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Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 19:26

Apparently I am, you sit that sh*t out.... Don't worry about my investments cause EVERYTHING i'm involved in has incressed in value (but I'm very aware of what I'm involved in, unlike your hero's, I have no blood on my hands) but I'm smart enough to know when you lose your middle class it's the beginning of the end...Go spend some time in BRAZIL to see what I'm talking about....

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: harlito1969 ()
Date: March 2, 2007 19:33

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> OK, I'll be serious for a second. YOU TELL ME how
> one is suppose to Stay Healthy. The Richest man in
> the world will die from poor health one day....
> It's like saying "make sure it never rains in
> Hawaii" it's Nature, it's beyond our grasp, it's
> the way the planet operates. I've been very lucky
> with my health BUT, I might wake up with cancer
> tomorrow, I have friends who have - THINGS just
> happen in life, that's how it works.....

You can only try to stay as healthy as possible by eating right and getting enough exercise or activity. There are no guarantees. You are right, it is beyond our grasp. That was an excellent way of putting it.

One thing is for certain today - we need to take better care of each other. I am not sure that insurance is the way to do this. It seems like a way for many to sweep many underlying health problems under the table. Treat it but do not try and cure it. And by shouting out about health insurance coverage and a united healthcare system we do not seem to be addressing health issues only ways in which to live with bad health.

I am lucky in that I have insurance and I can still go to my longtime doctor at a reasonable rate. But even he is limited at what he can do because of the control insurance companies have over costs. At times dealing with insurance companies is like dealing with the gate keepers of hell - pure evil. It seems that peoples' health is not a priority to them, money is. So I really do not think expanding there control would be a good thing.

I wish I had the answer.

Nice talking with ya... its lunchtime so lets go have a beer.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: soundcheck ()
Date: March 2, 2007 19:44

whats classic,, is when someone complains about health insurance costs/hospital care etc and there smoking a cig........

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 19:47

A beer is a good idea. The way we do Health Insurance is simple, copy a system that works. The W.H.O. rates France at #1 (USA at #36 but #1 in costs) so we copy Frances system. That would mean the drug companies would have to cut their profits and start thinking more about the people and less about the profits of the insurance companies. Since I live in Paris part time I have a French Doctor. I will neveer go back to a 10 minute fast food drive through American Doctor. My Parisian Doctor spends half an hour with me (instead of 10 - 15 min) and charges HALF of what a US Doctor charges. Meds are Peanuts compared to US costs. What costs me $50 in France would be $200 - $250 here.... I've seen it all first hand and the USA system is a big rip off...Bon Appetit, I gotta get going too....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-03-02 19:49 by HelterSkelter.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: March 2, 2007 20:01

The USA has by far the best health care system. the french government PAYS and that has resulted in them being bankrupt.

By the way, 6 months wait list for an MRI, anyone?

Get the facts

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: March 2, 2007 20:12

George Soros also has a huge investment in Haliburton. The left wing bomb throwers don't seem to have any moral problem with spending those dollars though.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: March 2, 2007 20:17

Yep, he's all over haliburton too. Good point.

There is only one side>>their side.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: fiftyamp ()
Date: March 2, 2007 21:04

WalMart is trash. The products they sell are trash. Employees may enjoy working there, but it's because they're stupid. That's why they work at Walmart in the first place.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: March 2, 2007 21:13

fiftyamp Wrote:
Employees may enjoy working there, but
> it's because they're stupid. That's why they work
> at Walmart in the first place.

