ONE TRUTH BAND - the final or not so final mystery drive show?
I never post non-Stones stuff here but this project has had a lot of relevance to Stones collectors so please indulge me for a moment.
Wow, is this really the end? Not likely, just the main part of the collection which I started transferring by anniversary date after searching by every artist name in a journey that begin on October 21, 1994 outside the Rose Bowl following the Rolling Stones show. After another chance meeting after Nine Inch Nails at the Palace in April 26 1994 but I was at a low point, we didn't talk much and I lost his number. We both snuck into the same section sidestage as close to the PA as possible, he recognized and approached me.
I was not quite 21 and in total awe of the stuff he was telling me he recorded. NWA? Zodiac Mindwarp? Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones in 1975? Been recording since you were 12? I started at 14 but the gulf between 12 and 14 is greater than the one between 20 and 50. I would throw a random band name like Public Enemy at this old white dude thinking I was just signaling my eclectic musical preferences. Oh yeah, lots of times.
My evolving musical taste would often result in a call like I am really getting into Peter Gabriel now, whatcha got? Oh he ran out the door, across the street and into the ocean and someone recorded an impromptu interview with him with your recorder? Oh hell yeah I wanna hear it.
There are still undated shows, shows that sound so bad I just can't listen to enough to track out and jamband stuff which I would only ever cross reference with existing material as almost anything is recording off the board or much higher end equipment. But there was that Go Ahead show and a few Weir Wasserman shows so you never know ... Also not really in a hurry to dive in either. Someone said some Gov't Mule shows might be rare? Are they any good? I saw them once, not all that long ago but I see a lot of bands.
There are even quite a few unknown "Opening Act For..." not all of which I can figure out.
I do have a few others from the undated FL part of the collection I am part way thru which will be along shortly. And a few more of what could be considered downgrades of existing sources, such as the aforementioned incomplete Rose Bowl show. That show was on a Friday, ended up being a tough ticket for all the returning patrons blown away by night 1 but a roadie threw a pass around his neck halfway thru and walked him in. But I need to finish this overdue WWI library book first.
This particular recording does sound kinda rough but I was still able to make it all the way thru.
Unfortunately I was just banned from Pixeldrain which was the easiest with both the ability to drop multiple files at once and collect the links a few hours later and seemingly bottomless capacity. So I just had to delete the "May" folder on the first Google drive I was already logged into to make room for the next batch. All the more reason to slow down. Tiring quickly of the measure / countermeasure is just one reason I left the ticket business and that was lucrative beyond my wildest dreams even if I considered this my real job and that wretched endeavor merely a means of financing.
There is also the 18 boxes of tapes dropped off in 2020 I am still working thru... For awhile some of it was kinda bothering me with quality issues and other bands on the various bills not being taped and I may also need a new 21st century transfer method than the oh so convenient cassette to trusty 24 year old Tascam standalone. Some discs I just can't get to rip clean but since it's such a shitty format and the new slimline drives are total dogshit it's hard to troubleshoot if it's the media or perhaps my aging unit not burning the grooves deep enough. I have a Sparks soundboard for example I gave up on after 2 attempts but want to circle back on. No, I am not authorized to send these tapes anywhere and based upon past experiences wouldn't even ask.
Then there is Pete, who along with his brother indoctrinated me into this cult before escaping a few years later but still has some tapes I wanna get at. Low fi but still a few LA masters that should be given one more chance by the hard core. And a Ramones 1st gen that was actually my introduction to the band. He is the one who recorded the 4 GNR 1991 LA shows and only captured a small fraction of what he attended.
I already had Jimi Hendrix's Smashing Amps red vinyl and taped some radio shows but it was in 9th grade that his brother Gus introduced me into the world of tape trading and some of the characters in Circus and Goldmine Magazine. But it was Pete who I formed a closer bond with and still see regularly while Gus in a total 360 from the kid I knew in high school seems fully immersed in the straight John world. Their introduction was via the late and legendary Mr Freezer who also drove all of us to Alice Cooper at the Pantages Theatre in 1990.
Then the friend from another chance meeting in 1991 who became a really good friend, lives on the same street a few blocks away but whose collection has also been inaccessible most of that time. He sometimes finds tapes, dropped off a whole bunch a year ago but little of what I really wanted so I am having a hard time working thru stuff I was never all that interested in hearing to begin with while knowing he has that Anthrax Long Beach Arena 1989 somewhere, and might still have a Soundgarden show or two. I don't really even remember what I was pining for way back when and don't even wanna look at his list as my FOMO is at all time low where it probably should stay for the foreseeable future.
Sometimes looking at the size and scope of the mystery drive collection and for most the last few decades I could only get it piecemeal and figured I would probably die before I could get to it all.
Also never imagined I would have spending money, a girlfriend, a cat and my own place while not being shut up in my room. depressed all the time, all mostly in the last few years so perhaps re-orientation from lifestyle to at least hobby might be in order.
Or maybe now I can relax and rest easy knowing the work I was put on earth to do may be finally done. Nothing to be concerned about that in that statement, I am happy and I feel great but also don't have health insurance and haven't been to the doctor since 1992 so who knows what's really going on ... But I don't really worry about shit like that. Not with more important issues at hand like knowing that someone who passed away in France awhile back recorded Cheap Trick at Cannes 1984 and wondering if it's still possible to get my hands on that tape. Or where the Westwood One recorded Therapy? at the Roxy might be found.
Figure those out and maybe I will get that colonoscopy.
Cassette Master -> Untracked Aiff File -> Soundforge -> FLAC
(no setlist)