Re: If Charlie Watts had to retire would the Stones continue?
Date: November 27, 2006 19:08
If health reasons were to force a retirement, that would be another matter.
But I don't see anything else prompting a retirement from Charlie just yet.
He admits himself that, although he often finds the prospect enviting, when Keith asks him what he's going to do instead, he hasn't a clue.
I think that I might have an inkling of what sometimes goes on in Charlie's mind because I think I'm a bit like him in some respects. I never want to do ANYTHING... but once persuaded, I always enjoy it.
I reckon Charlie's like that. Which is why his threats of retirement have never amounted to a hill of beans.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-11-27 19:09 by Spud.