Re: Beacon Ticket Contest
Date: October 18, 2006 13:44
Gazza Wrote:
> you have to be available if and when they contact
> you on the 25th to tell you youve won
> who in the name of f**k can drop everything at 3-4
> days notice to fly to New York? what kind of shite
> is this?
> @#$%& wonderful. This is what you all paid $100
> for, folks. For the right to enter a lottery where
> - like a schoolkid - you have to write an essay
> (what if English isnt your first language? bet
> they never thought of that) and then if you win,
> youre only told about it a few days in advance and
> have to book the most expensive flights available
> Christ on a bike. If these worthless c**ts had
> brains, theyd be dangerous.
I fail to see what you're getting all steamed up about. This is about as fair a way of making these tickets potentially available to ALL. And if the price for that is "short notice" that yours is one of the lucky names picked, then the way I see it, that's a reasonable price to pay. You can ALWAYS get a flight. OK, it might not be a "super duper mega saver" fare the likes of which you can get if you book 50,000 light years in advance, but please do not suggest that these days, what with the high competition on trans-atlantic routes, you cannot get a vaguely "reasonable" fare at short notice. As for "dropping everything" ? I guess you're referring to time off work ? As a last resort if it's not possible to legitimately take time off work, do the next best thing ..... LIE !! Throw a sickie, make up a story about your granny pegging it or the dog getting flattened under a car or your children having been kidnapped or your wife having run off with the milkman or whatever ....... but LIE !! If you really really really wanna be there, you'll come up with right lie ! And as for New York hotels, they're expensive ? Yes, bloody right they are. They were 6 months ago, they are today, and you can bet your ass they will be in a further 6 months time. What else is new ? I hardly think that making these tickets available this "late in the day" and informing contest winnners a mere "handful of days" before showtime has got any consequences whatsoever for what you might end up paying for a night's accommodation in NYC. And as for this "essay" ........ they're looking for a one or two line quip from people in response to their question "why we should send YOU to the Beacon Theatre". Most folk would be able to come up with one or two lines in English, regardless of whether it's their first language or not. And anyway, you don't really think that are going to actually "read" the majority of these responses do you ? It's a bloody lottery draw plain and simple. That's it.
I think they're to be commended for this marketing strategy.
It levels the playing the field, makes tickets potentially accessible to a wide fanbase
To as great a degree as is humanly possible ...... makes it tricky for scalpers.
Ten out of ten to them, one of the FEW things they've done right in my opinion !!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-18 14:11 by paulywaul.