Wal-Mart does not need me to defend them but, they are one of the few places that encourage people with disabilities to apply for employment.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 21:29

aslecs Wrote:
> The USA has by far the best health care system.
> the french government PAYS and that has resulted
> in them being bankrupt.
> By the way, 6 months wait list for an MRI,
> anyone?
> Get the facts

Get the facts? I just told them to you DF. THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) rates every country's Health Care System. France comes in at #1 Year after Year and the latest rating for the USA has been around #36. I live in France part time, I have dozens of French friends who love their system. Half a year for an MRI? WTF are you talking about? You're a moron that knows nothing.The French Government isn't in Bankrupcy, you just can't walk around pulling your "facts" out of thin air..... (another brilliant know nothing American, my God....)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-03-02 21:44 by HelterSkelter.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: stonesfrk ()
Date: March 2, 2007 21:41

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> aslecs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The USA has by far the best health care system.
> > the french government PAYS and that has
> resulted
> > in them being bankrupt.
> >
> > By the way, 6 months wait list for an MRI,
> > anyone?
> >
> > Get the facts
> Get the facts? I just told them to you Retard. THE
> country's Health Care System. France comes in at
> #1 Year after Year and the latest rating for the
> USA has been around #36.I live in France part
> time, I have dozens of French friends who love
> their system. Half a year for an MRI? WTF are you
> talking about? You're an IDIOT that knows
> nothing.The French Government isn't in Bankrupcy,
> hey DMFer, you just can't walk around pulling your
> "facts" out of your ass. Go back and give GWB
> another head job effing moron.....(another
> brilliant know nothing American, my God....)

I hate to say it Skelter,i'm with you unfortunatly,and i'm american too. People like steven always make it political,and unfortunatly he's a staunch right wing fanatic. the unfortunate thing like steven and aselcs are these people are the ones that have never ventured farther then a 10 mile radius from there home in the United States,but they think they no it all,and unfortunatly they don't even have the slightest clue,it is truly a disgrace on there part.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: soundcheck ()
Date: March 2, 2007 21:45

..... this is getting interesting,, but im late for work,, im a walmart greeter .........

.... the only thing france ever had that was any good, was heroin forty years ago....

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: March 2, 2007 21:58

stoned_in_dc Wrote:
> The Sicilian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > That sweatshop thing in China, thats the
> Chinese
> > governments problem not mine.
> no. you are wrong. it is your problem. you may not
> wish to accept it but it is your problem. don't
> pass the buck. that person working in the
> sweatshop is producing something because of your
> demand. if you did not demand the product the
> person would not be producing it.
> now, if you want to say "i don't care about the
> person in the sweatshop.." thats different..but
> don't pass the buck.

I take no responsibility for the employment practices in China. There is no buck to pass. If a company wants move its manufacturing operations over to China its because they want to inflate their bottom line. They can't "compete" is the excuse were given. Well does this not sound like the consumer shopping for a lower price because we want to save money as well. Companies want to save money so do consumers. But blame the consumer not the company.

It is the government of China's responsibility to monitor and regulate its industries not mine. If they don't care why should I? Don't blame consumers, blame corporations and governments. They practice and allow it. And probably get kickbacks for it too.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:06

SooundCheck, let me fill you in on what France has that's good so you don't sound like one of those American genius' on the YouTube video found on the "Knowledge" thread:

Health Care in the World

Transportation systems in the world (TGV is the fastest train in the world - covers ALL of France and beyond), AIRBUS is right up there with BOEING. Sometimes it's first, sometimes it's second. Paris Metro is one of the top 3 subway systems in the world. Until recently the Supersonic Concorde crossed the Atlantic in a bit over 3 hours for DECADES. Air France is one of the best and biggest airlines that covers the globe.

Some of the Best Wine in the world

Food in the world. The food has much more flavor than the American Counterpart

Some of the Most beautiful cities in the world

Some of the most beautiful women in the world

Some of the best dressers/designers in the world

A much nicer life style (low crime, strict gun control, safe streets and cities)

One of the best educational systems in the world

AMERICA was once a great country but is now in massive decline and debt. That's enough, google the rest. I know my stuff MAYBE you right wingers should know yours. HS

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-03-02 22:08 by HelterSkelter.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:12

Maybe some Americans would be happier moving to France.

Maybe some posters here don't have the smarts to work at Walmart.

