Yesterday I noticed that
Felix's site, The Ultimate Guide, had a new notice:
NOTES: Site Closed;
For occasional additions, check “Gems after TUG” on [] (via “Home” at the end of this page).Wow, what a journey it’s been! I’ve followed Felix’s work since the early ’90s (though it began well before that), and it has served as my Stones bible ever since. I still cherish the hardcover version (1962-1995) that captivated my interest when it was released. So, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all your hard work, Felix. Your dedication has laid a foundation for many others to build upon. Your work has always been professionally sourced, meticulously detailed, honestly presented, and humbly offered. You have been generously open to helping others and receiving criticism. Thank you for the continuous updates, including the “post-TUG” gems to come that always seem to surface. Seeing you step back from TUG is a HUGE bummer, but you truly deserve a break. So, thank you, thank you, thank you, and enjoy your well-deserved rest!