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Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: stonesmuziekfan ()
Date: December 21, 2012 23:13

This is the missing <C2C 020> They Sound Alright For Me
Ron Wood & Tottas Blues Band
Stockholm 4 May 1988

This CD is a direct copy from the mastertape

I have two sources that confirm this being the <C2C 020>

After reading my post at IORR a friend told me he has this Copy from the makers of C2C but wasn’t sure it realy was the missing number.

This is what my friend wrote to me (in German);
“Betreffend Coast To Coast label. Mit der Nummer 20 ist es sehr schwierig. Damals sollte Paris 1998 erscheinen, die wurde aber doch nicht produziert. Einige Jahre später hatte ich “C.K”. (einen der beiden von C2C) gefragt und er sagte die Nummer 20 wäre dann Ron Wood & Tottas Blues Band: They Sound Alright For Me (Stockholm 4.5.1988) geworden. Er hat mir auch eine CDR geschickt aber nie das artwork. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das stimmt oder ob er etwas durcheinander bekommen hat. Ich selber habe auch noch nie ein Bootleg mit diesem Titel gesehen”

Than “G” responded to my post at IORR and he wrote to me:
“Hi, I was the guy doing those C2C masters/remasters.
C2C 20 went something like this:
First it was going to be C.W. & Tentet - was deemed "not really suitable" by the rest of the guys.
Then it was going to be Bill's RK - that tape never made it to over here
I did do a C2C 20 master: it was R.W. & Tota's blues band, live in Stockholm, 04.06.88.*
Don't know if that ever got out on C2C... i still have the master

Well, these two stories tell me this copy from the master must be the missing <C2C 020> but never got out.

“G” did make small artworks, just for an idea how the finished artworks could look like, wich are included.

A funny thing;
While listening to this CD I hear Keith is introduced at It's All Over Now, but he is not credited in the artworks.
“G” tells me;
Keith wasn't there - someone in the audience had a Keith t-shirt and Woody spotted it…..
"G" also tells me he has done the DVD as well.

This CD was also posted by Keessie about 2 years ago. Don’t know about his source nor about that being a copy from a copy or whatever, but this one is the “real” <C2C 020>

here's the setlist:

01: intro
02: just like i tread you
03: that ain't your business
04: it's allover now
05: i live the life i love
06: double trouble
07: i can't be satisfied
08: medley
09: baby, what you want me to do
10: black limousine
11:that's the truth
12: honky tonk women
13: before they make me run
14: hip shake
15: outlaws


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-21 23:24 by stonesmuziekfan.

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: December 22, 2012 13:21

Thanks SMF for uploadin' this one that look very fine thumbs up


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-22 13:45 by Honestman.

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: December 22, 2012 15:03

Another Art for you if you want SMF winking smiley


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-22 15:07 by Honestman.

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: detroitken ()
Date: December 22, 2012 20:22

Thank You for this..

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: stonesvault ()
Date: December 23, 2012 09:45

Thanks for this wonderful artworks, but although this CD never came out by C2C ofcourse the primitive art is the "official one"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-23 09:50 by stonesvault.

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: TravellinMan ()
Date: December 23, 2012 22:08

Anyone else having problems with this file?
"Unfortunately the file you have requested cannot be downloaded at this time. Please contact us and let us know about this issue."

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: robbiebobbob ()
Date: December 23, 2012 23:16


Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: joguema ()
Date: December 25, 2012 12:54

Same problem here.

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: Rolling on ()
Date: December 25, 2012 12:57

Until filefactory is fine again you can grab this one here too


Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: TravellinMan ()
Date: December 25, 2012 18:39

Rolling on
Until filefactory is fine again you can grab this one here too


Thanks you Rolling on for the alternative posting. Happy holidays.

Re: Post C2C 20 They Sound Alright For Me
Posted by: Tommy Cosmo ()
Date: December 31, 2012 00:23

The true story is like this! I think it was may 5th 1988 and I tried to
make a recording of the Totta / Ron Wood gig in Stockholm
but something happened and my tape was blank! One and a half month
later I attended a Swedish midsummer party and met a now well known
Swedish Dj who told me that they have made a video recording of the show.
He made a direct transfer to a high quality vhs that I could borrow
for one night, I made a copy and was fine with that, Later that year
I lend the vhs to a member and really god friend from
Johnny Thunders band, and what happened! His videomachine screwed up
the tape, two years later after the Stones gigs in Gothenburg we
formed a band :-) Many years later I had a tight contact with C2C
and told them that maybee I can offer you a really nice Ronnie Wood
videotape that you can make a dvd off. I was lucky to borrow it again
and Yes! a friend of me made a digital copy of the tape. I send the tape
to the C2C guy in I think it was Germany not US. After a really
long time I was told that they will not make any more releases and
they send back the tape and a CD copy and a really bad VCR copy.
The sad story is that I had an accident In my garrage where I used
to store most of my bootleg collection,including the original Ron!Totta CD
But as I said a friend of me made digital transfer of the vhs!
And maybee some day it will see the light! B.T.W Woody himself got
a copy just before the Licks Tour! If you read this Matt Lee
and want a better copy than Ronnies for a proper relaese just
mail me and I talk with the guy with the digital transfer!

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