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Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: keefkid ()
Date: October 18, 2006 03:58

seriously, this is maddening i cant even get on the site ... when did they start the contest anyone know??

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:01

Thanks, keefkid, good night honey.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: stone-relics ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:02

Best of luck to all...


Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Neil F ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:07

I got an e-mail at 6:58 PM Eastern Time (US). The contest lasts a week so you have time. I don't see how they can review what you write. If you click on terms and conditions it says no travel, airfare or accommodations included. No mention of how many also have to pick which date you want to go.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:35

People, come on...
It's a friggin' contest.

You can't win if you don't enter.
Lighten up and give it a try. If you live too far away, sorry.
Remind me not to bitch when the fan club has a contest to win tickets to Wembley!

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:39

Gazza Wrote:
> No way will airfare/hotel be included. No one
> would reasonably expect that!

Fine by me, I will walk to New York if I have to, and I live in San Francisco! JUst give me an f'ing ticket.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:41

I will win! I'm sure I have a .000002 % chance!

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: October 18, 2006 04:47

why should u b @ da Beacon ?
cause ive been shit shat shit on , all over dis town & ive been shidoobee down

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: October 18, 2006 05:06

ok well no travel, no probelm I will be there...but one entry per person? or one entry per active paid for memebership?

actaullu I bet that they do not have a filter on that catches multiple memberships belonging to same person. INteh past with rules like this each membership as stood alone.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: October 18, 2006 06:12

they did it for the toronto club warm-up gig - i entered and kept the phone by my bed that night, waiting to hear and drive 12 hours the next day - nothing, of course...

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest-LOL
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: October 18, 2006 06:29

good luck...too bad my hedge fund is down this month ...going to be a tough ticket......

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: October 18, 2006 07:07

i have bought 6 tickets (all thru tickemaster) I am registered on their web site, yet i got no email? why????

i just went to the web site and see no NEWS about the contest, are they hiding it from their own members?

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: JMoisica ()
Date: October 18, 2006 07:32

Is there any other way to get tix for this, besides the contest? (i.e. waiting on line for a ticket in NYC?)

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: October 18, 2006 07:57

I am having the same problem, HalfNanker, - how do you enter the contest if they haven't send you an e-mail? I have been to 12 shows of this tour so far and still have no e-mail....can you enter directly on if you sign in? If so how? any info appreciated...

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Date: October 18, 2006 08:18

Don't ya just LOVE how they TOY with you? Pull those puppet strings!

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: largelingerie ()
Date: October 18, 2006 08:22

You gotta believe in those snowballs chances in hell. Same with the ticket fairy.

I'll be walking from SF too.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 18, 2006 09:26

This ticket contest is made for people who live in or near New York City mainly. If you don't get that e-mail just use the link on the IORR News page.


Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 18, 2006 13:44

Gazza Wrote:
> you have to be available if and when they contact
> you on the 25th to tell you youve won
> who in the name of f**k can drop everything at 3-4
> days notice to fly to New York? what kind of shite
> is this?
> @#$%& wonderful. This is what you all paid $100
> for, folks. For the right to enter a lottery where
> - like a schoolkid - you have to write an essay
> (what if English isnt your first language? bet
> they never thought of that) and then if you win,
> youre only told about it a few days in advance and
> have to book the most expensive flights available
> Christ on a bike. If these worthless c**ts had
> brains, theyd be dangerous.

I fail to see what you're getting all steamed up about. This is about as fair a way of making these tickets potentially available to ALL. And if the price for that is "short notice" that yours is one of the lucky names picked, then the way I see it, that's a reasonable price to pay. You can ALWAYS get a flight. OK, it might not be a "super duper mega saver" fare the likes of which you can get if you book 50,000 light years in advance, but please do not suggest that these days, what with the high competition on trans-atlantic routes, you cannot get a vaguely "reasonable" fare at short notice. As for "dropping everything" ? I guess you're referring to time off work ? As a last resort if it's not possible to legitimately take time off work, do the next best thing ..... LIE !! Throw a sickie, make up a story about your granny pegging it or the dog getting flattened under a car or your children having been kidnapped or your wife having run off with the milkman or whatever ....... but LIE !! If you really really really wanna be there, you'll come up with right lie ! And as for New York hotels, they're expensive ? Yes, bloody right they are. They were 6 months ago, they are today, and you can bet your ass they will be in a further 6 months time. What else is new ? I hardly think that making these tickets available this "late in the day" and informing contest winnners a mere "handful of days" before showtime has got any consequences whatsoever for what you might end up paying for a night's accommodation in NYC. And as for this "essay" ........ they're looking for a one or two line quip from people in response to their question "why we should send YOU to the Beacon Theatre". Most folk would be able to come up with one or two lines in English, regardless of whether it's their first language or not. And anyway, you don't really think that are going to actually "read" the majority of these responses do you ? It's a bloody lottery draw plain and simple. That's it.

I think they're to be commended for this marketing strategy.

It levels the playing the field, makes tickets potentially accessible to a wide fanbase

To as great a degree as is humanly possible ...... makes it tricky for scalpers.

