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Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: July 17, 2006 03:12

MononoM Wrote:
> all tickets should be the same as long ago... and
> the people who are queuing early should be at the
> front...

Well they are!!!.
You just have to pay €20 extra and let all the VIP $1400 package people get their spots 1st then you get what is left He He.

Be happy you still have a FOS area.
In the UK we are stuck with whole pitch seated this time : ((

Ok Licks Tour England was stuck with it but Scotland got standing : )) No FOS but SECC is a small venu so not worth to split up.

People are saying it is Safety reasons but it is not as other concerts in Scotland this year have standing on the pitch & in FOS.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 17, 2006 03:43

its not safety reasons at all

Every one of the UK venues has had standing on the pitch for other artists

Its an excuse to jack up prices - they did the same for the arena shows in the UK in 2003 when they made London and Manchester all seated (unlike the rest of Europe) , so now theyre chancing their arm at doing so for stadiums.

Absolutely no logic or law behind it at all.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Luke33 ()
Date: July 17, 2006 04:12

...and to think a while back on this site we were all arguing about whether the Stones were touring just for the money....

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: LolA ()
Date: July 17, 2006 06:37

Gazza Wrote:
they did the
> same for the arena shows in the UK in 2003 when
> they made London and Manchester all seated (unlike
> the rest of Europe)

I remember that. That was the 1st I heard about being seated at a rock show (naive me!). That's how I decided not to go. I couldn't get my head around the idea of having to sit where I'm told and stay there, to see the Stones play.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: July 17, 2006 10:17

dunhill Wrote:
> Wuudy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Personally i love the idea of tickets, You
> don't
> > have to wait in line all day anymore to have a
> > relaxed spot on the the pitch. Normally i
> waited
> > all day to have a place front row. When the FOS
> > area was filled you could leave the area and
> have
> > a drink or walk around the stadium a bit
> because
> > you get in the FOS area again and people were
> > saving your spot. This time i don't have to be
> > there so early and still have a place in the
> > area. Ok i won't be up front but i find
> > interesting enough to have a good total vieuw
> of
> > the stage instead of having to be up front.
> Actually in Milan last tuesday I enetered the
> venue at 08.15pm, 45 minutes before the band
> started, and still ended up in the first row!

Great!!!! I will be optimistic then for the Amsterdam concert!!!
hope you had a good show!


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: July 17, 2006 13:29

Indeed, I was surprised about the open space we had in the FOS area. I arrived at 20u45 in Ronnies FOS side. WHAT A SPACE! Better that ever before! Way to go!
Hope the next seven concerts are like this!

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Footloose Man ()
Date: July 17, 2006 20:41

Forgive me if this question has been answered before. I'm from the States going to Amsterdam and I have never had FOS tickets before. What time should I arrive at the Arena to get front row? I have Ronnie's side. It says G on the ticket. Is that the gate I go to? What time do they let you in the arena? Any information would help.


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: StonesAustria ()
Date: July 17, 2006 21:24

Seems to me that the B-Stage concept is ruining the FOS-concept on this tour. People have become accustomed to a B-Stage, say to some hot spot midfield in the middle of the show. Consequently everybody tries to get as close to the "catwalk" as possible, for that´s the area "the Stones come by". This time this movement towards the center of the field is strongly supported by the roll-out / roll-in songs. The band isn´t going quickly to the B-stage any more. It is playing! And it is moving slowly, cheering at the crowd!

Result is a very tight standing in the FOS area, even if you come early, and stay away from the main stage.

Do the girls still scream, when you perform on stage? KR: Not on stage, but when I perform, yeah.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: July 18, 2006 03:15

The stage seems higher than before. Can you see Charlie from the front rail, or is it better to be on the catwalk a few meters back?

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 18, 2006 06:33

If you have a ticket for Front Of Stage (FOR) then it means you are really in the first part of the field. No need to queue early. You may show up at 7pm and still be pretty close up within 10-15 meters i.e. 30-50 feet from the stage. If yo want to be 0-5 meters i.e. less than 15 feet from the stage then be outside the arena in the morning before 8am and ask around, as people queuing at every entrance will be able to help you out about entrances and what your ticket says. Amsterdam is known for having many energic fans spending all day queuing to be front row, so you will probably be among 100's of others by 9am or so in the morning. Mind you this is the only show in the Netherlands this summer, they do normally have five. There will be plenty of fans in the "front row" queue I am sure.


