwieldy to break up, and there is no way I can handle Postage on this stuff. I knew upon Posting that many (most) members are European, but I did not know what else to do. There are so many versions of EOMS in my hoa
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
GasLightStreet - My Thanks. Hopefully your Honolulu friend would appreciate all of this stuff! - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
ROCKMAN - Brother, I would if I could. There is a lot of material that even die-hard collectors would doubtless enjoy! - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
Kindly tell your Honolulu friend to bring a couple of big boxes - there are posters and handbills and books as well (a couple autographed) ! THANKS! - Allen
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
7 ***years ***ago
Hello All and Thanks for reading my Post. (If this is inappropriate or placed in the wrong place, I trust you folks will let me know!) My first Stones gigs were in 1972 and I have caught every USA Tour since. I have wandered these boards for many years, but have rarely posted due to perceived negativity. I reside on the Hawaiian island of Oahu (near Pearl Harbor) and have been fighting stomac
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
8 ***years ***ago
As an aside, the CD of the Culver City rehearsals is a Must-Listen!!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Thanks for all the info, but kindly pardon a rather ignorant question : Is the CD included with the book the same as the independent CD?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Today's kidz are just doing the same thing that WE did as kidz - and doubtless our parents before us. Everything - even music - is cyclical. Brian WHO? Oh yeah - he used to deal cocaine back in the early 1980s in Sherwood, Arkansas...
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
So Sorry, but to me Chuck Sucks!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Cotton Bowl 31 October (in the rain) and 1 November, 1981.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
CRIKEY!! Just buy it, like the rest of us did!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Check Metal Sword "label" - common on Ebay and / or RZ Records.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Hopefully you are not serious. Don't waste your dosh!!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Look, folks - either buy it or not. Truth is, ALL of the listed content is quite readily available on Good-to-Excellent Quality DVD / CD boots - and has been for years.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
While I am indeed conscious of the dreaded "ageing elitist" tag, it admittedly DOES amuse me just how many of these "youngsters" posting here only initially knew The Rolling Stones via Hot Rocks, TY, ER and Still Life. Please - do your research, kiddies, for teen nostalgia rarely qualifies / quantifies as Greatness.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Ye Gods, but Cuervo is but "bathtub" tequila!! Surely the lads discovered "Something Better"???
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Led WHO????
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Stones, Macca and possibly others on the bill are already slated to play smallish "warm-up" gigs in the Los Angeles area prior to the Indio shows. BV is doubtless aware of same. And yes - the "OldChella" shows are to be professionally filmed for eventual DVD / BD Release.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Fans in or near RoosterPoot, Texas should keep their leisure calendars Open...
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
SOL "great" in Atlantic City? REALLY? Well, I can only Respect your Opinion, Stones50.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Aye - 'tis allz aboutz da money.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
AGREED : Memphis, 1978!
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