Obviously some people are incapable of making a logical argument without the use of personal attacks. Sadly the left often cannot make arguments based on logic or facts and result to name calling and demonizing those who do not share their views.

I suggest that if you want to spend $150 for $100 worth of merchandise you go to Walmart and just hand the $50 you save to the cashier rather than filtering through a socialistic government redistribution program that will simply waste the $50.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:19

I love Wal Mart!!! What is not to love? When I lived in Texas, it was great to see Wal Mart move to a smaller town nearby & then see all the small stores vanish. To see the family owned mom & pop stores go out of business until Wal Mart was the only game in town. Better yet...this meant the folks in town only had 1 place to work & 1 place to spend their money. They knew if Wal Mart left at that point...the town would vanish...another ghost town.

Better yet...I love how they only sell (97%) Chinese goods. We get to increase the trade deficit with a country that has slave labor...and one that owns much our debt...thus furthering China's "under my thumb" concept of the U.S.

Honestly, anyone who hates Wal-Mart must only have some love for the U.S. For the rest of us Wal-Mart lovers...keep up the good work...put family businesses out of business, strong arm suppliers until they are dependent on you, continue to support China at the cost of the U.S. and lastly, continue to keep the wages you pay VERY low and the benefits non-existent. If you hate the United Wal-Mart!

Seriously though...economies of scale is the fatal flaw of capitalism. Capitalism is a great way to start a country, but a poor way to run one. As Wal-Mart has basically creates a situation where there are a few big players who squash any new player...even a mom & pop shop. Then again...there are tons of Americans who wave the flag...but believe in policies that are totally anti-U.S. The U.S. is filled with enough of the traitors to one day destroy the strength of the U.S., and of course, they will then blame they do for everything.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:22

".... the only thing france ever had that was any good, was heroin forty years ago...."

Really soundcheck? So you are against their involvement in the American Revolution? really do hate the United States.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:31

Yep, without France's help we would never have broken away from England. These Right Wingers REALLY know their history. Also , the STATUE OF LIBERTY, probably the USA's most beautiful symbol was a gift from FRANCE to the USA.And look how they get treated today my some Unknowledgeable Americans - a damn SHAME (just jealousy I think)

Oh, STEVEN, Here, let me educate you,

One of the top Film Actors in the world , JOHNNY DEPP, chooses to live in France with his family.

One of the greatest performers in the world, MICK JAGGER, chooses to live in France

There's a lot more Actors and Artists that have choosen France and it's very easy to understand why.

You bitch about a scocialist Government pretending like the US Government works !! The French were smart enough to stay out of Iraq and save 1/2 a TRILLION dollars.

I'd rather have MY tax money spent on MY health care than the neocons war on oil control. But that's just me, a stupid idea to have MY money spent on ME.

And George Soros? What do I care what he does, has NOTHING to do with me....

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:36

HelterSkelter Wrote:

> The French were
> smart enough to stay out of Iraq and save 1/2 a
> TRILLION dollars.

As well as thousands of soldiers who were made believe to fight for their country on the other side of the world.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:41

Care to compare the unemployment rate in France vs. the US?

Care to compare the growth rate in France vs. the US?

France was stayed out of Iraq because they were stealing oil and food from their starving people (what this has to do with Walmart I don't know). Again, American haters simply cannot stay on topic. France is hardly a noble country and does little for anyone but themselves.

The Walmart issue is about unions, plain and simple. Notice how many union car makers in the US are closing plants and laying off people while the Japanese continue to open new non-union plants? The campaign of hate against Walmart is being driven by American unions to shore up their dwindling numbers because they outlived their usefulness and became counterproductive.

Again, those of you who feel guilty and want to pay more simple hand some extra money to the cashier. You will feel much better about yourself than if you gave them somebody else's money.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:44

and TENS OF THOUSANDS more that are permanently crippled, Blinded, disfigured, horribly brain damaged, turned into living vegetables.... one of the biggest mistakes in the history of America and the World..... and it just goes on like somethings gomnna change......just PURE HORROR

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:45

Steven Wrote:
> France is hardly a noble country and does
> little for anyone but themselves.