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: July 18, 2006 07:15

has anyone been in front row FOS during the 3 shows so far? just wondering if the stage is so high you can't see? in marseille '03, i was front row and could barely see...

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 18, 2006 07:45

The stage is very high. You don't see Charlie if you are first row. Depends how tall you are of course. And then you don't see Keith when he is with Charlie, which happens a lot. By the way there is not really any Keith side anymore. Many people do still go to Keith side to see Keith up close, but Keith spend 1/3 of the show with Charlie, then 1/3 more or less center stage and then a few songs a little bit here and there, but not so much between Mick and Darryl, which used to be his "old" spot.


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: mariannerl ()
Date: July 18, 2006 08:19

I was on both sides and it doesn't matter for me. On Ronnie's Site is more going on (my opinion). I hope that there is the small FOS Area like in Munich in all following concerts. Or is there the possibility that they build the large area like in Milan and Vienna in other cities?

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: SWojtek ()
Date: July 18, 2006 09:24

FOS in Berlin looks great & small.
See SAALPLAN at []


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: July 18, 2006 09:56

Oh well, I think I can't follow the discussion any more!? If I really understand some of you say it's all OK because the Stones have to make the big money and it's business? And because not all hard core fans can pay the high ticket prices they are loosers and don't belong to FOS? At least that's the quintessence to me of the discussion.

In former times that later named FOS section was as for what it was invented: a wave breaker. People coming early got wristbands while entering and they had a counter and just let that many people in without being packed. This is also a security issue because they have to have one (at least it prevents the pushing from far back till the stage). So at least mostly hard core fans made it's way to FOS because first come first serve was the rule and not money!

Later on they got the clue to sell these spots. In 2003 it was mostly OK. Mostly Stones fans knew that and bought FOS and the crowd was sloppy insight. No pushing etc.

Now in 2006 they seem to sell FOS as much as they can and afterwards they seem to claim the FOS area. In Munich you could watch a lot of people that were more yuppies then Stones fans. And I know some Stones fans who are not on the lucky side that stayed in normal Innenraum. They spent their money on the trip and often have no money left for food or other things.

One last thing: If it's really business and money rules than they should at least deliver for the money they take. For me they wasn't be able to deliver in Munich (all they could deliver where t-shirts made in Pakistan for 40Euro = 80 DM, for half the prize you'll get designer shirts. Yes: It's a money making business machine)

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: July 18, 2006 11:22

ron091 Wrote:
> As long as you keep saying "pardon" everyone
> usually lets you by, thinking you were already up
> there and just went out for a break!

except at a theater show - you have to make people remember you as you leave to go to the bathroom, in order to get back to your spot, you gotta know your neighbors, and even then they're resentful! let's hope we can practice this soon...

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 18, 2006 11:37

Of course it is big business. Otherwise it wouod be flat rate same price all over the venue and first come first served like in the past. Like we had at Ullevi Stadium Gothenburg. Very social. But time is changing. It's like buing wine. All sorts of prices, and if you can't afford any then you don't drink wine.

By the way I am not sure if it was a perfect way to do it to have all the fans staying at the gates in thousands, dehydrated in the sun, waiting to get a good spot, no drinks no food, wasting a full day's work, whatever that is worth for a normal worker these days, and so on. Old days fans were young and their time was like for a student cheap. Nowadays fans have regular jobs and loose money if they have to queue out all day and night to get a good spot. Also they risk their health when they at age 50+ are sprinting the football field at 5pm dehydrated, tired, aiming at a spot next to Keith, Ronnie or Mick, shoulder to shoulder with hundreds others for the same spot. Break a leg for the Stones!


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: July 18, 2006 17:16

Yes, big buniness, but we have the right to not agree with that!
It's perfectly ok to bring out in the open every thrick they use!

Concedo Nulli!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-18 17:16 by bartfrombrussels.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Gerda ()
Date: July 18, 2006 17:45

dunhill Wrote:
> I wanted to stay on Keith's side but the bouncers
> wouldn't let me through and forced me to go
> Ronnie's side and when I realized there was no way
> in the pitch to get to Keith's side I went back to
> the bouncers and had a major argument with them
> and they told me if I didn't go back to Ronnie's I
> could as well go home.