Ten out of ten to them, one of the FEW things they've done right in my opinion !!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-18 14:11 by paulywaul.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:00

you can't please everyone but they could have held this contest a month ago so to give everyone a chance. I won't enter just for fun now. Europeans or people outside NY are excluded.
(unless you know someone who will let you in :-( )

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:09

Harm Wrote:
> you can't please everyone but they could have held
> this contest a month ago so to give everyone a
> chance. I won't enter just for fun now. Europeans
> or people outside NY are excluded.
> (unless you know someone who will let you in :-( )

<<<<< Europeans or people outside NY are excluded. >>>>>

I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic. Why are Europeans or people outside NY excluded ? It's an internet/e-mail based contest. If you win a ticket, they inform you, you turn up, present ID, and you're in ? Where's the problem ? I agree about the relatively short notice - OK they COULD have held this contest a little earlier in the day. But otherwise, what's wrong with the the basic way they're marketing this show and these tickets ? Not much as far as I can see to be honest.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:12

Nobody is excluded. But it is a fact that any club show is easier to access if you are nearby. Box office, ticket sales, queuing and all of that. It helps a lot to be in or near NYC.


Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:14

i guess we'll see how much of a "lottery" it actually is,
when all the usual suspects get tickets.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:15

paulywaul Wrote:
> Harm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > you can't please everyone but they could have
> held
> > this contest a month ago so to give everyone a
> > chance. I won't enter just for fun now.
> Europeans
> > or people outside NY are excluded.
> > (unless you know someone who will let you in :-(
> )
> <<<<< Europeans or people outside NY are excluded.
> >>>>>
> I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic. Why are
> Europeans or people outside NY excluded ? It's an
> internet/e-mail based contest. If you win a
> ticket, they inform you, you turn up, present ID,
> and you're in ? Where's the problem ? I agree
> about the relatively short notice - OK they COULD
> have held this contest a little earlier in the
> day. But otherwise, what's wrong with the the
> basic way they're marketing this show and these
> tickets ? Not much as far as I can see to be
> honest.

I'm only talking about the (relatively?) short notice. You'll have to pay 1000 eur for a normally 450 eur flight. IF you get a flight. A bit crazy IMO

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:19

bv Wrote:
> Nobody is excluded. But it is a fact that any club
> show is easier to access if you are nearby. Box
> office, ticket sales, queuing and all of that. It
> helps a lot to be in or near NYC.

Bjornulf, what is your understanding here ? Is it that ALL of the tickets for these two shows (other than the ones already allocated to the Clinton crowd and Stones' families/friends) are available through this contest - or just a PROPORTION of them ?

I mean, if it's ALL of them, then really and truly, being in or near New York city isn't going to necessarily give you any great advantage over anyone else, would you not agree ? But obviously if SOME tickets will be able through other means, then yes I would have to agree - being on the spot would be helpful.

So do we know whether the contest is accounting for ALL of them - or only SOME ?

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:21

paulywaul Wrote:
> So do we know whether the contest is accounting
> for ALL of them - or only SOME ?

This is a question that should have been answered a month ago as well
(for non new yorkers)

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:23

Adrian-L Wrote:
> i guess we'll see how much of a "lottery" it
> actually is,
> when all the usual suspects get tickets.

I'm a highly suspicious character and quite happy to plead guily to anything you like ................. so does that qualify me ? Can I have my ticket now ....... o please o please o please kind sir ??

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:24

bv Wrote:
> Nobody is excluded. But it is a fact that any club
> show is easier to access if you are nearby. Box
> office, ticket sales, queuing and all of that. It
> helps a lot to be in or near NYC.

Bjornulf - on Licks, anyone could buy tickets for the European club shows when they went on sale some 6-9 months in advance. A system thats somewhat more fan-friendly, dont you agree? (of course, for the US Licks shows, you could only access presales if you lived in North America, but thats another discussion entirely)

Bit of a ludicrous concept to have a worldwide fan club where you have to pay $100 to access presales - and then come up with a system for distributing tickets for theatre shows which only benefit people who live nearby the location of the show.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:25

paulywaul Wrote:
> I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic. Why are
> Europeans or people outside NY excluded ? It's an
> internet/e-mail based contest. If you win a
> ticket, they inform you, you turn up, present ID,
> and you're in ? Where's the problem ? I agree
> about the relatively short notice - OK they COULD
> have held this contest a little earlier in the
> day. But otherwise, what's wrong with the the
> basic way they're marketing this show and these
> tickets ? Not much as far as I can see to be
> honest.

and of course the fact that you'll happen to be in the New York area at the time and wont have to concern yourself with booking a flight at 2 days notice should you win has nothing to do with your stance on this argument..LOL.... ;-)

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:31

paulywaul Wrote:
> I'm a highly suspicious character and quite happy
> to plead guily to anything you like
> ................. so does that qualify me ? Can I
> have my ticket now ....... o please o please o
> please kind sir ??

lol- no one's more cynical than me Pauly- i truly hope you get a ticket for the show, maybe you're get lucky- fingers are crossed for you.

When you see all the Beacon fan reports, post-gig- it'll be interesting to hear who "got lucky" through the ballot and who got in through "other means".

The lottery system will be shown to be what it is- a P.R instigated scam.

Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Posted by: Mr.Ed ()
Date: October 18, 2006 14:33

Will they ( include an airlineticket to NY when I win a Ticket for the Beacon show...............????

Ed (from Europe)

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