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Setting Song Markers on a Large Download File
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: April 21, 2006 17:48
Help Required:
For any of you folks who have already visited, then you know there is a wealth of fantastic music available from their website; however, the concerts are one complete WMA file, typically 25 ~ 45 MB in size. The individual songs are all linked together with no breaks.
Is there a software tool that can be used to separate out the individual songs by setting markers.
At the very least you would first need to listen to the concert to determine where the breaks should be at the end of each song. That exercise can be done fairly easily.
Setting the break point for multiple CDR's is not a big problem once you have the complete tracklisting from nor is it difficult to convert the 40 KB/s WMA files to 128 KB/s MP3 using itunes software. That's the easy part.
The hard part is parsing the music into individual song tracks.
Anybody can help ??????????