Did this happen to you in Milan or in Vienna?
I was FOS 2nd row Keith-side in Munich, Ron-side FOS in Vienna, I did not notice that there would have been problems of that kind in Vienna, but in Munich there were, but they lasted only for about 10 minutes, as far as I could see from the stage front. I think everybody with FOS Tix should be free to choose their place. I don´t believe that Ronnie´s side would ever be too "empty", while Keith´s side would burst with people. So this "rule" to fill up Ronnies side first (sounds funny) seems to be a bit of an exaggeration IMHO.
Let´s see what happens at the concerts to come, I have FOS for Berlin. Dubendorf and Porto.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Tekumseh ()
Date: July 18, 2006 17:53

So we that don't have FOS-tickets won't come between
the Stage and the b-stage at all?

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: July 18, 2006 21:54

Gerda Wrote:
> Did this happen to you in Milan or in Vienna?

It happened in Milan, me and friend of mine were ready to fight to get Keith's side.
I have FOS tickets for Paris and do really hope I won't be getting in the same kind of situation.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 18, 2006 22:04

In Milan it is very simple. You have to know where you enter. There is no connection between Keith side and Ronnie side once you are inside, not even before you enter the two FOS areas. It was the same on LICKS. I ended up at the entrance leading to Keith side, and I could not go to Ronnie side. So last week when I was outside San Siro for this show I watched the big boards with venue layour and entrances leading to Ronnie side, and I got it right. You simply have to do some planning. And to be honest, it is the same show whether you see it from Keith side or Ronnie side. Think about it from a security perspective. If everyone on either side should be able to move any side any time it would be a lot of extra work for the security people...


Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: July 18, 2006 22:15

bv Wrote:
> In Milan it is very simple. You have to know where
> you enter. There is no connection between Keith
> side and Ronnie side once you are inside, not even
> before you enter the two FOS areas. It was the
> same on LICKS. I ended up at the entrance leading
> to Keith side, and I could not go to Ronnie side.
> So last week when I was outside San Siro for this
> show I watched the big boards with venue layour
> and entrances leading to Ronnie side, and I got it
> right. You simply have to do some planning. And to
> be honest, it is the same show whether you see it
> from Keith side or Ronnie side. Think about it
> from a security perspective. If everyone on either
> side should be able to move any side any time it
> would be a lot of extra work for the security
> people...

Bjorulf, it is not true at all.
On Licks you could go from one side of the pitch to the other.
Of course you couldn't go from one side of the FOS area to the other as you did get different bracelets for each side, Ronnies' or Keith's.
I can tell you that because in 2003 I did enter from gate 47, Ronnie's side and went to Keith's FOS area.
This year instead I went straight to gate 13/14 and was told for FOS I shuld go to 46/47, Ron's side.
I did protest at first and then calmed down as I assumed the pitch would have a general area behind the FOS as in 2003 but when I bumped against the barriers of the B-Stage I realized I was trapped in Ronnie's side.
Got back to the bouncers who volontarily mislead me into thinking I could get to Keith's side from gate 46/47 and they were pretty harsh, as if they had been told to force people in Ronnie's side first, as if we were cattle.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: mariannerl ()
Date: July 18, 2006 23:54

In Milan they did stopp to let "new" people in Keith's side. Not only FOS, they even "closed" whole side (incl. general admission) for new FOS Ticket entrances. They told us to go to the other side (we were late). So we went to Ronnie's side, my friend wanted to go to Keith's side.. seh wanted to kill everybody. LOL. So we went to FOS Area and got the "armwrist".. did go out of stadium over to Keith's GA and got in FOS Area. Horrible.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-18 23:56 by mariannerl.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: Gerda ()
Date: July 19, 2006 16:31

Looks like you have a lot of hard work to do if you insist going to a certain FOS side!!

Maybe that is why "left" and "right" is printed on Amsterdam FOS Tickets from the beginning, this will hopefully avoid minimize confusion. To me it doesn´t matter, both sides are okay-I love Ronnie and I love Keith.

Re: Front Of Stage Europe 2006
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: July 22, 2006 19:11

In Germany you can chose!
A'dam and paris not!

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