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19 ***years ***ago
Interesting and informative thread. Thanks everybody. Just few random thoughts about the mentioned Steel Wheels, that somehow marks a landmark in their recent studio output history. I remember listening it first time and I was so surprised how distinct and clear and up-to-date the Stones sounded in that one. Their usual mess and sometimes typical semi-amateurish lazy, even sloppy attitude (fo
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Perhaps Mr. Bush will introduce her to the wonderful and exciting and challenging world of the roadies working for a rock and roll band... - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
And by the way, does anyone know is there any truth in the claim that Mick and Keith were so desparate in keeping Bill in the band that they were offering him co-credits for "Jumping Jack Flash" to keep him on the board? - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"Take MT back on guitar, and let's Ronny play the bass!" Nice idea, and in a line with the old gospel that "let the weakest guitarist play tha bass", but I am afraid that playing the bass asks so much decication, constanct concentration and stability that our Ronnie is not the right man for the job in his recent condition (neither is Keef) know, stop playing for
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"Bill has zero interest in the Stones since his departure." Well, maybe as being an active member of it nowadays, but surely not of keeping the memory alive of its heyday... man who does not have any interest of the Stones do not write books of them, or run a restaurant based on the Stones stuff. Although refusing to sign any Stones stuff, the guy loves way too much talk about the su
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"But to CALL it Queen without Freddie or Deacon and WITH Paul Rodgers is heresy" Yes. I don't know what to think about these recents tours of "Queen" and "The Doors". The same sort of anxious feeling that I got when I heard Keith Richards suggesting that The Stones might tour without Mick, being replaced for example by Roger Daltrey. That was back in the 80&#
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
About Jagger... I read some time ago Elvis Costello's description of Jagger's recent performance. He compared Mick to a cheerleader. I think that was a nice and insightful metaphor. (He also described Keith's playing of guitar as a sort of jazzy saxophone phrasing in a big band.) - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
But if we are here thinking that the essence of being "frontman" is mostly do with physical moves, dancing, clowning and doing theatrics and so on to catch the attention of audience, I suppose Freddie Mercury is one of the best ever. Jimi Hendrix for sure, too. And I can only guess what were like the performances of the old blues giants like Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf back in the gol
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19 ***years ***ago
Well, there are some people that don't need to do anything special to make the atmosphere thrilling and are able to "own the stage" (yes, nice description) by their plain presence.. just to walk in and stand there and do his art.. I am talking about Bob Dylan. - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"(Wish he'd go back to guitar again now)." (Well, me too, but I've heard that he has some physical constraints preventing to do that, problems with his back or something..) - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"I AM SICK TO DEATH OF STONES/BEATLES COMPARISONS." Very understable. But one thing that always had bothered me with all these comparisons is the fact that in the case of The Rolling Stones, The Beatles is quite often mentioned; The Stones are compared to them, being better, being bigger, sexier, having longer hair, more rebellious , more rock and roll or, being more whatever..being
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Somehow related to this topic, I read awhile ago a Mick Taylor interview where he said that Dylan didn't advice or guide him any way how to play, and that he (Mick) was quite confused with that 'freedom' first. Yes, the results were great. - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"Any other suggestions?" What about adding the Finnish concerts also? Their first concert here, in Pori Yyteri beach, midsummer 1965, marked a big part in the Finnish Stones folklore (and a big turn in general Finnish rock history), the event is also covered by funny stories. Keith Richards even remembered the gig over 20 years later (he described the place with sand and pine trees e
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19 ***years ***ago
tomstones Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > right dj, absolutely right. remember: this mick, > who does not want any playboy "readers" to jack > off to his daughter, once sang the lines "I can > see that you´re just thirteen years old...Bet your > mother doesn´t know you could scream like that..." True, but ain't th
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19 ***years ***ago
"I've always felt that The Beatles thing.. you know, when they were big... was doing records. Ours was like doing concerts." - Mick Jagger, 1969. - Doxa
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19 ***years ***ago