France has provided assistance here in New Orleans after the hurricane.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:50

American Car companies are going down because for a long time they made junk and lost a ton of customers (like me, I switched over to Honda , Acura, and BMW and NEVER looked back - my cars all ran/run beautifully, no problems, no surprises)

Hey STEVEN, how much time you spent in France?

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:56

The Japanese non-union car companies are doing fine. Toyota just announce a new SUV plant in Mississippi while Chrysler is going down the toilet. It is the unionized companies that make marketing decisions based on labor agreements and facility limiations that are in trouble.

Was your Honda built in a non-union plant in Ohio?

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: KSIE ()
Date: March 2, 2007 22:56

from the 9/6/05 Washington Post:

"Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers"

all this despite 126 of their stores being closed by the storm.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: March 2, 2007 23:01

Um, I have not said one nasty thing BUT lots of NASTY things being thrown my way.
Oh, that's right - if you disagree with a LIBERAL they do not like it. Boo hoo.

FACT: France is a coward country which from day 1 has been bailed out by the good old USA and UK. They work behind the scenes with the terrorists countries while throwing a smile our way.
SUGGESTION: If you ever shake Chirac's hand, count your fingers!

And you can keep johnny depp.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: March 2, 2007 23:02


Concrete help was refused by the USA at first, but on 2 September, Condoleezza Rice said that the US authorities would assess the situation and contact French authorities accordingly. On September 4, US authorities formally requested French assistance. France offered disaster relief stocks prepositioned in Martinique (600 tents, around 1000 beds, 60 electrogenic groups, 3 pumps, 3 water purification stations, 1000 folding jerricanes and other material). A 35-person team of the Sécurité civile (Civil defence) from Guadeloupe and Martinique is ready, and a 60-man "catastrophe intervention" aeromobile detachment could be ferried from mainland in a short time. The Ministry of Defence offers 2 planes already in the zone and 6 more from mainland France, and two ships of the French Navy (probably the BATRAL Francis Garnier or Champlain, and the frigate Ventôse) and a 20-person team of emergency medical specialists. The non-governmental organisation Télécoms sans frontières and the company Véolia environnement have offered aid in communications and water management, respectively. On September 7, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs stated that an Airbus Beluga from Toulouse with 12,7 tonnes of supplies is flying to Mobile, after a brief stop in the UK to load more food. 2 Casa airplanes from Martinique have landed in Little Rock, ferrying tents, covers and 1000 rations of food for 24 hours.

Thank you.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: stonesfrk ()
Date: March 2, 2007 23:04

aslecs Wrote:
> Um, I have not said one nasty thing BUT lots of
> NASTY things being thrown my way.
> Oh, that's right - if you disagree with a LIBERAL
> they do not like it. Boo hoo.
> FACT: France is a coward country which from day 1
> has been bailed out by the good old USA and UK.
> They work behind the scenes with the terrorists
> countries while throwing a smile our way.
> SUGGESTION: If you ever shake Chirac's hand, count
> your fingers!
> And you can keep johnny depp.

Well i would hope the US would help France! France only lent us the US the money to start this country!

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: March 2, 2007 23:06

"FACT: France is a coward country which from day 1 has been bailed out by the good old USA and UK. They work behind the scenes with the terrorists countries while throwing a smile our way.
SUGGESTION: If you ever shake Chirac's hand, count your fingers! " you hate all blacks too? Hispanics? Asians? To say "france is a coward country" is pretty much the same're a disgrace as a human being.

Back on topic: China...anti U.S.

Re: OT: Wal-Mart
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: March 2, 2007 23:16

And I quote..."you're a disgrace as a human being. "

Another nasty attack by a liberal..

Must be the kind that could give it out but couldn't take it.

Probably the kind who threw water ballons off the roof and then ran and hid.

Hee hee

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