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MICK on David Letterman
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: July 19, 2008 08:44

Searching for the time Mick showed up in person on Letterman for about 2 minutes or something (anybody remember that little walk on?) I found this - Jerry Hall on the Letterman show and Mick ALSO on the show via Telephone... I kind of remember this. I believe the Japanese tour was part of his solo tour in the mid 80's.... Kind of Interesting......

Re: MICK on David Letterman
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: July 19, 2008 08:58

Thanks Helter
I never saw that before. What year that?

Re: MICK on David Letterman
Posted by: NeddieFlanders ()
Date: July 19, 2008 11:53

880209A 9th February 1988: US TV (NBC) ‘Late Night With Letterman’, New York.
- interview with Jerry Hall by David Letterman
- Jerry Hall phonecalls MJ at work (at S.I.R. Studios, New York)

Re: MICK on David Letterman
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: July 19, 2008 12:26

Did he slag Letterman the way he always does The Stones? That goes for Leno as well. I say if either of those guys were Mick's pinky toe they'd be someone!

Re: MICK on David Letterman
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 19, 2008 12:47

Can't stand the format of these U.S. chat shows myself, as in Carson/Leno & Letterman. In the U.K. we've now got our version of this crap (in my humble opinion - not necessarily a view shared by others of course) format, in the form of Jonathan Ross on Fridays. The bit that I object to is too much spotlight on the host and precious too little on the guest. If you're gonna interview someone, f***ing get on with it and interview them for heavens' sakes, don't stand there and drone on and on with largely meaningless (and all too often not even remotely humorous) drivel, written by armies of backstage scriptwriters ... before finally bringing on the interviewee for a scant ten minutes.

And in the case of Jonathan Ross, he's an absolutely appalling interviewer ... to add insult to injury. I will at least credit Leno/letterman with being able to conduct a decent interview when they put their minds to it.

Moan moan mutter mutter rant rage roar ............................... !!

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