Great photos, again! It is also funny reading those brief remarks what 'else' happened during that visit. I seemed like that always SOMETHING 'extra curricular activities' happened at those times (like '70, '73..); now Brian losting his passport, the guys almost missing the gig because of the beer, Mick performing with dark glasses due to his black eye (caused by
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19 ***years ***ago
"Look great but what is she talented at?" Being the muse and style adviser for Keith Richards in the most important and creative years of The Rolling Stones. I will always respect for her that. But I am also happy that Keith got rid of her before it was too late. I think people still don't understand (not to mention appreciate) the impact she and Marianne Faithfull had fo
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19 ***years ***ago
"Each one of those albums sold far more than any album the Stones have ever released!" You can never underestimate the cheap - not to mention bad - taste of the masses... Musically - and now I'm NOT talking about their huge impact as forerunners or their present iconic status of the ONLY representation of the sunny days of youthful 60's - I've always thought that t
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19 ***years ***ago
I suppose Råsunda show is their second stadium show ever; the first was a day before in Helsinki. They seemed to fill up the stadiums in those early attempts quite strangely. In Helsinki the 'field' was left totally uncrowded, so the fans were digging the band in their seats from a 'safe' distance. I suppose the case was the same in Råsunda also. Anyway those scenes of the pol
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19 ***years ***ago
Jeez, those photos are so time capturing: Keith looks so wasted with that formal suit. And the conference held in a sex club and Keith & the press booze partying and Bill checking out the striptease show.. aah, what a great decadent rock and roll tour that '73 was! The band still seemed to be a threat to a secure society.. while playing their asses off... Greatest Rock'n'Roll B
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Wow, I would say that the IORR Nobel prize for peace goes to Australia this year... gentlemen, you turned the heated discussion back to right track nicely.. "I'm very diplomatic" - Mick Jagger 1964 - Doxa P.S. I wonder why Kyle M rates 1971 tour so high...72-73 yes, but 71?
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"does that mean mick has to pull his hair back and use a ton of hair spray and grow long side burns" Haa, in Performance he did, and boy, he looked bad. Also in that Man from Alysian Fiels (or whatever it is called) he pulled his hair back and that didn't seem to suit for him. And hey: look at that Dogshit cover: ain't he posing like Elvis with that unsuitable guitar (a
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Whatever we think about his music, Bruce is at least a big fan of The Stones (and that always is a charmant and irresistible feature in a person, and much can be forgiven for that!). I remember him saying - was it back in the 80's - that he is still as thrilled as when he was a teenager of a new Stones album. Funny incident that happened during the Dirty Work sessions: his wife was doing
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19 ***years ***ago
Click "Mark All Messages Read" in the bottom of the front page. Somehow it works after that. - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
"Reagan misunderstood Springsteen and thought he could use him (and Born In The USA) in the election, but found out that Springsteen's political views were quite the opposite of his own..." True, but like I said I can't help of his music reminding me of those glory 80's days.. the videos of "Born In The USA" and "Dancing in The Dark"... and James B
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19 ***years ***ago
"Doesn't he tour with Bill and the Rhythm Kings?" Yes, he does. - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Well, the Stones always seem to do the best shows in the first leg of the tour, in USA, and the energy level and enthusiasm somehow decrease (which also can be seen in setlists) when they get to Europe. I suppose the worst autopilot shows are always in Europe. - Doxa
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Well, about imitating.. I have always felt that Bruce Springsteen stands to Bob Dylan as Aerosmith to The Rolling Stones. If we take the point further, yeah, Dylan stands to Woody Guthrie as The Rolling Stones to Chuck Berry.. Hmm.. is there a point to make? I don't know... I can not help it but it always reminds me of Ronald "Ronnie" Reagan when I hear Bruce... But a great rock
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Hound Dog, I agree with you that if they HAVE to cover themselves, it should be some awkward song from the 60's, like "That Girl Belongs To Yesterday", or why not "Tell Me" for very nostagic reasons. But come on, just figure out they doing "Mother's Little Helper" now - it can only work as a joke! Sort of The Osbournes-stuff: making cheap fun of your pas
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Only songs that have 'time' on their title: "Time Is On My Side" "Good Times, Bad Times" "The Last Time" "Out of Time" "Time Waits For No None" Seriously, I hope they never ever fell into that sort of idea. Isn't that enough that they milking their past in their live shows, and that the results are quite exhaustively prese
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