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Re: REPOST: 1975 BBC Radio special
Date: September 9, 2008 00:34
Hey Hey RollingOn....
Thanks so much for this! Sounds like a good listen, I love me some radio documentaries/interviews/etc... heard just about all the Lennon ones out there, it'll be cool to hear some from the boys...
Hey, so any chance you might repost the 1969 Promotional Album/digipak I've been nagging you for?
I'm more than willing to trade FLAC/MP3 albums and stuff, although most of it I've downloaded here on IORR ... with my infinite thanks to everyone here at IORR... you all are amazing...
So if I can offer anything fresh, new, or sought-after in return, please let me know what...
Otherwise I'll be gratefully and eagerly awaiting the Promotional Album "coming soon" from ya...
Thanks immensely for your contributions and generosity!
"I'm a monkeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyeeeehh!"