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Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: Rialb ()
Date: September 8, 2007 05:46

It was 29 years ago today (September 7th, 1978) that the Who's
drummer Keith Moon died at age 32. Moon's death, which was ruled
accidental, was caused by an overdose of Heminevrin, a medication
prescribed to help alleviate alcohol withdrawals, mixed with alcohol.
According to police reports there were 32 pills found in Moon's
system, some of which were not yet dissolved. He died while staying
in Harry Nilsson's London apartment, which coincidentally was
where "Mama" Cass Elliott had died four years earlier. Moon was
survived by his daughter Mandy and his fiancee Annette Walter-Lax.
The night before his death, Moon and Walter-Lax, had attended a
preview of the movie The Buddy Holly Story thrown by Paul and Linda
McCartney, on the night before what would have been Holly's 42nd
birthday. According to most reports, Moon, who was drinking white
wine, was slightly subdued, in high spirits, and at no point seemed
drunk or inebriated in any way.

At the party after the screening he was photographed talking with
McCartney and his future Who replacement Kenney Jones.
According to Walter-Lax, Moon had originally not wanted to go out
that night in an effort to try to curb his drinking, but did snort a
small account of cocaine before leaving their apartment.
Prior to his death, the Who were debating forcing Moon out of the
band due to his debilitating alcoholism.
Shortly after Moon's death Townshend told the British press
that, "Keith's death is something that we expected for 20 years, but
when it happens you just can't take it in. I'm very upset. I've lost
a man I loved."
Apart from his acrobatic drumming, Moon has gone on to be remembered
as one of Britain's quickest wits and characters -- often adapting
new and off-beat personas for days on end.
Earlier this year, in his online autobiography, petetownshend-, Pete Townshend wrote about performing with Moon
during the Who's early days, recalling that, "Keith was an eccentric
player, and seemed to be showing off all the time, pointing his
sticks up in the air and leaning over the drums with his face thrust
forward as if to be nearer the front of stage. But he was loud and
strong. Slowly too we realized that his fluid style hid a real talent
for listening and following, rather than just laying down a beat."
Filming begins in January on the long-awaited Moon biopic, titled See
Me Feel Me: Keith Moon Naked For Your Pleasure.
The film, which is due out in 2009, is being spearheaded by Roger
Daltrey, who has been developing the project over the past decade,
with Mike Myers portraying the Moon at the request of Townshend and

Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: September 8, 2007 13:16

I remember when i first heard the news and how shocked i was. one of the great ones, but with such an eccentric personality that he doubly cannot be forgotten.

I was priviliged to see the full original Who twice in 1976 and am forever grateful. He was a zany maniac, but brilliant in his own keith moon eccentric way.

Take a look at the late 70s documentary "The Kids are Alright" and you will get an idea.

Love ya Moonie forever.


Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: Nikolai ()
Date: September 8, 2007 13:57

The greatest rock drummer ever.

Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: September 8, 2007 14:21

I remember going to the pub that night. The Kids Are Allright was playing on the duke box almost non stop. Strangely that was the day I sold my first drum kit.

Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: marquess ()
Date: September 8, 2007 14:26

In chronological order:

Brian Jones
Jim Morrison
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Keith Moon
Bon Scott
John Bohnam

Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: bluesinc. ()
Date: September 8, 2007 21:09

genius won´t last forever

Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: September 8, 2007 23:17

jagger50 Wrote:
> I remember going to the pub that night. The Kids
> Are Allright was playing on the duke box almost
> non stop. Strangely that was the day I sold my
> first drum kit.

strange you say that, just remembered something else about that day -- I bought Who Are You that same day, though it was deliberate - after I had heard the news. But I would have bought it anyway as I always buy all the Who albums except maybe some of the hits/compilations.


Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: September 8, 2007 23:30

I remember I was about half a mile from Disneyland when I heard the news. Kinda weird, I remember exactly where I was when Moon, Elvis and Bonzo died. (Driving thru Anaheim, driving thru Arcadia, and driving thru Sherman Oaks.) After Bonzo died I said "that's it, I'm getting rid of this car!"

Re: Keith Moon Died 29 Years Ago Today
Posted by: Phantom ()
Date: September 9, 2007 00:05

They call 32 pills in his system an accident!?

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