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6 ***years ***ago
Got a code. Cause I still not marry a rich one I have to wait for a lucky dip this time. If anybody wants my codes....
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
Back home in Germany from Holland.What agreat journey. It was the 15 - 20 concert of the Stones I have seen. And: the loudest one EVER. For the the eternal complainers: yes, there was an echo in the hall ( I was front of stage), yes, you could hear the sound of the aircondition in the silent moments. But who cares? Nobody who was in Arnhem yesterday. The band on fire, a strong clear guitar sound
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
goldylocks Quotegoldylocks PS: Anybody planning to drive down to Arnhem by car from Hamburg? I am interested in joining in. Can mail me. you have an PM Hi! PM? What does that mean? My e-mail address is in my profile. Rgds d.f Hi Dead Flowers, PM is Personal Message Ich habe dir an deine Mailadresse geschrieben. Noch nicht angekom
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
goldylocks PS: Anybody planning to drive down to Arnhem by car from Hamburg? I am interested in joining in. Can mail me. you have an PM
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
I see the tiger......><
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
before all the naysayers and nerds destroy it with comments: on the computer @#$%& grat show? 4 weeks to Arnhem!!! See you
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
who can´t play guitar anymore..??...Thank you Stones
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
and save your battery........
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
I know, Arnheim is still 4 weeks to go, but just for planning: I go with a VW bus from Braunschweig to Arnheim on Sunday morning, back on Monday. If anybody needs a lift, please write an email to
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
Hi Skyhawk, I´m interested . send an eamil to Thanks
Forum: Ticket Trader
7 ***years ***ago
ok Sadowsky. Thanks. So no guitar without marrying rich........Any voluntary?
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
in 1991 KR played a special guitar it seems to be a Tele (with or without soundhole?) with Nylon strings. Does anybody has more information about this guitar? The fender page gives no info. I would like to play one, if buyable and payable. Thanks regards. See you
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
to all the complainers, the big critic section: I would be happy if my band would bring on the stage only half of the energy the Stones do only half swinging in the bass .... (the bass don´t swing) half power of the horn section .... (the horn section is a hole) etc. etc. Post the music you can perform on stage and we will give our comments. If you can´t, shut up
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Quotejambay QuoteMileHigh Lots of users online, presumably for this exciting play by play of the big Stones concert.......... Somebody should get busy writing entertaining feelings and comments for them, dont be boring and superficial my dog and my my cat are already falling asleep.......
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
QuoteRockinJive Ok they just finished Satisfaction. Get back to your wives.... which wife......
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
some days ago I saw a nice picture A blackboard in a bar was on the picture and said: "We don´t have w-lan! Talk to each other. Think, it´s 1995. "
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
I am waiting, I am waiting (oh yeah, oh yeah) I am waiting, I am waiting (oh yeah, oh yeah) Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere You can't hold out, you can't hold out Oh yeah, oh yeah You can't hold out, you can't hold out Oh yeah, oh yeah Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere Waiting for someone to come o
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
everybody seems to be ready, everybody ready the first time in 50 years.... evrybody ready...... sorry for the delay....
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
QuoteDoughboyUK ive got an android box i beought two months ago on my main tv...itll be mint if this live stream works on that lol neither I have a mobile phone nor a TV. How can I exist? Is there real life (on mars)?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Quotestones2000 There seems to be a "Live Stream" feature on the new Rolling Stones app. Maybe we'll be able to watch the show on there instead of periscope? I'm not sure how that feature on the app works that means only for toy users ( Iphone etc.) and not availible on a PC?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
First Song: seriously: I bet the´ll start with SATISFACTION
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Quotemickschix FREE SHOW!!? Anyome recall the disaster called ALTAMONT? Dumb idea! Sorry but if they feel generous it should not be in such an untested country!! This is not well thought-out, very dangerous! yes, be aware. stay at home. Communist eat little children and stole old women their handbag
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
bye bye have a nice show . Tomorrow morning I have to prepare band rehearsal
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
Tumling Dice, and played ok
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
champaign and reeeefer
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
but TD is in open G Capo 4th fret and iorr in B Standard Tuning....
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
who started with T D ? IORR
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
jjf, my song..... ;-)
Forum: Tell Me
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